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"Look who survived after all," Ariana smiles as she enters the hospital room... alone?

"Where's Lauren?" I furrow my eyebrows. I didn't see the brunette come in.

"That's what you're thinking about right now?" She scoffs, "I came here for you too, Jay."

"Don't you have a boyfriend to get to?" I look out of the window that happened to be in my room, not giving Ariana the time of day.

"Jayce, I love you," She breathes out as if a huge weight was lifted off her chest, "I always have and I always will but we both know a relationship won't work out. That's why I never told you."

I look over at her in disbelief, "Ariana, get the fuck out."

"You don't mean that," She says in almost a whisper. I give her silence in return. She sighs and turns to leave, leaving me to my thoughts.

"Is Ariana okay? She just left your room crying," Lauren enters, seeing the shocked expression on my face, "Don't tell me you're dying, asshole."

"No, I'm not dying. More like she kinda dropped a huge bomb on me," I shake my head to get rid of my thoughts.

"Let me guess, she told you she loved you but she couldn't be with you," She raises an eyebrow.

"How the fuck did you know that?" It was then that my mouth opened from shock for the second time today.

"While we were waiting, I asked her what her problem with me was. She broke down and told me everything from there," She looks almost disappointed but with a hint of relief.

"I'm sorry, I never knew she was gonna do that. I swear to god there's nothing go—" She cuts me off by raising her hand.

"Jayce, it's okay," She looks conflicted, "I know what you're gonna say but we gotta break up."

I close my eyes for a brief moment, hoping that this whole thing was just a stupid dream, "Why?"

"You're in love with her, Jay. I can't make you feel the way she does. It's better to end it here so more problems don't come up in the future," She sighs.

"If I say okay, you're not gonna disappear from me right," She smiles and shakes her head, "Guess we moved back down to friends."

"It's for the best. For both of us," She pulls up a chair to the bed, "I enjoyed dating you for twenty four hours, it was pretty intense and fun at the same time."

We sat there and talked for hours until the doctor came in and told me I could be discharged. We both left more content than before as I drove her home and then to my house.

I know what you're thinking. No, I shouldn't be driving right now but honestly, who cares? It wasn't that bad of a shot.

Truthfully, I was disappointed about what happened but then again, it probably was for the best. I couldn't ignore my constant feelings for Ariana despite her not wanting to give us a try.

And despite that constant pang in my chest as I replayed her words over and over, I realized she was right and completely entitled to think that way about me.

I wasn't right for her. I'm a gangbanger, a troublemaker who has no real plans after high school. Hell, graduation is tomorrow and I still have no plans.

I never thought I would be here if I had to be completely honest. I never thought I would be graduating. But you know as they say, all good things must come to an end at some point. That point for me is tomorrow.

When I got home, I immediately began to pack my stuff so I could be ready to leave tomorrow, making sure Joan wasn't here to see me come in. If she did, I would never hear the end of it.

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