Chapter- 7 Lies and Deceit

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" Mr. Minamoto, we need to talk." This time I won't be swayed by his charm. He lifted both of his hands and said "Fine, what part of the sentence I said that you don't understand Hana-chan?" His signature smile faded and it was replaced by a stoic face I saw the last time. I felt a chill run down my spine and my heart started beating rapidly. It was the same when he asked me before if I was afraid of him.
I tried to calm my mind before I spoke.
" Marriage is for people who are in love. It's a long-term commitment and you want to marry me? And please don't tell me some bullshit like love at first sight." I spoke, putting on a brave front.
" Well, maybe that's what just happened." He replied casually .
" That's impossible!" I shouted, out of frustration. I don't know how to explain it to him the way he would understand what I really meant to say.
" You know Hana-chan, your angry face is kind of cute." He tried to touch my face but I swatted it away.
" Listen Mr. Minamoto, you can't just decide on a marriage on your own. You can't just say I have no other option." I was about to say more but he grabbed my arms and I sat again in a straddle position in his lap.
" I'm not giving you any other option than me, Hana-chan. Think outside the box, don't compare me to the world you live in as a civilian." He whispered in my ear. That sent chills all over my body. I came to the realization that the person in front of me was someone who would do anything just to get what he wanted. His world is completely different from mine!
"Then, Why me? I'm sure there are a lot of women who would be willing to be your wife. You can even marry someone in another clan or group to expand your territory. So why me?"I asked, very confused about my situation. He gave me a smile before kissing my forehead.
" That's because it's you, Hana-chan. I don't know how to explain it to you, but I only feel hard like this the moment you're with me." He took my hand and placed it on his crotch. It was hard and big. I quickly snatched my hand back. Fucking lunatic! I wanted to say but kept my mouth shut.
"With you I can sleep soundly and I'm attracted to your body and personality.
" That sounds absurd!" I exclaimed, wanting to punch his face.
" No it's not. Besides, you are single and your son is already big. What's stopping you from being my wife?" He asked with a stoic face, grabbing my chin.
" The freedom you're trying to steal from me, Mr. Minamoto. I came here to fulfill my dream of being a teacher." I stated, staring straight into his eyes. He observed my face for a brief moment, searching for any fault, and finding nothing but pure determination.
" Who said I would stop you from doing what you love? You're just going to marry me, Hana-chan. The only thing that will change is that I require you to live in my house. If you want, we can also bring your son with us. But if you like him to stay in the dark, I can do that also. Think about it, Hana-chan." A knock on the windshield caught my attention. He looked at his wrist watch and said " It's time, can I hug you before we parted?" He asked but I didn't respond back. Then he initiated the hug and buried his face on the side of my neck.
" Hana-chan, can you leave your bra with me?"
" What? why?"
" I can't sleep but I think if I smell your scent it will help me a lot. So could you please let me have it." He gave me such an innocent smile that I was speechless. I sigh, feeling hopeless. Just like he said, I have to look outside the box because nothing is normal when I'm with him. I unhook my bra and gave it to him.   
He hugged and thanked me before whispering in my ear. "Don't make me wait for too long Hana-chan." It made my heart beat faster. Then the door went open and I stepped outside. When they were gone, I glanced around to see if someone was outside but saw no one, so I headed back to the apartment. When I went inside, I was a bit surprised when my son just came out of the bathroom.
" Mom, I thought you were already asleep?" He asked, staring at me.
" I think I have indigestion so I walked a little bit." I lied.
" Do you want me to buy medicine?" My son was very concerned.
" No, I already burp while walking so I'm fine, Thank you David." I said, yawning. I walked to my room and opened the door. "Goodnight son."
"OK, Night mom. Wake me up if you still feel any discomfort. Maybe we should avoid cooking oily food at night." He suggested and that made me want to cry. I gave him a grateful smile.
"Yes, I agree with you. Now it's already past eleven, let's sleep. Night night." After shutting the door, the tears I was holding back finally streamed down my cheeks. I felt guilty for lying to my son. He was like my best friend. Whenever I'm worried about something, I discuss it with him and we will both try to figure out the best solution to the problem. But I can't tell him about my current situation. I don't want any harm to befall him. So I have to keep this to myself and think of a solution that will not affect my son's normal life.
I fell asleep while thinking but I found an answer the next morning.
I was having breakfast with my son when an idea popped into my head. I thought about it until I arrived on campus. I debated within myself and pondered about the pros and cons the whole day. When I was on the train going back home, I finally decided. I will accept the marriage if Mr. Minamoto can guarantee my son's safety. It was a hard decision to make and I mulled over it countless times. It's easy to ask the police for help, but I don't know how deep Mr. Minamoto's connection is. I can also simply forget about my work and buy us a ticket back to Thailand, but then again, what if Mr. Minamoto also has a connection in that country. I can't put my son in a situation that would ruin his normal life. If I tell him about what happened to me. I'm sure he will try to protect me and then what? We will be living the rest of our lives in hiding. So the most easy and fatal thing to choose is to become Mr. Minamoto's wife.
Damn that guy! He really made it that the only choice I have is to choose him. He is such a calculative man. I worry about what my future will turn out to be.
When my son arrived and we were having our dinner, I started to pry.
" David, what if I have a boyfriend? Will you get mad at me?" My son stared at me with a look of surprise.
" Do you have one? I don't mind." He simply shrugged his shoulders and continued to eat his meal.
" How about if he plans to marry me?" My son coughed and almost choked on his food.
" Damn, that was close." He tried to calm himself by gulping a mouthful of water.
" If you would like to marry him and are worried about me, please don't mind me Mom, I'm old enough to take care of myself and you deserve someone who will shower you with love and affection." My son placed his hand on top of mine and gave me a gentle smile.
" So go for it." My son looked so mature and adorable at the same time that tears freely ran down my cheeks.
" Damn it! you're so adorable you made Mama cry." I sniffed, wiping my tears, but it continued on like a broken faucet.
" There, there, it's OK mom. I got you." He  stood up, pat my back and took some tissues, gently wiping my tears.
" When are you going to invite him home?"
"I don't know yet. I turned him down  quite a few times when he proposed to me, but he still keeps on bugging me." I told half the truth and lies.
" You don't have to turn him down. Just let me meet him. If he treats you right and he genuinely cares for you, then I'll be happy to give your hands to him." David's sincerity tugged my heart and I cried more. He's such a beautiful soul, I can't thank God enough for having him as my son.
" Mom, our food is getting cold and your crying face looks ugly. You'll get some wrinkles from it. So don't cry like it was me who is about to get married." He joked aside, that finally made me laugh.

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