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Three years later...

"Shit, how many was that?" I hang from the pull-up bar outside of the yard.

"Probably like fifty," This dude named Kendrick shrugs. I playfully roll my eyes at his response.

"You wasn't counting?" I ask him with a laugh, dropping down.

"I kinda got bored once you hit twenty-five to be honest," He chuckles, "Run it back, I'ma count for real this time."

"Nah, fuck you, I'm done working out with you man," I flip him off. He puts his hands up in defense.

I dap him up, telling him I'll see him later and go into the main building.

"If it isn't the birthday girl," Another inmate, Reggie, approaches me, "I owe you some birthday licks."

"Hell fucking nah brother, you hit like a truck. A Ford F-150 to be exact," I joke to which he laughs.

"Oh come on, don't be a pussy Jay," He lightly punches my arm, teasing me a little, "I ain't gone hit you that hard."

"Man, leave that girl alone. She's right, you do hit like a truck," One of Reggie's friends, Dante says.

"Oh fuck off Dante," Reggie lightly slaps him in the head, "What you wanna do for your birthday?"

"Damn, I don't even know. I'm finna go call my girl in a few minutes though," I tell him. He smirks at me mentioning my girlfriend.

"Woah, you're still with that girl? What's her name, Alexa right?" He asks me to which I nod.

"Yeah I was surprised she stayed with me too. Considering me being in here for three fucking years, I thought she would've given up by now," I say, smiling at the thought of the brown haired girl.

"Well shit, you better go call her right now then," He tells me to which I nod. I dap up both him and Dante before walking off to the phones.

I punch in her number and wait for her to accept the call. Once she does, I hear her voice, "Guess whose birthday it is!"

"Lemme think... Jesus Christ himself?" I joke, inciting a giggle from her.

"Oh my god, you get on my nerves," I can almost hear her rolling her eyes through the phone.

"You told me to guess so I did. Don't hate the player," I shrug, knowing she couldn't see me.

"Fuck you for being right all the time," She says. The line gets quiet before she talks again, "When are you coming home?"

I let out a deep breath. She's been asking me this every day for the past week I swear, "You're so impatient."

"And you know I'm gonna keep asking so just answer the question dumbass," She playfully snaps making me roll my eyes.

"It's probably gonna be any day now. I'm hoping and praying it's today though," I told her.

"Maybe it might be, you never know," She says in a weird tone.

"Do you know something I don't?" I chuckle but stop once she becomes quiet, "Why did you stop talking?"

"I'll talk to you later, okay?" She says but hangs up before I could even respond. That was... weird.

I shake off the awkward conversation, walking to my cell and sitting on my bunk which happened to be one at the bottom.

I spent the next thirty minutes or so doing whatever with my time before an officer came in the pod.

"Garcia," He calls out to me from the front where the door was, "Pack your shit, you're leaving."

I immediately jump up from the news, watching as everyone looked at me with huge smiles on their faces. I was getting out. Today.

Multiple people lined up in groups outside of my door. One coming after another one leaves, all dapping me up and wishing me a safe trip or giving me a birthday wish.

Finally, I get down to the last three people I had the most interaction with throughout these three years.

"Our baby is leaving us, get me a tissue Reg," Dante fake wipes his tears.

"Did you forget where we were? There are no fucking tissues," Reggie says sarcastically with a playful eye roll.

"Way to kill the moment man," Dante shakes his head.

"I'm just being real motherfucker, you can't really blame me," Reggie shrugs.

"How does it feel to be leaving Jay?" Kendrick asks me to which I smile, thinking about all the things I was gonna do once I got out.

"Well first I'm gonna leave while my black ass still can," They laugh in unison at my joke, "Then I'm gonna go see my girl and then my best friend and her family."

"Sounds like you're gonna have hella fun," Reggie smiles, "Don't forget about us, aight?"

"I could never do that," I pause, "In fact, lemme give you all my number so y'all can call me whenever."

I gave my number to each and every one of them, packing my things up swiftly in the process.

After I said my goodbyes and finished gathering all my stuff, I dapped all of them up as we left the cell.

Everyone watched with smiles as I left. Some even with tears in their eyes.

I go through the whole process to get out, getting my clothes and my belongings before leaving to find a familiar car sitting outside. No fucking way.

"You know, you could've just told me I was getting out today instead of hanging up on my ass," I said to Alexa through the crack of her window.

"Just shut the fuck up and get in the car so we can get out of this shithole," She playfully rolls her eyes with a grin, unlocking the door for me as I step inside.

I throw my hands up in defense while she drives off, "I'm just saying, it was kind of a dickhead move."

We made light conversation as she drove all the way to my house which I still shared with Phil and Malcolm. She goes inside with me and I'm immediately greeted with a 'welcome home' banner and all of my closest family and friends.

"Welcome home Jay!" They all say in unison.

"Did y'all forget it was my birthday or could you not fit that on the banner?" I joke to which they all roll their eyes, "Hey, I'm just saying."

"You're always 'just saying' something babe. Maybe you should just stop talking," Alexa teases, nudging my shoulder.

I greet everyone and give them all hugs as they wished me a happy birthday.

"Never thought I would see you again," Ariana approached me, bringing me into a tight hug.

"Yes you did asshole," I shake my head, pulling away from her to get a good look at her.

She hasn't changed one bit, although her hair color slightly did. She was now rocking blonde highlights with her brown hair.

"Oh, before I forget, this is my fiancé, Dalton," She introduces me to a tall, skinny looking, white dude with surprisingly great fucking teeth. Wait—Did she just say fiancé?


A/N: We're officially on Part Two, how we feeling?? I might update again sometime this weekend, stay tuned.

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