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"Jayce?" I woke up when I heard a familiar voice whispering my name.

I hummed, too tired to fully open my eyes as I felt the bed dip next to me and arms wrap around my waist.

"I waited hours for you to come back only to find out you're sleeping in here," She softly kissed my jaw as she spoke, "I wish I could tell you why I've been so heartless towards you. But, even if I did, it wouldn't fully excuse everything."

"So you decided to finally tell me..." I trailed off, opening an eye to look at the time, " three thirty in the morning Ariana?"

"It was the calmest way to do it because I knew you wouldn't argue with me when you're half asleep," She whispers, laying her head on my chest, "I'm really sorry and I wish I could tell you, but... I'm not ready yet."

I internally rolled my eyes, not because I didn't believe her, but simply out of frustration, "Whenever you're ready, we can talk but until then, I kinda don't wanna be around you."

"Baby you can't blame me for being this way—" She starts but I quickly stop her.

"And I'm not Ari, but that doesn't mean I'm not hurt and slightly frustrated by your actions," I told her truthfully.

I look over to see her holding back tears, "So, you don't want me here with you?"

"You can stay if you want Ariana, I'm not gonna kick you out. I just mean in the future, I don't wanna be around unless you're ready to talk," I sigh.

I slowly started to feel her retract her arms from my waist as she turned away from me, "Oh okay, goodnight then."

I knew she was upset, but there was nothing I could really do. She made her bed, now she had to lay in it.

Sometimes she really has a hard time dealing with shit head on, so she resorts to taking things out on other people instead of just talking to someone.

So, ignoring her childish behavior until she gets some sense knocked into her is the only thing I could seem to think of at the time. Seems like it's working too.

The next morning I woke up with a heavy mind. Ariana was still asleep so I decided that I would go downstairs and make everyone breakfast.

"Last time I checked, you couldn't cook," Nonna teased as she snuck up behind me.

"It's just perks of being with Ariana. The last two years, she's been teaching me how to cook little by little," I said, smiling at the memories before I started to frown.

"She'll come back around, Jay," She pauses, giving me a sympathetic smile as she noticed my frown getting bigger, "It'll be okay. She'll realize sooner or later that she made a mistake."

A small tear falls down my face, "I just got her back and now everything is going to shit already."

"Did you even talk to her about how you're feeling?" She questions, deciding to help me get breakfast ready.

"Yeah, last night she told me that she was being cold because of certain things she couldn't talk to me about," I sighed, "I just hope it's not too bad. Malcolm already told me a little and by the looks of it, it's not good."

She lets out a breath of her own, "You don't know the half of it, sweetheart."


After breakfast, I decided to pack up all my things and relocate to my old house with Phil and Mac.

I just felt like Ariana and I needed a lot of space like she suggested, so that's what I'm doing, giving her space.

Swiftly packing up my things, I quickly headed out the door before anyone could see me. Surely I would get calls later in the evening asking where I was, but at the moment, I didn't wanna face anyone.

"What's going on kid? You're supposed to be spending time with your girl," Phil questioned as I sat at the dinner table with him as he drank his morning coffee.

"We had a fight. I'm staying away, probably for the rest of the week, unless she can get her shit together," I responded pretty harshly as I was still hurting inside.

"I hope she comes to her senses soon. I hate seeing you like this," He said softly.

"Like what?" I questioned with an eyebrow raised.

"Like you have no will to live anymore. It's quite depressing," He told me.

"Thanks, that was really motivating for me," I said sarcastically.

"Sure," He lets out a big smile, "Anytime buddy."

"Hey, where's Mac? I haven't seen him all morning," I ask with curiosity laced in my voice.

Phil furrows his thick eyebrows, "Hm... that's weird. He should be up by now."

"I'll go check on him," I said, standing up from my seat and heading over to Mac's room. I knocked pretty softly, only to get no reply.

Assuming he was asleep, I knocked aggressively this time, "Wake the fuck up man, it's almost noon.

Still receiving no reply, I jiggled his doorknob to find it unlocked and Mac laying in his bed, sound asleep.

I walk over to him, shaking him gently, "Wake the fuck up, dude.

He still didn't wake up. So I tried to shake him more harshly this time, turning him over slightly to see foam leaving his mouth. Oh fuck.

"Phil, call the ambulance! Mac overdosed again," I called out as I desperately tried to wake the younger boy, "Come on man, don't do this shit to me."

Before I knew it, paramedics had arrived and I had to make a choice whether or not I wanted to ride with Malcolm or Phil.

I sat in the back of the ambulance as I watched the paramedics try to revive him, but no matter how hard they tried, it seemed like all hope was lost.



A/N: Wow, y'all still read this shit?? Thanks to everyone still sticking around. Anyway, hope y'all enjoyed the double update. More chapters are coming soon, I promise.

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