Chapter-19 Madness And Mania (Warning: Mature content with Triggering words.)

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"Slurp! Hng!" The sound of our lips moving in sync and his tongue sucking the sweetness out of my mouth turns me on so badly.
When he started kissing my neck and nipping my skin, I felt the pain but it was replaced by his soothing tongue that sent tingles down to my core.
When he crossed the valley of my breast and went straight to my exposed private part. He gazes up and our eyes interlock. Then his tongue licks the tip of my clit and I moan, biting my lips. He remained gazing up at me like he wanted to see every change in my face whenever his tongue touched me down there. His fucking turning me on and I feel so wet that I want him to plunge into me right now.
" What's the matter, Hana-chan? You seem to be distracted." His dark eyes glint seemingly annoyed.
" I'm not distracted, I just imagine how good it would be if you fuck me now, Yorimitsu."
" Slap!"
"Ouch! What was that for?" I complained when he slapped my left butt cheek, leaving a handprint on it. He trances it with his hand and it sends a sharp tingling sensation.
"Don't you know patience is a virtue, Hana-chan?" He said, turning me around. He made me face the bathtub and place both of my hands on it. My body is bent at a 90-degree angle and my legs are wide spread.
" Such a nice sight," he uttered.
Then I felt his rough hands on my hips and his tongue gliding on my entrance to my clit.
"Ohh shit! That felt good." He does it quite a few times, but when I feel like I'm about to cum, Yorimitsu stops.
"Damn it, please don't stop, I'm almost there." I pleaded.
"Slap!" Another finger mark was left on my right butt cheek. This time he didn't trace it with his finger but with his tongue before he bit  it.
"Fuck! Yorimitsu, I didn't know you were into this kind of stuff." I cursed, feeling warmer and wetter deep inside my core. I think if he licks or finger me I'll come that easily.
" Not really, but, you didn't expect just a sweet lover when you embraced a thug like me, aren't you Hana-chan." I couldn't rebut him, I admit he's like a sleeping pill that I'm starting to crave. His body overshadowed mine when I felt something thick and hard poke my butt.
"What do I do, Hana-chan? I'm fucking obsessed and overly possessive of you. Knowing someone touches your hair and skin makes me so insanely mad." He said, biting my back.
" Arg! Is this some kind of aftermath from what happened yesterday?" I tried to move but his big body pinned me in that same position and it made me feel hopeless.
" You can think of it like that."He traced the bite mark on my back that made me moan. It's kind of ticklish, soothing yet painful.
" But I bet they are all dead." I don't want to hear the truth but I know deep in my heart that they are.
"Not a single one is left breathing after I confirmed who touched my precious Hana-chan." He said, grabbing my hips, I could feel his hardness poking at my entrance.
" Now let me release all of my pent-up frustration from last night. Can I be rough on you Hana-chan?" He made me look at him and when I met his gaze it was chilling pitch black.
" Kiss me Yorimitsu," I commanded him, and he obliged. When our lips touched, he kissed me so fervently that it made my mind hazy.
" Just one time and pour everything you got," I uttered, which made his eyes glint in excitement.
" Your wish is my command." And with that, I felt him thrust inside me with full force! My hand failed to muffle my moan or scream. I didn't know anymore what had happened next. All I can do is feel his warm thing penetrating me deep inside, filling my hole with no space to squeeze in. It's like I'm made for his thick huge dick and I love it. It touched a spot that made me moan or scream. It felt so good I didn't want it to stop.
" Hana-chan I need you." He uttered in my ears.
" Yes! Ahn! Deeper Yorimitsu. I wanted to feel our bodies become one."He pumped me harder and deeper so that I could feel his hard thing bulging on my belly.
"Ah fuck your so tight Hana-chan." He cursed while pressing his palm on my belly, making me feel him more deep inside of me.
" No! Stop! Don't press it there, I'm gonna cum! Ah!"
" Together Hana-chan." with a few more thrusts, I felt an overwhelming orgasm that knocked me out.
"Oops! Gotcha!" Yorimitsu held her tight, turning her around and hugging her in a straddle position. He gently places her in the bathtub and starts soaping her body. It took a few minutes before Hana-chan regained consciousness.
When she opened her eyes she saw a hot naked Yorimitsu laddering her body with a liquid soap that smelled familiar to her.
"Is this my favorite L'Occitane Cherry Blossom shower gel?" I asked, still feeling too weak to stand.
" Konnichiwa Hana-chan, You passed out so, I washed you up without your consent." He kisses my forehead and continues soaping my body.
