part: 36

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As the days went by, you started feeling stronger bit by bit, which allowed you to start walking on your own.. The little scratches on your forehead served as reminders of the tough times you had faced. Your husband, Taehyung, was like your rock during your recovery, always there to support you and care for you.

Taehyung never left your side, not even for a moment. His presence was like a warm blanket, making sure you never felt alone in facing any challenges. He took care of everything, from making sure you ate on time to reminding you to take your medicine regularly.

One of the most heartwarming moments was when Taehyung helped you with tasks that required a lot of trust and vulnerability, like assisting you in the shower and helping you change clothes. Even though it felt a bit awkward and embarrassing at first, his actions showed how much he loved and cared for you. Every time he helped you, he closed his eyes to respect your privacy, making you appreciate him even more.

Amidst this you didn't forget to notice Jihye's absence at the Kim villa, you couldn't help but bring up the topic with Taehyung The very next morning,
But his straightforward answer startled you. Taehyung revealed that he had asked Jihye to leave the previous night and made it clear that he didn't want her name mentioned in the house again. His firm stance on the matter left no room for discussion, and you obediently lowered your head in agreement, acknowledging that she had brought this upon herself. Though you felt Little pity on her ...

Other than this Everything is going well too good .....

4 months later....

"Ynaah,... give me the phone or delete those damn photos!! Taehyung said almost huffing while running behind you as you were also running from him to save the the amazing funny bunch of pictures you clicked when taehyung wasn't aware....

"I won't, oppa, if you want to delete then snatch this phone from me , you giggled and told the man while running away and you immediately enter in Soohyung room because he is the only one who can save you from your husband and sort of you also know taehyung wouldn't dare to do any mischievous thing in front of his son.....

"I said give me that fone!! You bratt!! He told you again
.."I won't, oppa, catch me if you can!! You challenge him while running...

"Oh, so you're in mood to bug me !! Wrong move baby!! He mumbled while chasing you as he also finally entered soohyung's room and dangerous but playful smirk appear on his face when he witnessed you
And otherside you mentally face palmed because you were now stuck as soohyung wasn't present in the room...

"O..oppa.. you know I was just kidding earlier! Hah haha!! You let out nervous laugh as you feel trapped and saw Taehyung dangerously making slow steps towards your direction......

"Yes, I know, very well sweetheart, and that's why I am going to give you a beautiful reward, "he told you with a mocking smile and your face got paled hearing him "because when he used reward and punishment word " there is definitely something terrible cooking in his head.....

So you thought no matter what getting out of this room is the best thing you could do at this time ,and running towards the living room is the best solution you could thought, where he wasn't able to do any of his tactics because in the living room mrs oh definitely present there and she will definitely save you from him...and you thought to adapt this idea and as expected you run towards the door direction but somehow you couldn't able to reach the door because taehyung almost grabbed you by your waist pulling you towards him in blink of an eye making you gasped for breath....

"Caught you baby!! He rasped near your ear in lower voice albeit mockingly and you flapped your limbs in his embrace but he again caught you off-guard when he put your half of the body on his shoulder while making his way towards bed and in next second he threw you on the fluffy bed not so gently and before you process more he hover over you in no time so you won't escape from his cage.....

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