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"I might have to come over here more often," Lauren says as she struggles to catch her breath. I pull out of her and lay in the bed beside her.

"What makes you say that?" I smirk, knowing exactly why. She rolls her eyes, laying her head on my chest.

"You can't dick someone down like that and expect them not to wanna come back," She puts a hand on my stomach, caressing the skin below her fingertips.

"I mean I was told my dick game was pretty mediocre," I shrug. She sits up to look at me with furrowed eyebrows.

"Bitch, no you haven't. You're such a liar that it's actually hilarious," I take her head and smash our lips together before pulling away, "If you kiss me like that again, I will literally fall in love with you."

"I don't see what's stopping you," I take the leftover blunt from the ashtray on my nightstand along with a lighter and spark it, exhaling the smoke from my mouth.

She takes the blunt from me, taking a puff of her own, "You have a huge ego."

"A huge dick too, don't forget that part," She passes the blunt back to me, "But seriously, it's not an ego. It's just confidence."

"You think you're so funny huh?" She crosses her arms with an amused grin.

"I prefer the term hilarious like you said," I take one more long drag from the blunt before passing it back to Lauren.

She lets out a small giggle, taking the blunt from my hands, "You're really not like anyone else I've met."

"Yeah because I'm actually funny," I shrug once again, "And my dick is huge."

"How many times are you gonna say that?" She smiles, passing the now roach back to me. I take it and decide to finish it off, putting the remains in the ashtray and pulling Lauren closer to me.

"Don't pretend like you don't agree with me," I kiss the top of her forehead as she snuggles into my neck, leaving light kisses on the skin below.

"I'm going to sleep you asshole," She rolls her eyes once more before closing them. I take the opportunity to play in her hair as she eases into my touch, shortly falling asleep in my arms.

"Jayce, you're fucking stinking up the whole damn house with that shit. You're not even suppose to have th—holy shit," Ariana barges in the room, surprisingly not waking Lauren up, "Did you guys fuck?"

"You know the answer to that Ari," I say almost in a whisper, "Get out before you wake her up dude."

She gives me a weird look, a look I can't decipher, "We're talking about this later."

"Oh great, can't wait for that," I give her a sarcastic smile as she turns to walk out of the door, slamming it in the process. This bitch here.

"Did someone come in?" Lauren questions me in a mumble.

"Yeah, but don't worry about it though, just get some sleep, love," I continue to play in her hair, watching as she falls asleep for the second time.


"All I'm saying is, stop barging in my room because you can. It's inconsiderate," I say to the smaller brunette. We were currently in the kitchen as I watch as she made food for herself while I sat at the island.

"And all I'm saying is lock your door," She shrugs.

"Why do you hate her so much?" I say just above a whisper. She looks back at me with wide eyes.

"What makes you think that?" She furrows her eyebrows.

"I saw the way you looked at her. Not to mention what you said the other day," I smirk as I watch her face drop.

"Don't—Don't you have something to do?" She quickly continues what she's doing, ignoring my wandering stare.

"I'm grounded, remember?" I raise one of my eyebrows. She rolls her eyes.

She takes a deep breath before speaking, "You break the rules regardless, Jay. It's only Wednesday."

"I can't just ignore the people who needs shit from me," Now it's my turn to shrug.

"What are you, Batman? I didn't realize you started saving Gotham," She turns off the stove and prepares her plate, giving me a sarcastic smile.

"Oh fuck off," I stand up from my seat and head towards my room.

"Might wanna get rid of the marijuana smell before Mom comes home!" She shouts after me with a giggle.

I get to my room and choose to open the window to air out the smell, closing my bedroom door behind me.

Picking up my phone from the nightstand, I realize I missed a call from Lauren thirty minutes ago.

She picks up the phone after two rings, a confused tone laced in her voice, "Hello?"

"Do you not remember calling me?" I chuckle at her confusion.

"Yeah," She lets out a small giggle, "I forgot I even called you earlier, my bad."

"What's up? You missed me or something?" I smirk, knowing she couldn't see me.

"I hate your ego sometimes," I can hear her sarcasm through the phone, "Yes Jayce, I missed you."

"Oh, so you're admitting it?" I lay down on my bed, putting the phone low on speaker, "I'm kicking my feet right now."

"No you're not, Jay," I can hear the eye roll through the phone, "I swear you get on my nerves."

"You're the one who wanted to call me, love," I reminded her. She sighs on the other end.

"Don't remind me, I'm starting to regret it," She says sarcastically. Or at least I think it was.

"Are you sure? I'm pretty entertaining," I have a wide grin on my face. Talking to her gives me extreme comfort. Maybe it's just her voice. Or maybe it's because I li—I'm gonna stop myself there actually.

"If I was a five year old, you probably would be," I scoff in disbelief, "I'm kidding babe, you make me laugh every time."

"Babe? I kinda like that," My grin becomes a little wider at the pet name.

She pauses for a moment, a little hesitant in saying her next sentence, "You mind if I come over tonight?"

"You just left my house London, why would you possibly want to come back?" I raise an eyebrow at her question.

"I really miss being around you, you make me happy," She takes a long deep breath, "I might be falling for you, Jayce. I know it's been three days but you really leave a big impression on someone."

My smile drops but slowly comes back the more and more I listen to her, "Let me know when you get here."


A/N: Another filler, hope you guys enjoyed. Might do a double update.

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