part: 7

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After completing your work you stretched your arms and went to your room . wearing suitable outfit you left the room you walk to the kitchen where jisoo made lunch for Taehyung. You grabbed the lunch box and without delay you left from the house and reach parking lot where driver already waiting for you .you walked to the driver and told him that you want to go Taehyung's office in response he nodd and he try opened the back door for you but you stopped him and said i will do it by myself whe giving polite smile to driver ( he is middle age man and you didn't like to giving orders..)

By the way this is your Today's outfit

After 15 minutes ride you reach Taehyung's company .after getting out from the car you about to went in the company the middle aged man (driver) spoke "maidam " do you need any help ??he politely asked you . You needed his help because you didn't know anyone here But you didn't want to trouble him, so you politely refused him and said, no uncle, I will manage myself. In response he said "ok daughter You do your job, I'll wait for you in the parking lot But again you refused him because you didn't know how long it would take here and he just smiled and left from there and you straight went inside his company..and the company is it's huge

After entering inside you went to receptionist
First she asked you " how can I help you mam??in response you asked her "can I meet mr. Kim Taehyung??
"Do you have any appointment with she asked politely
"No "actually i didn't have any appointment with him
"Sorry mam without appointment you can't meet him she said with apologetic look on her face and you nod in gentle manner because you know she is doing her job

"Now what should I do?? should I call eonnie Your thoughts interrupt when someone called you by your name

Hey "are you jung y/n ?? He said while coming towards your direction
And your eyes went towards the guy. he is in early twenties and he is Hella handsome
He has "doe" like eyes like Jungkook has . They're big and brown. He has double eyelids but they cut off at the end. He has dimples and black hair. His lips also form sort of a heart.
He has a strong Cupid's bow and the corners of his lips curve up into a smile. and when he smiles he has "macaroon eyes". His nose is fairly high and has a rounded top as well. And the most attracted thing on him is his bunny smile wich resembles jungkook that's why you staring him and you didn't know how long you stare him. That he is just little distance away from you. that's when he spoke
"am i that handsome that you can't take eyes away from me, he said while giving his flirtious smile and you came out from your thought and replied
"Yes you're indeed handsome but can't compare to my man you said with big smirk on your face..

"Woah i am impress , he said and you rolled your eyes and replied the younger male "if you done impressed by me can you tell me who are you? And how you know my name?? you crossed your arms and asked him

Well my name is "Choi soobin" and i am's personal assistant And how did I know about you, then the reason is Jisoo noona . She told me that her sister will come here ..but I didn't know that noona's sister will be so young and so hot.?? Last word he murmured to enough only hear him.He said while eyeing head to toe ...

You didn't reply his question and again retorted "If you're done checking me up .so shall we go to Mr.Kim's office? Your reply made him speechless and he nervously Start scratching his back of neck and said in low voice showing elevator "this side come please" he gestured you to go first and without saying anything you walked towards elevator and And he follows you like a puppy
And he murmured " she is hot but I didn't know that she can just burn person by her savageness...

You both enterd in elevator and after he pressed 15th floor button .there was a awkward silence between you both in the elevator. "What is your age?? He suddenly spoke and politeness clearly visible on his voice
"Why do you want to know?? You replied fiercely making his mouth shut he doesn't know What to speak to you because you were behaving very rude and you don't know why you behaving with him rudely but you realised your fault and said " i am sorry I shouldn't behave rude with you" after hearing his face lighten up and he said " no it's okay " and he added by the way i am 20 years old "he said while putting his hair bangs back wich is covering his forehead "i am 21years old " you replied

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