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did i really went too far ?? Should I give him a chance,
and I won't be ruined if i give him chance, and everyone deserves a chance at least... You were totally in your thoughts battling with them..
But seeing no response from you his last hope crushed and he turned around to go back to study room thinking that you still not understand his meaning of words...
"Where are you going??? You suddenly made him halt on his steps as you stood up from bed and he looked with you his confused eyes...
"Aren't you going to say something to me??? demanded
"It means!!! He said
" It means I am ready to listen to you!! You mumbled and hearing you he showed some amused reaction..but again put a serious facade...
"Hey, if you don't want, then you don't have to force yourself, I will understand ...he replied
"What the swollow the incoherent words as you totally irritate with his behaviour...and Why not when you didn't want to listen his explanation he makes so fuss and now you finally ready to hear now he again making fuss...

"Listen Mr, If you think all this is a joke, then I am telling you that i am not in a joking mood at all. If you want to explain then do it, if you don't want to then don't, because I will no longer be here to listen to useless nonsense. Because I am feeling sleepy, I am going to sleep in my other room. So bye ...Saying this you started to walk out of the room when Taehyung stopped you by holding your hand.

"Hey, you get angry so easily, can't you ever stay calm? He said with calmness and you scoffed
"I want to live like that but some one doesn't want to let me live like taunted

"Okay, i understand, i am apologising you again...he begged you...

"Okay so start!! Whatever you wanna say I am listening... You tapped your foot on floor being impatient one...
"What?? He replied at most shock..
And you rolled your eyes...
"So you don't want to!! You said
"Hey, i mean to say can we not talk here and outside the home I mean it's kinda u know...
"Where?? You curtly replied cutting his crap
"How about the backside garden.....
"Let's go" you again didn't give him a chance and walk towards the backside garden area without waiting for him...
"Is she really that yn??? She looked totally different.... Taehyung looked at your walking figure...
"Did you change your mind?? You turned around when you didn't feel his footsteps...
"No... I ... didn't " he replied
"So why are you standing there come said and again started walking...
"Hey, you go i coming in a few minutes, he told you...
"Whatever!! But come fast !!! You spat ...
"Ahh, she is such a scary when she is an angry...he placed his hand in his heart dramatically ..

Few minutes later

You were both sitting on the benches which is placed in the garden. offcourse maintaining good distance
"Speak!! You crossed your arm over chest while looking at him,
"Yaah, why are you so impatient?? Can't you show little patience!! He spat firmly being frustrated by your behaviour...
"You don't deserve my patience!! And for your kind information we sitting here for past last ten minutes still you didn't told me what you wanted to say to me!!! You answered him in his tone..

'ahh, yn, you should understand man's problems!! They are not like women, that they share everything with everyone, we kind ...of need time to make proper sentence so we cannot hurt anyone sentiments...and made them understand our point ....he explained you like professional one ...

"What do you mean by we women share everything with everyone???oh hello, If you don't know about women then don't talk bullshit about us...we only share our things with our trusted and loved person, and one more thing you said men need time to make proper sentence so they cannot hurt anyone??? Really, because i didn't think so!! You wriggle your eyebrow at him indirectly reminding him of that night when his words hurts you.... And Taehyung gave you eyeroll and you scoffed
"Now are you going to speak or not?? You said
"Actually before saying anything I want to give you something!! he scratched his head..

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