part :37

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You don't know how much time you stand still gawking at the male who literally made you lose your working senses just by his presence.

you were totally stunned when you saw the man in front of you had no expression As He was just looking right at you with his eyes locked onto yours. And you can definitely feel the intensity behind those pairs of dark orbs which are hiding the biggest storm, you felt like time slowed down, and you couldn't move or say anything that much you were petrified. Your heart was pounding so loud, and it felt like you were in a silent room with just your thoughts racing.

You felt a mix of shock and panic bubbling up inside you, making it hard to breathe. Your mind was all over the place, trying to figure out what was happening. "How did he even get here? Why was he with your husband? The room felt heavy, like something big was about to happen.

Each moment felt like it lasted forever as you tried to understand what was going on. The man's eyes felt like they were seeing right through you, making you feel exposed and scared. Your hands were shaking a bit from the fear that was gripping you.

"Yn ...yn... taehyung called out your name, and you came out from your fear land and let out the hummed sound to respond to the male because you literally feel there is no voice inside you.....

Ah, so let me introduce you to him, so, yn meet my brother kim jungkook " taehyung introduced the other male while patting his shoulder and you racked your eyes back at the male with almost shock and disbelief......
"kim j.. jungkook??.. isn't he jeon..?? being confused and looking back at the standing male whose face remains blank since he witnessed you...

And after realising what you just heard, you felt your heart skip a beat. Your eyes widened, and your breath caught in your throat as you locked eyes with the man standing before you. It was your past love jungkook, the one who had once held your heart in his hands. Who now turned out to be your brother in law...

"Y..your brother..?? How ca..can..he ?? Isn't your brother's name jung hoon...Your words stumbled out like jumbled as you couldn't decipher what actually taehyung just said and how can he be his brother out of sudden when he told you his brother's name is jung hoon, yes, taehyung told you about his brother 3 months ago when he made you speechless by his intimate act by the very night, the following night After that hug he told you why he felt so downcast and why he is so messed up , though he missed jisoo was the little thing but the big reason was his brother..
because taehyung told you that, 9 years ago, his brother left the Kim mansion due to some misunderstanding and since then taehyung and grandma tried to find his wear about but they every time failed....

Meanwhile after hearing taehyung's statment you really prayed for taehyung's brother to comeback as you didn't want to see upset the male not knowing that his brother is none other then but your ex boyfriend....

In that moment, it felt as if the ground beneath your feet had vanished, leaving you suspended in a whirlwind of emotions. Memories flooded back, both beautiful and painful, intertwining with the present reality. You felt as if someone had attacked you with a dagger each shared moment with that man piercing through the armor you had carefully built around your self.

Your mind raced, trying to process the unexpected revelation. Confusion, fear, and vulnerability consumed you, How could fate be so cruel as to bring your past and present crashing together in such a devastating way? You struggled to find your footing, desperately searching for a way to navigate this unexpected labyrinth of emotions.

Every word spoken, every gesture he made, felt like a test of your composure. You fought to maintain a composed facade, masking the turmoil raging within you r. But inside, your heart pounded, your hands trembled, and your thoughts spiraled in a chaotic dance.

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