Chapter-13 Childish Act

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After rinsing each body, Yorimitsu invited me to join him in the tub.
I sigh in contentment, feeling the warm water relax my tired muscles. He embraces me from behind, and I rest my head on his chest.
" Feel a lot better?" He asked, placing a kiss on my shoulder.
" Hmm, yeah, there are many unexpected things that happened today," I replied, thinking back to his daughter.
"Yorimitsu, Would you mind if I share some of my opinion about Mari?" I hesitantly asked. I turned around, so our eyes could meet. Furthermore, I didn't want him to be skeptical of what I was about to say.
" Go ahead, Hana-chan, you're free to voice your opinion." When our eyes meet, I can see the sincerity in it. I took a deep breath and spoke.
" I think Mari is mentally unstable. Do you think her mother abused her? I mean, how did she look when she first arrived at your house?" At first, Yorimitsu looked a bit surprised, but that was replaced with a solemn look on his face.
" I noticed it too, Actually, I had a child psychiatrist assess her mental health. The doctor said Mari had trauma. It's probably because her mother left without saying goodbye, or it could be much deeper than I thought. I need to find that woman to really know my daughter's situation. The first few days that she was in the house, Mari-chan would cry a lot, she didn't want to eat, and did not like it when people touched her. I actually don't know how to handle my daughter." He paused, staring down at the water. I can feel the pain he's going through, somehow I  can understand it. I grabbed his neck and placed his head under my chin. He could probably hear the fast beating of my heart, but I didn't care. I just want to console him.
" It's OK, I'm here, we will face it together." I patted his back gently while he buried his face on my chest.
" The doctor prescribed her a med to calm her down. When she took it, she would be calm and quiet, sitting only in the corner of her room. When she falls asleep and wakes up again, she will cry, just like what you witnessed this afternoon." He pulled me away, allowing us a bit of space to meet each other's eyes once again.
" I'm sorry Hana-chan, Mari is not part of my plan, but when I heard your answer this morning, I was beyond clouds and I didn't know how to explain my daughter's existence to you. I just thought it would be best if you saw it for yourself and if you want to back out, I can't blame you." He admitted looking defeated. So that's the reason why he abruptly hugged me when he saw me this evening after he showered.
" You thought I left," I confirmed and he nodded his head. I sighed, seeing a defenseless Yorimitsu in front of me.
" When I saw you sitting together with my daughter, relief surged in me. I couldn't help but hug you. I even wonder if you were real." He grabbed my head and kissed my forehead. He looked as if he wanted to ask me something but managed to hold it in.
" Are you wondering why I haven't left, even though you allowed me to run away?" He laughed awkwardly when I guessed the question that was running through his head. He nodded, massaging the side of his neck.
"Well, I know I forced you to be with me, but finding out about Mari, I wouldn't even take all the shit." He frankly said. I sighed, interlocking my arms around his neck. Our naked bodies collided and it felt good.
" To be honest, I was unsure, and I was afraid of what you might do if I tried to run away. So I decided to accept your forced marriage proposal." I pushed his shoulder and looked him in the eyes again.
"But when I see Mari, my maternal instinct kicks in, and I do things naturally. I'm not saying I'm the type of person who would accept a lot of shit, but just like you said. You didn't know you had a daughter, so it's a given. I have to accept everything about you if I'm committed to being your wife."
" So does that mean we can make it real between us, Hana-chan?" His hand gripped my hips and pushed me back into his body.
" Will you make me fall in love with you?" I teased, straddling him. I could feel his hard erection poking me down below.
" I plan to spoil you with everything I can offer, and then I will conquer your heart and mind that thoughts of leaving me would be unimaginable to accomplish." He bluntly confessed that it made my heart flutter.
" Sigh, I'm doomed if you are always this honest. Like you wear your heart on your sleeves." I said, feeling conflicted. I'm such a sucker for bad boys. It's just like what they say that the opposite attracts others.
" So this is an affirmation that you're in this, right? There's no backing out, Hana-chan." He declared in a serious tone. I nodded my head, and he smiled from ear to ear, hugging me tight.
" Fuck you're so cute right now Hana-chan, that my dick is killing me. Can I take back my words from before?" He asked, pressing his hard thing on my entrance. I grab his dick and gently press it.
" But you said we would do it only once," I teased, kissing his neck.
" I did, that's why you have to grant me permission to break this deal, Hana-chan." He answered, grabbing my hips. He caressed my wet fold and sucked my nipples.
"Fuck, you're making it hard for me to say no. Ahn!" I moan when he nips my erect buds. Feeling his warm mouth licking and sucking my breast felt so good.
" Is it a yes, then?" He asked in his deep, husky voice. I nodded my head, surrendering to his dangerous charm. Then he thrust deep inside of me.
" Shit! That was too sudden." I gasped.
" Answer me properly, Hana-chan." He demanded. Guiding my hips down while thrusting in and out of me in a slow motion. It felt so good, my mind was about to go blank again.
" You're not answering me, Hana-chan. Do you want me to stop?" It sounds more like a threat than a question, but I don't mind. The pleasurable feeling of having his hard erection buried deep inside of me is too intense, I don't want it to stop. He lifted my hips and drove it down to his shaft once again and I couldn't help but moan louder.
" Ahn! Yes! I permit you! Now stop teasing me and fuck me properly, Yorimitsu." He lifted me up and placed me outside of the tub.
"I will, but first i need you out of here, Hana-chan. I don't want you to collapse here due to the heat." He grabbed a towel and wrapped it around me, then he scooped me up, and we headed back to his room. When we reached his bed, he started attacking me from the neck down to my breast. His warm mouth sucked one of them while his hand traveled down to my wet folds. My body arched towards him when he inserted two fingers inside.
" You're so wet, Hana-chan, can I come in?" He whispered and I nodded. I moaned, satisfied when I felt him raw inside of me. He captured my lips and thrust in and out until I felt all crummy. An intense pleasure engulfed me and I heard him curse.
" Fuck your'e driving me crazy Hana-chan, I think I'm at my limit." He thrusts deeper once more , and I scream, feeling his warmth spreading inside my womb. His body slumped next to me and hugged me tight.
" Goodnight Hana-chan." He placed a kiss on my hair and I hummed in response. My eyes dropped until I didn't know anymore that I dozed off.
The next morning, I woke up at my usual time. Despite not having enough sleep, I felt energetic. When I glanced at the man lying next to me, I noticed that Yorimitsu was still in a deep sleep. Strange, but it's the second time I haven't needed my pills just to sleep. Was sex always that exhausting? Nah, I would rather not mull over it. I had to go to the bathroom to wash myself. Last night I fell asleep without washing, but I feel like I'm not sticky at all. When I touched my skin, it felt clean.
" Ohayo Hana-chan, It's still early, let's rest for a little bit more." I probably woke him up with my movement. He sat up and placed a kiss on my hair. Then he lay his head on my shoulder, eyes still shut.
"Morning, don't mind me and go back to sleep." He rubbed his eyes and stared at me.
" No, I can only go back to sleep if you were next to me." He said, pulling me back to bed. I wanted to protest but seeing his sleepy form made me want to indulge him even more.
"Fine, I will rest next to you since it is still early, but around nine I have to be ready." I brushed his hair and let Yorimitsu snuggle close to my chest.
" Thank you, Hana-chan." He smiled in contentment, shutting his eyes. His childish acts are quite cute and fascinating.

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