Chapter- 12 Switch On and Confession (matured content)

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A few rings and the other line is connected.
" Hi, mom." My son answered.
" I'm sorry David, but I won't be home tonight. Will it be OK for you to handle our stuff and luggage at the train station?"
"Great, I was about to send you a message, Mom. You have been preparing your luggage since yesterday. I got your passport and toiletries placed in your suitcase also. I don't think we're going to have a problem, but in any case, if we miss out on something, we can buy it in Kyoto if necessary." My son spoke like a mature adult man. I unconsciously sighed in relief.
" Thank you David, I'm so grateful to have you in my life," I said.
Gently smiling.
" It's all thanks to your upbringing, mom. It's a bit late now. You should rest, Goodnight mom."
" Night, night David. Mom loves you."
" I know, Love you too Mom." And our call ended.
When I placed the phone in my bag, I noticed Yorimitsu stood up and offered his hand to me. I gladly accepted it. When our eyes met, I could see the lust and desire in his eyes. I felt conscious suddenly thinking if he wanted to do it right away.
"Can I take a shower before anything else?" I spoke, trying to escape the burning desire in his eyes. But I knew deep inside that he wouldn't miss it. His switch was on and I felt the chill running down my spine when he grabbed my chin and forced me to look straight into his eyes. I hitch my breath, overwhelmed by those beastly pairs of orbs hungrily staring at me.
" We can shower together later, Hana-chan. For now, I'm at my limit so please let me have you." He grabbed my waist and pulled me towards his body. It felt so warm like his body was burning. I felt his hard arousal bulging on my tummy. He grinds his lower body to mine while capturing my lips. The friction created by our bodies colliding with each other stimulates my senses. I felt warm and needy. When he lay me down on the futon bed he was quick to undress my Yukata. He had a satisfied look in his eyes when he saw my naked body and he started to undress himself. Seeing those muscle flexes, I couldn't help but to touch his bare chest ink with tattoos. To me, they look beautiful. I started to place small traces of kisses on his skin and I liked it when he gave such an aroused  reaction, I wanted to dominate him, but that's only my wishful thought. In a blink, Yorimitsu grabbed my hands and pushed me back into bed. He took over the reign and kissed me sensually. His hand groped my breast and the other was pinching my nipples. I moan, feeling my body burning up. When his lips left mine, it traveled from my neck down to the place where he bit before and started sucking on it.
" Ah!" I tried to cover my mouth but he stopped me.
" I want to hear your moans, Hana-chan. Don't suppress it." His hand proceeded onwards down to my private part, gently caressing me. His mouth found one of my breasts and just like a child he hungrily sucked on it and twirled his tongue at my hardened buds. His hand and mouth working together at the same time overstimulated my senses. I felt my mind was about to go blank. When he nipped my nipples and inserted one finger inside of me, I just lost it. My body arches pleasurably towards him.
" You're so wet Hana-chan." He whispered with deep husky voice in my ears before licking and biting it.
" Ah! Wait, it's too much! Let me breathe for a bit". I tried to push him away but he did the opposite of what I said. He binds both my hands while his mouth travels down to my wet folds. Feeling his warm lips and his tongue lapping on my most sensitive part made me moan louder. It sounded so lewd that I felt embarrassed, but when he inserted one finger more and thrust it inside of me. My eyes rolled as I shuddered in delight. I squirted and reached an orgasm that I only experienced when I had sex with Yorimitsu. It was so intense I felt I was about to pass out but he tapped my cheeks.
" You're not leaving me in the air, aren't you Hana-chan." He captured my lips and thrust his thick and hard arousal inside of me.
" Fuck! Ahn!" My hand interlaced on his neck while I bit his shoulder, making him moan. When he started to move even faster, I couldn't help but huff and try to catch my breath. He thrust hard and deep inside of me and I felt my body melting. My head is spinning, the sensation of our bodies colliding with each other feels so good I sense I'm about to cum again.
" Does Hana-chan feel good?" He captured my lips for a brief moment before he flipped me around facing the bed.
