~1 - just a normal day~

386 11 26

3rd person POV:

"bye Dream im gonna see Error, be back at 6PM !" a voice shouted at a specific skeleton, who was wearing his favorite shirt, while drinking tea. The voice belonged to Ink, who was best friends with Dream. Dream was in a 'war' with his brother, it was about positive and negative feelings. But they made a truce, so their teams didn't have to fight anymore, so instead, everyone became friends.

Ink was really good friends with Error, even tho Error called him a frienemy. The others also got along well. Except for Nightmare, who cared about Dream a bit, but he spent most of his time doing paperwork, or hanging out with Killer, his most loyal team member.

Actually, having the truce had alot of benefits. The team star sanses could visit Nightmare's castle anytime they wanted, so they could spend time with their friends.

In the star sanses team, there was: Ink, Blue, Lust and Dream.

In the bad sanses gang, they had: Nightmare, Killer, Dust, Horror and Error.

But back to the story.

Dream nodded as Ink opened a portal to the bad guys base and disappeared. Dream was trying to read a book that Nightmare lent him, so he could get 'smarter' as Nightmare said.

Suddenly, his phone started ringing. Dream answered the call, only to hear the happy loud voice of his friend, Blue. "Hi Dream!! Would you like to go to the zoo with me, Lust, Horror and Dusty!?" Blue squeaked. Dream giggled, but declined the offer. "Heheh, sorry Blue, i would like to be alone for a while." He explained."ooohhhh alrighty!! See you later!" Dream softly smiled as he hung up.

Since the day they made a truce, Lust, Ink and Blue always visited Horror, Error and Dust so they didn't have much time for Dream.

Dream just continued trying to read the book. All of a sudden, he heard a loud thud in the next room, as if someone was trying to break in. "Hello? Is anyone here?" Dream slowly asked as he put the book away. He went to the other room to see who was in. Dream didn't see anyone tho.

"BOO~" a flirty voice spoke. "Ahh-!?" Dream squeaked as he turned around, just to see someone who he was friends with for some time now. It was Gaster sans, G for short. "G--!!! You can't just scare me like that-!!" Dream squeaked angrily, to which G only chuckled.

"Oh dont be scared, my little lemon~ i was just playing with you~." G said with his flirty tone. He liked Dream, but not normally, because he wanted Dream only for himself. He was practically a yandere bitch.

"Alright G, but don't do that next time okay?" Dream calmly said and G just grinned. Dream then went to the room where he sat before and continued reading. G approached him from behind. "What'cha reading little lemon?" He asked. "Oh, a book that my brother lent me, so I could learn how to read. It's about rare creatures." Dream smiled.

G picked Dream up, making him squeak in surprise. He sat on the chair and put Dream on his lap. They continued reading like this for about 3 minutes, but thanks to Nightmare who came to talk to Dream, they had to stop.

"The fuck you think you're doing...." Nightmare growled. "Ow c'mon man, just hanging out with my little lemon~" G purred, making Nightmare sharpen his tentacles and point them towards G. "Oh hi Night! Is there anything you need?" Dream asked as he got off G and put the book on his lap instead. "I'm just gonna go shopping with Killer, do you want anything?" Nightmare asked. "Hmmmm.. could you please get me the bananas wrapped in chocolate? I kinda like them." Nightmare smiled and nodded.

He then quickly grabbed G by the neck and teleported away. "H-hey-!!" Dream yelled at Nightmare, but he was already gone. Dream was alone again. He thought it would be nicer to go reading somewhere else, so he grabbed the book and went outside.

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