part: 38

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."If that's the case, then forgive me too, he just said and before you could react, he engulfed you in a desperate kiss, leaving you shocked and wide-eyed. Your heart dropped, and a wave of numbness washed over you at his sudden bold move. ... But he didn't stop there, he kissed you more hard and roughly which you can't even imagine in your wildest dreams
and in a few seconds you found your back collided with the wooden door  again,
Slowly His touch grew more intense as his lips moving fervently against yours, as if he was pouring out all the love he had held back during the two years of separation. Each kiss felt like a confession of his longing and passion, leaving you dizzy with a shock and guilt...
Between heated breaths, he whispered, "I missed you so much yn. I couldn't hold back anymore." I really can't see you with someone, yn, i really just can't....he murmured his voice equally sounds broken....and saying this he again smashed his lips on you...
Meanwhile you just numb , you were just like a mannequin not understanding what is actually happening with you, did he really kissing you, or it's just your worst nightmare...
When Jungkook's lips met yours again, a storm of emotions brewed inside you. It felt like a whirlwind of guilt and self-hatred crashing down on you. You couldn't believe how wrong it all felt, like a heavy weight pressing on your chest.
In that moment, you couldn't help but feel like the worst person in the world. The self-loathing was so strong, it was like a dark cloud looming over your every thought. You knew all around that this wasn't right, this is not right at all , this is not what you really want, you didn't want to be kissed by him, you didn't want to be touch by any other man except your husband taehyung...but here are you witnessing something totally opposite....

As Jungkook's kiss lingered, you battled with yourself. The struggle was real, like a raging war within your heart. The realization hit you hard – that the line had been crossed, and there was no going back. The pain of that truth was like a sharp knife twisting in your gut.

You couldn't shake off the feeling of regret and disappointment in yourself. It was like a constant ache in your soul, a reminder of your own mistakes. The tears that fell were not just tears of sadness, but tears of self-condemnation..

In that charged moment, time seemed to stand still as you grappled with the intensity of his feelings and the flood of your own emotions. The world around you faded into the background, leaving only the echo of his heartbeat mingling with yours. But that's not what you want, you never want this...

But amidst the rush of emotions you hit hard with realisation when suddenly taehyung smiling face came before your eyes causing a wave of guilt crashed over you. You realized that the man kissing you wasn't  really your husband, it wasn't your taehyung, and the love you held for your spouse weighed heavily on your heart. The sense of betrayal gnawed at you, intensifying your inner turmoil.

"Jun.. jungkook, stop, that's not right, you finally murmured pushing him away by putting your hand on his chest..
As before you drew in more guilt you gathered shattered courage and tried to push Jungkook away, but he didn't budge in inches away from his place, his determination matching the intensity of his affection. Your breathing grew labored, a mix of panic and confusion clouding your mind as his kisses persisted refusing to let go of the moment.
"Jungkook, please push your palms on his chest again and little forcefully as you cry out because whatever is happening with you..
"I didn't want this, Jungkook," your voice shaking with fear and sadness, your plea for him to stop failing on deaf ears.
"Please, stop.. please jun.." you begged, feeling desperate, but Jungkook just kept kissing you, not wanting to let go of your tende flesh  pair of lips....
"Just one last time ,ynaah, just one last time, ..he broke the kiss and murmure on your lips..and again claim your lips for another heated kiss, you didn't even know how many times you kissed by this man, whom you didn't have any feelings...and you don't even know why you are trapped in situation like this...why you are kissed by him when you didn't even like it at first place.... Maybe you want to lessen your guilt towards jungkook, but that's is not the right way ?? Right?? Because if you're lessening your guilt by letting Jungkook kiss you so you indirectly gained more guilt towards taehyung by betraying him with jungkook...

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