" Ahn!" I moaned when he started thrusting again. I can feel his thick and hard arousal reaching deep within me. In every thrust, he hits different spots, which makes me feel so good.
" Fuck! You're squeezing me tight Hana-chan." He grips my hips tighter and pumps me more.
" Ahn!" I reach my climax and euphoria envelops me. I thought I was going to pass out this time, but Yorimitsu's voice made me wide awake.
" You came a lot, Hana-chan, now bear with me for a little more." He flips me back and grabs both of my legs. I wanted to push him away because I was still too sensitive, but he inserted back his thing and I felt numb yet over-sensitive. He thrust a few more times and we both cum. He slumps into the bed and embraces me. He hasn't taken out his manhood inside of me, but I'm too tired to pull him away.
" That felt so good, Hana-chan. Do you want me to carry you to the bathroom?" He asked while caressing my cheeks.
" If you carry me, yes, please. I doubt I could stand straight right now." I answered with my eyes almost shutting.
" Last time we did it more than five times, but today I will let you off with just one." He sounds considerate but I can't help commenting.
" Should I thank you or what?"
" Silly, It's my duty to make you feel good whenever we're together, Hana-chan." He placed a kiss on my lips before moving out of bed. He wrapped my body in a blanket and scooped me out of bed with ease.
"You are pretty strong, Yorimitsu," I complimented, lacing my arm on his neck and resting my head on his chest. When we went inside the bath, he placed me down and I took the blanket covering my body. He filled the tub with new water and asked me to sit on the stool.
" Are you going to clean my body?" I teased him. Yorimitsu is sitting on the other stool in front of me. He took the shampoo and liquid body soap and placed it near us. 
" Let's clean each other's bodies then." He opened the shower and it felt like it was raining inside the bathroom. He pumped some shampoo and asked me to turn my body around. I comply and he starts lathering the shampoo on my head.
" I don't have any conditioners, is that okay with you Hana-chan?" He asks while I hum, eyes closed feeling relaxed. His hand does a lot of wonder.
" Don't fall asleep here, Hana-chan." He reminded me. I opened my eyes and faced him again.
" Let me do your hair too." Because he is tall, I have to stand up. I pump some shampoo and lather it on his head. Then I suddenly realized that we were acting like lovers who had known each other for a long time. I laughed, which made him look up to me.
" Care to share what makes you laugh, Hana-chan?"
" It's just that we're doing this like we've been lovers for a long time even though I've known you for only a month." He smiled and gently pulled me back to sit on the stool. He grabbed a sponge and pumped some body soap into it.
" Does that mean we have great compatibility?" The smile on his face never left. He lathers the soap in my arms up to my shoulder but I wince when it touches the part that he bit.
" Sorry, does it hurt a lot?" He asked worriedly.
" It's not that painful, but it got me thinking if you're a kind of sadist Yorimitsu." He grabbed my arms and placed me on his lap.
" I apologize, but it's your fault, Hana-chan. You're seducing me without knowing it." I slapped his firm chest, not agreeing with what he said.
" How dare you accuse me? Tell me then, how did I seduce you, Mr. Minamoto." His brows furrow.
" I thought we were through with the formalities. Please call me by my name again, Hana-chan." He tried to kiss my neck but I pushed his face away.
" Answer me first, don't mislead me," I demanded, which made him laugh.
" Fine, but you have to give me a kiss." He demanded. I cupped both his cheeks and kissed his lips.
" Gosh, we were acting like teenagers when we were both adults. Now spill it out, Mr. Minamoto." My blushing cheeks were so obvious that Yorimitsu pinched them gently.
" You're so cute Hana-chan." He dipped a kiss on my forehead, making me close my eyes.
" Everything you do turns me on Hana-chan. The way you handle things so easily looks sexy to me. How you face obstacles head-on fascinates me. You accepting an impure guy like me with a lot of imperfections makes me want to tie you up and place you in a room that only I can access." He confesses. The way he looked at me made me feel like he would do such a thing if I ever tried to run away from him. His blunt confession made my heart flutter. Damn it. His honesty made me speechless.

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