Chapter -3 Reality (matured content)

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I gulp when hearing what he said, but I know trying to escape now won't change anything. I'll just follow my gut feeling. I cupped his cheeks and said.
" I won't run away. If you want my body, then I will give it to you. Just promise me you will let me go home after." Then I kissed him. He responded back but I broke the kiss before it deepened and my mind would be confused again.
" Do we have a deal?" I asked, pushing his body down on the bed. I went on top of him and placed a kiss on his chest. My eyes never left his sight. I can see goosebumps appearing on his skin though his facial reaction remains stoic yet charming. It gives me a push that I'm doing it correctly. My hand moved, removing the robe that was barely covering my naked body. His eyes glistened and he was grinning. He lifts his hand to touch my cheeks but I catch it before it lands and place it on my breast.
" Mr. Minamoto, can you promise to let me go after I satisfy you?" My hand went behind me, touching his protruding manhood. As I expected, his manhood is much more honest than his mouth. It pulsates underneath my palm.
He grunted and for the first time I saw a different facial expression than his smile. He was enjoying my handwork. I glided my hand up and down and I heard him moan.
" Can you answer me please? Or should I stop?" I threatened him and I actually stopped. Our gazes met and there was this sudden friction between us that I can't explain. Then, in one swift move, our position was changed.
" You have a lot of guts, Ms. Hana, but that's what I like about you. A normal civilian would cower in fear and beg for mercy, but you're different. When push comes to pull, you become bold and uncaring. You're just the right woman for me. Now, if you can manage to make me fall asleep, then I will let you go." He bent down and nuzzled his nose on my cheeks to my lips.
" Do we have a deal?" He asked and I nodded my head. Damn! He's the kind of alpha that won't bend or break no matter what. I have no other choice but to agree with him. He gave me a satisfied look before hoping out of the bed. He took off his pants and briefs and I gulped again, seeing his naked glory. I can tell that he does rigorous work and self-discipline to attain such a great body. When he went back to bed, he captured my lips and kissed me senselessly. We were both out of breath after the kiss. He sucked and kissed my neck all the way to my breast.
" Such a lovely breast you got here, Ms. Hana." He bit and sucked my nipple that sent a tingling sensation to my core.
" You're so wet down here, did you already cum by just teasing your breast Ms. Hana?" He asked but I couldn't answer back because his hand started rubbing my clit. " Ah! Stop! this is too much!" But then he replaced his finger with his mouth and my mind went blank from the intense sensation I was feeling at the moment.
" Cum for me, Ms. Hana, I want to hear your sexy voice." When I felt his tongue swirling around my private part sucking and licking me to no end, I reached the peak of pleasure and cum. I thought he would give me some time to catch my breath but he continued sucking my juice and I screamed because it felt so sensitive I didn't know what to do or where to hold it. When he stopped, I was utterly beyond redemption.
" You look so beautiful, Ms. Hana. I want to be deep inside of you now." He said before kissing me torridly. Our tongues met each other and in one thrust he was inside of me.
" Ah! fuck, wait. Don't move yet!" I hugged and clasped my legs on his hips to make him steady. " Please just let me breathe first." I hissed.
"Urg! you're so tight for a woman who already has a grown up child. Your inside is gripping and sucking me in." It took me a minute before I got used to how big his thing was.
" Can I move now, Ms. Hana?" I could see that he was already at his limit, so I nodded my head and with that he thrust deep inside, that made both of us moan in pleasure. A few more thrusts and I can feel again that I'm cumming.
" Ah! There, yes! fuck your so good! Ah!" And I reached another peak of pleasure, more than the first and the second time I came. I felt my eyes shutting down but he didn't let me go. He continued thrusting in and out, which made me scream from the outburst of tingling sensation.
" Are you done already? I haven't cum so bear with me for a little longer." We did it until the sun rose and I was at the brink of destruction.
When he last cummed and fell next to me, he was knocked out. My body slumped on the bed, not caring anymore about our naked body.
When I woke up again, I was wearing a clean robe and the bed was clean too. I don't know what time it was and how the hell he managed to clean and change my robes without me waking up from the movement. I must be really exhausted. I noticed the shower was running in the bathroom and I spotted my handbag on the table. I get out of bed wincing in pain. Damn! Every inch of muscle in my body is aching. My knees are wobbling and my stomach is grumbling.
What the hell did I sign myself for?
I thought I had learned my lesson, but here I am. I end up again with a bad boy in bed.
Shit! i mentally screamed.
After enduring the pain in my body, I finally made it to the table. I opened my bag and searched for my phone. It was only then that I saw it was past 10 in the evening. I saw my son text me asking where I was and that he had made breakfast for me. I saw 10 missed calls and a new message from him.
" Mom, are you mad? If you don't want to answer the phone, it's OK, but please be safe wherever you are. I Love you mom." I felt guilty for making my son worry about me, so I replied back.
" I had a lot of drink last night and I just woke up sorry for making you worry David. I will be back tomorrow OK. Love you more my son." I screamed in surprise when I felt something cold and wet engulf me in a hug.
" Konbanwa Hana-chan, what are you doing?" Mr. Minamoto took my phone and I let it be. I know men are naturally suspicious, arguing with them will just waste both of our time. So, for me, it's not a big deal.
He appeared a bit relaxed after reading my sent message.
" Are you sure you don't need to call him? I'm sorry you were in deep sleep so I didn't wake you up,  Hana-chan." He said, leading me to the couch. He sat on it and pulled me together with him. My legs are spread in a straddle position. He buried his face on my chest and inhaled deeply.
" You smell so good Hana-chan." He sighs. We stayed quite in that spot for a few minutes before I broke the silence.
" Mr. Minamoto, I want to go home tomorrow." I stated. He lifted his head and stared at me for a second before he smiled.
" Does that mean you will still spend one more night with me?" He looked hopeful.
" Yes, but no sex. My body is made of flesh and blood. I can't do what we just did last night." I answered directly.
" How about the next day?" He asked again and I felt his grip on my hips was getting tighter.
" I can't, I have work from Monday to Friday." I answered back.
" Then can I meet you again next Friday evening?" I feel like I wanted to say yes but my principle and morality are telling me the opposite.
" I'm sorry Mr. Minamoto, but I can't meet you again. I don't do it a second time and I am not looking for a sex partner or anything beyond that. I'm sure you can quickly find another woman around here." I hitched my breath when his grip on my hips tightened even more. We are still staring at each other and I can't read what Mr. Minamoto was thinking.
" Sigh, you're cruel, just like what they said." Wait, did I hear him correctly? My brows furrowed.
" Who said it?" I asked curiously.

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