Chapter- 10 Confessions and Changes

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We played in the garden although we couldn't understand each other. Mari seemed like a bright girl. Somehow, she figures out what I mean through motion. I tried to teach her English by pointing at the flower and she would repeat what I said. We enjoyed ourselves so much that I forgot about the time. I only noticed that it was starting to get dark, so I looked at my watch. It's about six in the evening. When we went inside Mari's room, Yorimitsu was already gone.
While waiting, Ms. Akemi knocked on the sliding door and went inside.
She brought tea, milk and biscuits. I gladly accept it and thank her. She can't speak English so she shyly smiles and bows her head before heading outside. I called Mari and gave her the milk and some biscuits. This time she didn't hesitate to eat the food I gave her.
I sigh seeing some improvement.
" hmn, oishi!" She said, smiling at me. My heart melted again by those sweet innocent smiles of hers. I wonder how her mother could have a heart to leave her all alone. I remember when I had to leave my son to go back to work. He was only four months old. I cried a lot on the bus. I missed him so much and it wasn't even a day that I left home. Up until now, whenever I remember that moment, I still get teary eyes. So I don't understand how that woman was so cruel enough to leave her child in a place full of men. My trend of thoughts was interrupted when the sliding door abruptly went open.
Yorimutsu was standing there wearing a white shirt and loose pants.
He looked refreshed. When he sat down next to me, I smelled the body soap he used. He just took a shower. That's why he looks freshened up and his hair is still damp. Out of the blue, he encapsulated me in a hug and buried his face in the crook of my neck.
" Sigh, I thought you ran away already. I'm glad you're still here Hana-chan." I pushed him gently to give our bodies some space. Besides, Mari is watching us.
" How can I run if you gave me no other choice? Unlike America, Thailand is still in Asia and I don't know what would happen to me and my son if I ran away from you." I replied straight to the point. It's a fact and the truth.
" Sigh." He heaved, massaging the side of his neck.
" When our affiliate asked to look for you, I was just curious what kind of woman has the nerve to run away from a Yakuza. When i saw your sex video, I think I watched it a hundred times." I grabbed his mouth to shut him up. Gosh! He is too blunt in front of his daughter. But he caught both of my hands and wouldn't let me go.
" She can't understand us. Please let me finish my words or else I don't know when I will have the courage to confess again what's on my mind Hana-chan." He seemed sincere, so I blurted "Fine!"He freed my hand and grabbed the side of his neck once more.
" I think you're right, I might have been obsessed with you from the beginning. I want to experience that ecstasy look our affiliate has when he has sex with you and I crave to hear your moaning while I pleasure you." My head snapped at him, feeling uncomfortable hearing his confession. He looked dreamy when he said those last sentences, like he was imagining it playing in front of him.
" But when I met you after 3 months of stake out in the area you were last seen. The moment I can finally do the things I imagine doing with you. I am at a loss when those sparks of electricity surge in me whenever I touch you. Your smell made me relax, yet your moan turned me into a beast I thought I could contain within me. All the rationality and self-discipline is gone the moment we have sex. It's like you stealing everything away from me." While hearing his confession word for word, I felt my heart beating faster. His honesty is quite absurd, yet why am I touched by his words? I must have developed some strange mental sickness from what had happened to me.
" When I wake up next to you in bed a sudden realization hits me, I want you. Seeing your sleeping form next to me made my mind calm and collected. And the idea of not wanting to let you go is so immense that I decided you have to be my wife. There's no other way." He lifted his hand and placed it on my head.
" I need you in my life Hana-chan, That's all I know." We are both staring at each other's eyes and my heart is fluttering with the sincerity he conveyed with his words. Damn It! I swoon. When he said it that way, it made me feel like I'm the most special person in the world.
Urg! This should be in a novel. This can't be happening in real life.
I felt so flustered by the sudden burst of emotion that I started to have a hiccup. I quickly drank the green tea and tried to calm myself.
