part :31

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Is soohyung fall asleep?? Taehyung asked as soon as you returned your shared bedroom after spending half hour with your baby...
Yes, he is, , you replied genuinely and walked past his standing figure to slide down into your side of bed and Taehyung did the same...

Yn?? Are you already sleeping?? Taehyung about to say something but stopped when he saw you tucking your half body under the blanket indicates that you feel sleepy...
"Yeah!! Is there something you want to say?? You asked seeing his face like he wanted to say something to you and he looked little nervous..

"You didn't read your book like you read every night!!! Taehyung muttered as he know your daily night habits...

" So you just want to ask this?? You asked him while raising your eyebrows but nonetheless answer him..."I didn't cause I feel little tired and a bit sleepy!!

But if you wanna say something I am all ears!! You assure the awaiting male who didn't lay down on bed but sit while resting his back on head board...
" Yes, actually It's about "jiihye" Taehyung sudden brought the topic about his friend made you little jolted but you turned your side facing Taehyung as you plopped your self on your arm..

"Okay spill, i am said to him..
"Yn, Do you feel bad because I asked Jii to stay here for a few days? He nervously told you as if he did something big crime !!

"Why are you asking this?? As expected you frown hearing him

"It's just i want to know!! He didn't lock eyes with you wich is very rare cause it's your thing to do..

"Oppa, you did the right thing by stopping her here, and if I am your place I will do the same, so you don't have to feel anything about that, anyway we already discussed about this matter in living room, so why are you so stressed ?? You told him , and your words finally relaxed him and he lifted his head away from his hands to just look at your form,
"I am not stressed, but I was worried that you might be upset " Taehyung muttered while his voice soft...
Why would be i upset?? And you let out a cute laughter hearing his assumption.. and genuinely you didn't have any problem with his friend..
"That's relief then" Taehyung lips curved in to big smile, as you didn't upset with his decision

"So now can we sleep?? You softly yawned in between speaking and Taehyung chuckle seeing you struggling to keep your eyes from closing...

"Yea, we should and the way your eyes blinking more than usual I can see you're too tired, he told you and you nodd and stretched your hands
Reaching for the extra pillow as you had a habit of sleeping while hugging something ,
But stop in a midway when his gruff voice resonted through your ear...

"Let it be there, you don't need it today " cause i don't have any extra work today, so I am gonna sleep here with you ,
Really!! You couldn't control your amused reaction to yourself and let out infront of the sitting male..
"He let out hummed sound with his classy nod!!
"come here, he spread his arms for you and gesture you, "we can cuddle if you want, !! I meant to say you look too tired and I can be a....
you didn't let him complete his sentence, And you slowly scooted towards him and he smiled seeing your baby act but took you in his arms and you snuggles into him more making his smile more widened,

because you really want it, and you didn't want to miss the heavenly chance..
After two days of separation with him because of his late night work you really missed his embrace, in a two months you're kind of habituated to his embrace as if your safest place in whole world and if you said the truth, you literally forget every tension when you put your head in his arms... that's how soothing his embrace if your safest place in whole world and if you said the truth, you literally forget every tension when you put your head in his arms... that's how soothing his embrace is..

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