" Thank you, I can do it now on my own—Ah!" I tried to move but I ended up sliding on the tub.
" Careful now, I don't want you getting injured, Hana-chan. Besides, I got this. Your favorite  shampoo and condition is right next to me. Also, I got the lotion in the same brand you like. So let me do my thing and be a good wife please." He touched my nose and left a foam of soap on it. I felt shy but my heart was actually thumping hard. I mean nobody has done this to me before and to think that he organizes a bathroom equipped with the things I like makes me happy.
Damn it! How cute can he be or rather should I say how much of a material husband he can be? Noticing my silence and my stare, Yorimitsu looks back at me while his hand is busy rinsing my body using the shower head.
" Do I have something on my face, Hana-chan?" He asked curiously, and I nodded.
"Really?What is it? Will you wipe it for me please?" He cutely asked and I waved my hand for him to come near me. When he does, I cup his cheeks with a serious look on my face like I'm really eying the invincible dirt on him. Then I kissed him. I started to giggle when he realized that I was joking with him. He began poking my belly and that made me laugh.
" Please stop. I think I'm gonna die." I begged after being attacked by him. My eyes are a bit teary from laughing and I'm panting catching my breath.
" I hope you learn your lesson now, dear wife." I stared at him trying to regulate my breathing.
" What's up with the possessive endearment word 'Wife?" I asked, placing both of my hands on the side of the tub and under my chin. Yorimitsu is now applying some shampoo to my hair.
" Don't you like it? You're already my wife ever since your son agreed to our marriage, right?" He motioned for me to turn around and close my eyes to prevent the shampoo from stinging my eyes.
" Or did you have a second thought because of what happened yesterday?" I flinched when Yorimitsu's low husky voice warmed my ears. Maybe because my eyes are shut, and my other senses are heightened. I felt like there was an ominous danger in the way Yorimitsu asked that question. Like if I answer wrong, I might be in trouble and that gives me goosebumps.
" Rinse my hair so I can face you straight in the eyes when I answer that question of yours, Mr. Minamoto." I tried to hide the sudden fear I felt by reversing the situation. He knows I only use his last name when I'm angry or upset with him. After my hair is rinsed, Yorimistu places the shower head on the bathtub and joins me in. He pulled my body effortlessly and I ended up in a straddle position.
" So what is it then?" His obsidian eyes were void of emotion when he stared at me.
" Firstly, don't you dare use that cold tone of voice on me again, Yorimitsu. Second, haven't you noticed how ludicrous everything that's happening in my life after I met you and yet I'm still here in front of you? Do you think any sane woman will accept this kind of situation?" I spoke with equal coldness in my voice and I could see Yorimitsu's face hardened. He doesn't like this kind of treatment from me.
" Look here, Yorimitsu, if this isn't madness what I'm feeling about you. Then what about you?" I tugged his chin awaiting his answer.
" You're my Mania, and I'm gonna lose my wits if you ever leave me behind Hana-chan. I might even do the most unthinkable and unlovable things to you if you ever quit on me." He confessed, kissing my forehead down to both of my eyes.
"If I had to, I would take your eyes off you so you have no other choice but to lean on me." He admitted, then he took my hand and kissed it while his other free hand touched my knee.
" If that still doesn't work, I might chain your hand or cut your foot so I can be the hand to feed you and your foot to walk wherever you wish to go. I'm that fuck up in the head Hana-chan, and I know this is frightening to hear and you might want to run away, but its too late now." He cupped my cheeks and gave my cold trembling lips a peck.
I couldn't hold back the ripples of emotion in my heart that tears freely fell in my eyes and my hand connected to his face.
It  was  so strong it even echoed inside the bathroom. Yorimitsu looked astonished and excited while gazing at me.
" You fucking obsessive manipulative piece of shit! Don't you dare treat me the way you do with those thugs you're dealing with! You fucking nuts, I hate you!" I step out of the bathtub and he goes after me. I was so mad that I forgot the floor was slippery. I slid but he caught me on time and we ended up on the bathroom floor. While Yorimitsu was still in a trance feeling the stinging handprint on his left cheek. I started punching him randomly in the face, in his arm or anywhere that I could hit him. Tears continued to drip down my cheeks while Yorimitsu tried to evade my attack. When all my anger washed away, I sat straddled on top of him while wailing non-stop. The sound of my sorrowful voice breaks the suffocating atmosphere in the bathroom. It is the same as Yorimitsu snapping out of his own world. Startled, he hugged me tight, cursing vile words and once in a while, he uttered, I'm sorry" until I finally settled down.

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