part : 32

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Three days later

Taehyung and Jihye went for work together as expected cause she staying here. You busy yourself with your household chores, Mrs Oh and Suhyung. But somethings which was irking you to core your heart is the changing behaviour of jihye,

Jihye took your dining seat as her for the past days, as she always sat next to Taehyung during breakfast and dinner , Whenever you tried to sit next to Taehyung, suddenly Jihye would come out of nowhere and sit next to him. Although you had no problem but you felt a little strange, you felt a little empty.

There were many other things that were eating you from the inside. She even didn't let talk soohyung with Taehyung, and sometimes you felt that Jihye behaving strangely with you, like whenever Taehyung was around she would talk to you very nicely, she paid attention on your words But when he is not around, she ignores you and you can say she doesn't pay attention to what you say and what you do in short she didn't care, sometimes she behaves oddly rude with you, but after that she apologized using her work excuse which you gladly try to didn't pay attention on it , though you were not able to get this thing out of your mind but still you diverted all your attention on your little one as you planned to send him elementary school after one month, cause you already checked the rolling admission dates for selected school,You have already taught him all the basic as you used to teach him every day and he learn everything so easily...

And you have searched all the good schools for him wich ranked top in terms of your preferences and selected one of the 5 best school for him and now only you need Taehyung's opinion and approval on you already done your side work, and only after getting his opinion you will start the admission process...

You were lazing on your bed after you tucked the soohyung on his bed, as today you just don't feel like to reading at all,
And you don't know why but you just feel like sulking when taehyung still didn't enter in room, so you searched something watchable on Netflix but still your mind didn't divert..
"Where the hell he is?? How much he time taking to come in room??? You sulk even more witnessing his no traces of coming in room after spending good one hour for nothing.. genrally he always inform you if he had late night work so you wouldn't awake for him all night as he clearly know your habit for waiting him....but today he didn't said anything and also not come in room yet so you feel little odd .

"I should checking him up atleast, if he working then i won't disturb him!! You deside as you tired continuously waiting for him as you feel emptiness without him, so finally putting all thoughts aside you dragged yourself out of your room to finally see the man you inwardly miss..

Tae!! This design is pretty good, then what i have to do in,!! Jihye point out the paper wich she holding ..
"What?? taehyung shifted from his place to scoot near jihye as she was sit left side to him, cause they both working together on some office related work..

"Oh,!! You don't have to work on it, soobin already done it!! Taehyung answered her and back away and went back to his previous spots...

"Ohh !!I must say soobin is also really good at designs, if it's better you hired him for designing work not for secretary...jihye suggested as she was highly impressed by soobin's design...and Taehyung affirmed without hesitation...

"You're right, but he still need some serious hard work in this field, Taehyung replied without averting his eyes away from his laptop screen, he looks so engrossed in his work and for time jihye drop her work just to admire taehyung how handsome he looks even while working..

"Tae??? Jihye called him and he let out hmmm sound still working on his laptop

"Are you happy with yn?? She asked out of blue and finally able to successfully gaining the very male attention..

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