" Are you OK? Do you need water?" He asked, looking concerned.
" I'm fine, Hic! It will go away once I breathe slowly." I explained, concentrating on my breathing.
A knock on the door caught our attention.
" Minamoto-sama, dinner is ready. Would you like to dine with us or should I bring your meal here?" Ms. Akemi asked.
"What do you think, Hana-chan? Would you like to eat outside or should we eat here, the three of us?" I felt pressured thinking I had to eat together with the rest of the people here in this house. But sooner or later I have to dine with them. So we might as well do it now rather than later.
" How about Mari? Will she be fine with many people?" I asked.
" She's behaving well for the first time. Maybe it will not be a problem if you're with us, Hana-chan."
" Let's go then." I said, standing up. He offered his hand for me to hold and I accepted it. To my surprise, Mari came to me and held my other hand. We all walked together to the dining hall.
When we arrived, the noisy room became quiet. I felt all eyes were on me, but then Mari made my uncomfortable feeling go away. She hid her face on my dress. She looks scared so I have to put up a brave front for her.
" It's OK Mari, they are family." I said, brushing her hair.
" Mari-chan, remember this, everyone here in this room is your family. They will protect you from harm, so you don't have to be afraid of them." Yorimitsu knelt down and pointed with his finger across the room.  
Mari stared for a moment at her father before glancing back at me. It seemed like she needed affirmation from me, so I nodded my head and smiled at her. Mari's face brightened up as we sat down next to the table.
" Everyone! Let's eat," Yorimitsu yelled energetically, and all the people in the room answered back. "Yes boss! Thank you for the meal." The dining hall was lively and everyone seemed so happy.
" Boss, this is the first time Mari-sama dined with us. This made me really happy." A bald man with a bouncer body said.
" Ah, come on Itsuki-san, you're going to scare Mari-sama with your ugly face." A guy wearing a yukata came patting the baldy men on his back like he was consoling him.
" You don't understand my sentiment, Haruto. Even our  boss was having a problem making Mari-sama eat. But Mistress Hana just smiled at our Mari-sama and she didn't cry. Gosh, this makes me teary." I noticed the bald man, although his exterior was rough and big, but he actually had  a soft heart.
" I understand you Itsuki-san. Mistress Hana, you are like an angel that graces us. I hope we're not scaring you with our rowdy faces." The guy wearing a yukata smiled that made his already small eyes disappear.
" That's enough, Itsuki and Haruto come and pour me some sake here. Excuse us, Mistress Hana, Boss." Mr. Watanabe brought the two men to his table.
" Are you OK, Hana-chan?" Yorimitsu whispered in my ears.
" I'm fine. It's fun once in a while," I honestly said.
" Tell me if you're uncomfortable."
" It's OK, I took my meds this morning so I think I will be fine. Thank you for asking."
" What kind of med did you take?" Yorimitsu asked, looking concerned.
" It's just a pill to calm my nerves. You invited us all of a sudden and I felt like it would be stressful so I took one this morning just in case."  I explained.
"I hope it's not harmful to your body," he said in a serious tone of voice while tucking some hair behind my ear.
" Well, I don't know, but I always make sure to prioritize my health. I have a yearly check-up and all the results are good. There's nothing to worry about, Yorimitsu." I gave him a reassuring smile while placing a finger in between his eyebrows. He looked surprised for a brief moment before capturing my hand.
" Sorry, I couldn't help myself but to smoothen out the line in between your eyebrows. Did I go overboard with my actions?" I was concerned when everyone became quiet for a few  seconds and then, just like nothing happened, they continued eating and chattering to each other. He squeezed my hand gently. He slightly bent so he could whisper in my ears.
" In this House as long as you want, you can do whatever your heart desires, Hana-chan." He whispered with his deep husky voice that made my heart beat faster. I don't know what he really meant by those words, but my mind got dirty thoughts. It sounds like innocent phrases with sexual connotations.

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