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"I hate to see you two go so soon. It feels like we didn't get to spend any time together," Joan frowns, pulling her daughter into her embrace.

"We'll come back soon, I promise," I responded as it was now my turn to hug the woman.

Joan frowns a little as she looks at me. I had huge bags under my eyes from the lack of sleep these last three days.

Between Ariana and I's argument and Mac overdosing, everything was starting to become very overwhelming for me.

The greatest news of all had to have been when Mac ended up surviving everything. Needless to say, I still couldn't shake the feeling I had. The feeling that everything was about to get ten times worse.

"Promise me you won't let this small argument affect your decisions," Joan said softly. I nodded before pulling away.

We said our last goodbyes and got in the car. Ariana in the passenger's seat and me in the driver's seat.

Throughout our entire ride, we spoke no more than five words to each other.

I knew it was bothering her more and more each day that passed, but she still continued to respect my boundaries as I did the same.

Like I told her, we'll speak once she's ready to finally be honest with me.

I feel that we have too many secrets in our relationship and it's killing me knowing that I wasn't there for her during her hardest times.

But then again, she wasn't there for mine either.

I placed the car in park as we pulled into the driveway of the house Ariana and I shared.

Neither one of us made any moves, nor did we say any words. We simply sat in silence and I was perfectly fine with that. Ariana on the other hand,  hated it.

"Please say something," She whispered so softly that I almost didn't hear her.

Rolling my eyes, I stepped out of the car to retrieve our things without saying a single word to her.


Later that night, I was out in the living room, watching a movie by myself.

To make things easier for us, I decided to take everything I needed for that night and the next morning and make my bed on the couch.

Of course Ariana was in protest of this and suggested that I stay with her, but I couldn't bring myself to stick around.

I just found it weird how after all this time we've known each other, she's constantly kept secrets from me. Big ones at that.

Well, now it was starting to drive me crazy and I didn't like it.

"I'm going to the studio," Ariana had said to me which caused me to pause my movie and look at my phone to check the time.

"It's almost midnight Ari," I told her to which she had shrugged her shoulders.

"Good. I'll be occupied all night then," She grabbed her car keys, "At least I don't have to be in the same house as someone who doesn't want anything to do with me."

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