Chapter - 8 Calm and Determine

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Two days have gone fast and it's already Friday. We were supposed to meet tonight but Mr. Watanabe called me this afternoon saying Mr. Minamoto had a sudden change in his schedule. After that phone call, three weeks went by. I felt a bit relieved these first few weeks, like I was back to my normal days. My son and I plan to have a vacation in Kyoto since the spring semester is over and we have a month of school break. A day before our trip, I received a message from Mr. Minamoto says he wants to meet me tonight. He said someone would come to pick me up, so I had to call him to say I couldn't meet him. I had already bought a ticket for the Shinkansen train which cost me 200$. It's a two-hour and forty-five minute trip from Fukuoka to Kyoto. Plus, we have already booked a family room in Cross Hotel. My son and I have been planning this trip for a while now and I can't just let him down. He really wanted to see the Samurai and Ninja Museum near the Nishiki market. Our plan is to visit the Arashima bamboo forest, the Museum and the most visited spot, Fushimi Inari Shrine, which has 10,000 gates. Although I was scared, I dialed his number. It rang a few times before it was finally connected and I heaved a heavy sigh.
" Hana-chan, such a long sigh you got there. Any problem?" He asks in a cheery tone.
" Mr. Minamoto, I'll be frank with you, I can't see you tonight." I blurted out in an uneasy voice. There was a few second pause in the other line before Mr. Minamoto's deep husky voice spoke again.
"Can you tell me why?"
" I'm going to Kyoto tomorrow. I have a ticket for me and my son and I have booked a hotel room already. I can't cancel now. My son and I are looking forward to this trip so I'm very sorry." I apologized, feeling sweat coming out of my hand. I'm surprised how nervous I am while waiting for his response.
" I see, our talk last time was interrupted and I have become so busy this past few weeks that I couldn't even see you. Do you have an answer now?" He asks in a serious tone.
" Yes, I do." I responded back.
" And what is it then?"
" I agree" I paused before I continued. "To become your wife." There I finally said it. My face is beat red and I can't help but cover my face from embarrassment even though I know he wasn't even there in front of me. I heard a sigh of relief in the other before he spoke again.
" I want to meet your son this afternoon. Someone will pick you up at 11 a.m and after that I want to take you to my house. I want to introduce you to someone. See you at lunch, Hana-chan."
" Wait! Hold on. Mr. Minamoto, I think we're proceeding quite fast." I was startled. Although I already agree, doing the meeting infronto was too sudden.
"I've wasted more than 3 weeks. I can't wait any longer, Hana-chan. I'm at my limit, please allow my selfishness this time." I can sense the urgentness in his voice and the way he pleaded at the end of his sentence made me reconsider my thoughts.
" Sigh, Fyi Mr. Minamoto, you have been selfish all this time. I'm not a pushover, but fine. See you at lunch." He gave me a hearty laugh.
" You're so sweet Hana-chan, you're making me fall in love with you over again." He teases.
" Was it? I think it's more like an obsession. Anyways, see you later." I ended the call worrying about the time. It was only 9 in the morning. We have just had breakfast and since its summer break. My son went back to his room. I knocked on his door twice before it opened.
" What is it Mom?" My son opened the door wider to invite me in.
" I need you to dress formally when we go out around 11." I informed him.
" Am I going to  officially meet your boyfriend?''David asked, not one bit surprised.
"Sigh, I know it's a rush and he insisted today because we're living tomorrow." I explained, sitting on the edge of my son's bed.
" Well, it's not a big deal. I can see you like him a lot seeing your approval of this on such short notice, at Mom." 
" That's not it, David. Anyways, prepare yourself before 11." I tried to refute it but I don't have the exact words to explain why I agree with this. For now, I just want to get over it.

At exactly 11, a black Toyota Lexus LS awaited us on the street just outside our apartment. My son whistled when he saw the car. But he didn't make any comment. Mr. Watanabe, who went outside, greeted me. He opens the passenger seat and we hop in. The ride was smooth. Before 12 in the afternoon, we had already arrived at a restaurant named Yoshida Shokudo. It doesn't look like a restaurant if you look at it outside. Mr. Watanabe took us to a private room. When he knocked and opened the door, I saw Mr. Minamoto stood up and smiled at me. He came forward and gave me a bouquet of flowers, although deep inside I felt awkward and surprised, I acted coolly and thanked him.
" David, this is Mr. Minamoto Yorimitsu, Mr. Minamoto, this is my son David Garcia." I formally introduced the two of them..
" It's nice to finally meet you David." Mr. Minamoto offered his hand and my son took it without hesitation.
" Please let's all have a seat."The 3 of us were both seated. A waitress came inside and handed us a menu.
" You can order what you like."
" Great, I'm craving sushi." I felt like my son didn't feel any slightest discomfort or awkwardness, so Mr. Minamoto looked kind of relaxed.
" Can you drink?" He offered my son a choko (a sake cup).
" Yes I can but moderately." My son respectfully took the sake cup and drank it in one go.
" Huh, way to go David." He complimented before pouring himself a cup of sake.
"What course are you taking?"
" I'm in my third year of Bachelor's in Automotive Engineering Technology."
" Nice. You like to design or build a car?"
" Yes, anything that involves a car."
" What company are you looking for?"
" If I can, I will prepare for the Nissan company, but any firm for a beginner like me is OK."
" Great, let me know if you want to do an internship at EDAG CORPORATION. We have it here in Fukuoka."
" That would be a great honor, Mr. Minamoto." They continued talking while eating and drinking. I excuse myself and head to the restroom.
" When do you plan on tying the knots with my mother, Mr. Yorimitsu?" When I was away my son asked Mr. Minamoto.
" You've got guts, I like it. As soon as possible. Is that OK with you?"
" If my mom agrees with it, I have nothing to say. All I want is her happiness and if you can love and cherish her, I would be forever grateful to you sir." David bowed his head.
" I will cherish and love your mother for the rest of my life, rest assured about that." Mr. Minamoto made a pledge to my son. Both men possess a calm yet determined look.
" I'll be counting on you then." When I came back from the restroom, my son and Mr. Minamoto was having a toast.
" David, we still have a trip tomorrow." I reminded him.
" Got it mom, this is my last one." I nodded my head.
" By the way, would it be OK if I took your mom to my house? I would like to introduce her to someone special to me."
" No problem Mr. Minamoto." I don't know what they talked about while I was away, but they seem to be in the same phase. They talked for more than half an hour before my son said he wanted to go home.
" Will you be OK David?" I asked worriedly.
" I'm not drunk Mom, I will prepare all the things we need for tomorrow so don't worry and take your time. Mr. Minamoto, please take care of my mother." He bowed his head and went inside the car.
"Please drive him home safely, Mr. Watanabe." I couldn't help but worry.
" Please, rest assured, Mistress Hana." I said thank you to him and I remained standing outside until the car moved further away.
I heave a heavy sigh when they are finally out of my sight.
Mr. Minamoto hugged me from behind and placed a kiss on my neck.
" Everything went smoothly, Hana-chan. Your son is way cooler than I thought. You raise him well." He complimented me and that made me smile.
" Now, let's go to your house." I tap his hand that interlocks on my waist.
" Let's head home then." He said before grabbing my hand. We went inside the car and it took us half an hour before we reached his home.

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