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"She's gonna come back man. You can't just sit here and be a party pooper all night," Malcolm says to me as I sat on the couch in the back of the room.

I had just dropped off Ariana an hour ago and I was waiting on her text so I could call her. To say I was upset would be a little bit of an understatement. I've been sitting on this couch since I got here.

"Please don't ever call me a party pooper ever again," I let out the first laugh of the night.

"Well dude, you gotta do something. You got all these girls looking at you like a piece of meat," He grabs a rolling tray from the coffee table and pulls out a half ounce bag of weed along with a blunt wrap.

"So you're gonna try to get me high so I'll at least look at them or something," I give him an amused smile as he shrugs, rolling up his first blunt.

"I at least want you to talk to Alexa over there," He says, pointing at this Mexican chick who's been staring at me the whole night. I tried to avoid her eyes but somehow I'm still captivated by them.

"I see you trying not to look. Let's smoke this blunt, get some drinks and go talk to her, aight?" He sparks the blunt, takes a puff and passes it to me.

"Too late man, she's already making her way over here, hide the weed," I joke, taking the blunt from Mac's hands. Sure enough, she was making her way over here and fast.

"Why you keep trying to avoid eye contact with me?" The girl smirks, sitting on the couch in between me and Mac, "You could've came to talk to me so I didn't have to do it."

I hum, taking a puff from the blunt and blowing the smoke out of my mouth, "Buddy over here actually suggested I did that after I finished this."

"That's too bad isn't it?" A smirk still prominent on her lips as she talks, "I'm already here."

I take one more hit and offer the blunt to the girl to which she takes. Mac gives me a 'what the fuck' look for passing the blunt to some random chick, "Don't give me that shit, you probably got like thirteen grams left in that bag."

He shrugs knowing I'm right, "I'm a fiend, what can I say."

"You just like drugs Mac, you don't gotta front," I tease as the girl takes her second drag and hands him back the blunt.

"I got some to match if there's a problem," She pulls out her own bag of weed. It was probably like five grams in it.

"Nah shorty you all good, I just like being a dick sometimes," He shrugs, taking another drag from the blunt.

I scoff and mumble under my breath, hoping he couldn't hear, "At least he's being honest for once."

Mac gives me a look with a shit eating grin, "You're a bigger asshole than me motherfucker. You didn't even wanna talk to her."

"I don't know who she is, bitch!" I exclaim, looking at the girl, "No offense."

"None taken," She giggles, "You could get to know me though."

I scratch the back of my neck nervously, "We'll see how the night goes. I'm kinda hung up on someone right now."

"Bad break up?" She asks as Mac passes the blunt to me.

"Nah, I never dated her," I let out a small sigh, "It's a pretty complicated situation."

"Not to mention you got shot yesterday," Mac mumbles. I give him a look to which he puts his hands up in defense, "I'm just saying man, it's kinda crazy you're here after something like that."

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