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"Fuck, I'm so nervous," I mumble in the mirror, buttoning up my shirt as me and the guys got ready for the wedding.

"Why would you be nervous? You're not getting married, dumbass," Mac chuckles with furrowed eyebrows.

I take a deep breath, putting my tie around my neck, "Right, you're completely right."

He looks at me with a look of concern, whispering, "What's going on with you man?"

"I can't tell you, bro, just trust me," I respond in the same tone.

"Jesus Christ, you guys take longer than the girls," Liz says, bursting in the room.

"Aye, get out! I don't have my pants on yet," Scooter attempts to get her to leave. I mean he wasn't wrong, he really didn't have his pants on.

"No one's looking. We wouldn't want to get traumatized," She rolls her eyes, "You guys literally have five minutes, hurry up."

Everyone laughs as she leaves the room. Scooter stood there with his mouth ajar, probably thinking about how she could say something like that. Bullying him is so fun.

We spent the rest of our five minutes getting ready as fast as we possibly could. Once we were done, we stood outside of the double doors that lead up to the altar.

All of us stood in pairs, Demi and Scooter, Taylor and Doug, Courtney and Scott, Liz and Brian, Victoria and Mac, and finally, Alexa and I.

Each of us going one by one in our pairs up to the altar to take our places. I, unfortunately, was the best man since Dalton didn't have one. Or... any friends to begin with.

As Dalton walked into the room, small cheers followed him. I mentally boo'd him in my head.

"And where the hell was he last night?" Brian whispers, reading all of our thoughts as we watched him walk down the aisle.

I look at the girls' side to see Alexa already looking at me with furrowed eyebrows as she mouthed, "What's wrong?"

Shaking my head, I smile. I just gotta stay cool until it's my time to talk.

"Whatever you're about to do, I hope you're ready to tell her about you and you know who," Mac whispers to me with a nudge.

"Everything will happen in due timing, Malcolm. You need to be patient," I whisper back, deciding to look in the audience to see Joan, Nonna, Frankie, and Phil looking back at me with worry in their eyes.

There's no way they're feeling sorry for me right now.

"Watch this," I mouthed to them. As soon as I say that, the doors finally open and the music begins to play that iconic song we all know.

Ariana stood there in her white dress, looking as beautiful as ever. Tears then fall from my eyes for two reasons, one, she looks amazing, two, I'm gonna feel real shitty when this is all over.

I noticed no one was with her as she walked so I left from my position to walk her down the aisle the right way.

"What are you doing?" She whispers to me as we walk. A few other people sat there looking shocked as well, including Dalton.

"I couldn't let you walk down the aisle by yourself, Moonlight," I told her truthfully. She looks over with a sad smile.

"It should've been you, Jay," She mumbles, clutching my arm a little tighter.

"Everything happens for a reason my love. Whatever happens, will happen. All I'll say is, I'm sorry in advance," I tell her as we get closer to the altar.

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