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Two months later...

"Baby, wake up," I hear early the next morning as I felt light kisses being placed all over my face.

I open one of my eyes to look at the clock beside me before shutting my eyes again, "It's too early, one more hour."

Ariana huffs, "You've been asleep the whole time though..."

Almost out of instinct, my eyes crack open again, "Well, whose fault is that? Last time I checked, it was you who wanted to stay in the studio until three in the morning."

"You told me to finish what I was doing," She mumbles, shrugging her shoulders.

I roll my eyes, turning away from the younger girl, hoping she would let me sleep. Instead, she continues to bother me by calling out my name.

Starting to get annoyed with the constant name calling, I stood up from the bed, groaning as I stretched out my limbs, "You know, for someone who hates being yelled at, you sure know how to piss people the fuck off."

"Or maybe it's because you're a hothead," She mumbles once again. It was so quiet that I almost didn't hear her, "The fuck you say?"

I walk to the bathroom with Ariana following close behind me. She wraps her arms around my waist as I brush my teeth, "You know it's true, baby."

"No it's not," I pout slightly before spitting any remaining toothpaste left in my mouth, "Do you have to stand behind me while I do this?"

She nods quickly, "How else are we gonna spend time together?"

"Maybe by doing normal couple things," She gives me a look through the mirror, "It was just a suggestion, jesus."

"If you don't love me then say that," She backs away from me, crossing her arms.

I smile in amusement, placing my toothbrush back in its original place, "Sometimes I wish I knew what goes on in your tiny brain."

Her jaw drops as well as her arms, "Oh wow, fuck you." She walks away from me completely. I don't even go to follow her because just a few seconds later, she pops her head back in the doorway. "Wanna watch a movie?"

I nod and she grabs my hand to pull me downstairs into the living room where she, unsurprisingly, already had Netflix pulled up.

"Pick a movie," Is all she says as she leaves me to go to the kitchen, most likely getting snacks.

"Oh my god..." She drags out as she approaches the couch I was sitting on, a bag of chips in hand, "I love this fucking movie."

"Guess I got lucky picking it huh?" She climbs in my lap, laying her head on my chest as I wrap my arms around her. I kiss the top of her head, earning a content sigh in return.

"Mhm, now play the movie," She whines impatiently. I chuckle at her antics before pressing play as the movie began.


We were halfway through the movie when my girlfriend's phone started ringing.

I look over at Ariana as her phone constantly went off, a notification popping up every two minutes, "You got hoes or something?"

She lets out a small giggle, slowly sitting up from her spot on my chest and grabbing her phone. I pause the movie.

"Fuck," She mumbled, typing quickly on her phone.

I furrow my brows at her sudden change in attitude, "Hey, what's going on?"

She looks up at me from her phone, anxiously biting her lip before looking back at her phone and turning it off with a heavy sigh.

"I uh—I released my album tonight," She told me, placing her phone back where it was just a few minutes ago.

"Isn't that good news?" She hesitantly nods her head, "Then why are you freaking out...?"

"Because I kinda... forgot?" Ari runs her hands along her face in frustration, "I'm scared to see their reactions."

"Is the song you showed me that one day gonna be on it?" She nods, "Well, in that case, everyone will love it."

"You're just saying that to make me feel better," She pouts, leaning back into me and grabbing my arms to wrap them around her waist.

"Oh really? Then play it for me and we'll listen to it together," I suggest to which she immediately shakes her head in protest, "Why not?"

"That's embarrassing," She says softly, grabbing the remote, "Come on, let's watch the movie."

I roll my eyes at the change of subject but nonetheless, let it go, "Why do you like this movie so much anyway?"

"It has Jim Carrey in it, duh!" She scoffs and presses play on the movie once again.

"That can't be the only reason," I say as I pulled her impossibly closer to me.

"Well, no, but I do love Jim Carrey," She takes a moment before continuing, "Honestly, I just love the idea of it. The fact that you could forget someone that hurt you. One day, I should make an album based on it."

"And I would love to hear it as well as anything else you come up with," I kiss her cheek and put my attention back on the movie. Well... that was until my phone ringed.

"Please turn that shit off," Ariana groans. I chuckle and gently remove her from my lap before standing up.

"I'll be back," I told her as I started to walk away, but she quickly pulled me back in to place a chaste kiss on my lips.

I walked away and into our bedroom, answering the phone that happened to be still ringing, "Hello?"

"Oh my god," The person breathes out frantically over the phone, "I'm so glad you answered."

I furrow my brows in confusion, "Might I ask who this is?"

"Oh! I'm so sorry, I'm all over the place right now. This is one of Mac's friends," She rambles.

"Is everything alright? You sound very upset," I question. This whole situation was starting to give me a headache. The line goes quiet, "You still there?"

"Yeah, sorry," She sniffs, "Just a little in shock. U-Uh are you sitting down right now? If not, you might want to."

I let out a nervous laugh, but still decide to follow her instructions. I was freaking the fuck out internally, "Is something wrong?"

She lets out another heavy breath but this one was shakier than the last, "It's about Mac."


A/N: When I said time this week, I wasn't talking the next day but... here we are lol. Anyways, is anyone sad that this book is about to end?

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