Chapter-5 The Mistress

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The next day, I woke up around eight in the morning. When I glanced at the bed, he was gone. I yawn while stretching my arms. Last night I slept so well. That was my first though, I have difficulty sleeping and sometimes I need sleeping pills to get 4 or five hours of sleep. I stood out of bed and headed to the bathroom. After I took a shower, I wrapped my body with a clean towel and searched around for my clothes. I spotted it on the table neatly folded. It smells clean. How thoughtful of him. I guess not all thugs and gangsters are bad, but I can't let down my guards. I haven't figured out how to uncoil myself from this group. Everything is still a mess.
A knock on the door brought me out of my trance.
" Give me a minute!" I shouted, snatching my clothes from the table and locking myself inside the bathroom. I quickly dressed and arranged my hair before heading to the door.
" Good morning Mistress, Sorry for the intrusion. I brought you breakfast." The guy who checked my laptop yesterday showed up with a packet of food. I opened the door wider and let him in.
" Thank you, though you didn't have to, I can also order the food."
" Minamoto-sama ordered this before he left. I am also tasked to drive you home. My name is Watanabe Ritsu. I am the Wakagashira( second in command) of Kura Hebi Gumi (Black Serpent Association)." He introduced himself.
Surprised by the sudden politeness, I bowed my head too.
" Please meet you, my name is Hana Garcia." I offered my hand but he didn't shake it.
" My apologies, Mistress Hana, but I can't shake your hand." He kneeled with both hands on the ground and bowed his head. It shocked me the most! I thought they only do it in a movie, but seeing and experiencing it first hand gave me goosebumps.
"Oh gosh! please stand up. You don't have to kneel." I was about to touch him but he quickly stood and took a few steps behind.
" Please refrain from touching other men than the Kumicho (Leader)!" He said, still not looking at my face. Suddenly, I felt like my head was throbbing.
" What's up with all this?" I was confused. I sat back on the couch and opened the bento box.
" It's a bit hard to explain our way's to a civilian, but if you have any questions please feel free to ask." Mr. Watanabe enunciate.
" Fine, have you eaten already? In my country it's a courtesy when we eat and there are people around. We often ask them to eat with us." I explained, not wanting to create any misunderstanding.
" I see, thank you for your kindness, Mistress, but I ate already." I nodded my head and made a sign of a cross. After praying, I ate  and drank my first coffee in the morning.
" Sigh, This brewed coffee tastes really good, thank you for the meal." I was about to eat more when I noticed Mr. Watanabe was still standing so I felt uncomfortable.
" Please have a seat, as much as you want to follow the rules, but behind closed doors you can just be yourself."
" Thank you Mistress, that's kind of you."
" And quit calling me mistress. I feel like I'm a mistress of a married man." I complained while sipping the brewed coffee.
" But the Kumicho Wife has to be addressed as Mistress." I almost choked on my coffee after hearing that.
" Wait, What? How come I don't know anything about this? What does Kumi- thing even mean?"
" Minamoto-sama is the Kumicho  of Kura Hebi Gumi. He is our leader and I am his second in command."  Mr. Watanabe tried to explain but it still jumbled up in my head.
" I didn't intend to be the wife of your leader, this must be a misunderstanding." I wanted to clarify. But Mr. Watanabe placed a golden mastercard and keys on the table.
" What's this for?" I asked, more confused.
" Minamoto-sama asked me to give this to you. Every month he will put your monthly allowance on it. You can use it whatever you want. The keys are for the car and the main house where  Minamoto-sama lives." Listening to Mr.Watanabe's explanation just makes my headache worse.
" I can't accept this." I pushed the things back to Mr. Watanabe.
"I only agreed to meet Mr. Minamoto when he needs me. I didn't agree to marry him." I tried to explain but I didn't see any surprised reaction from him.
" My apologies, Mistress Hana, but you have to give this back yourself. I'm only tasked to give this to you. I can't take it with me. You should talk this further to Minamoto-sama when you see him again." He suggested while pushing back the things towards me.
Urg! This is so frustrating!
" Fine! I'll keep this first and give it back to Mr. Minamoto when I met him again." Defeated, I placed the card and the keys on my handbag.
" Say, Mr. Watanabe, can you give me Mr. Minamoto's contact number?"
" I see, so  Minamoto-sama didn't give his number to you. My apologies, Mistress Hana. It's a common rule that we should not share Minamoto-sama's personal contact number, but I can give you his business card." He took his wallet out and handed me a business card.
The sleek black card has Mr. Minamoto's name.
Minamoto Yorimitsu CEO of Moonstar Inc. Not bad. It looks legit.
" Thank you Mr. Watanabe, oh by the way, are you available now?"
" Yes, would you like me to send you home?" He asked attentively before standing up.
" Yes, please."
After Mr. Watanabe got me home. I noticed my son's behavior is especially nice. He even prepared a lunch for the both of us.
" Let's not talk about what happened to you last Friday. It's normal that my son's become an adult. Just don't forget to use protection. You know what happened to me before." I patted his head gently.
"I will mom, don't worry." He gave me a gentle smile that made my heart feel content with my life. I wish I could squeeze his cheeks, but I know he doesn't like it when I treat him like a child.
Later in the evening after dinner with my son, when everything is quiet. I started to recollect my thoughts. I can't believe I got entangled by a yakuza group. After my late partner died, I decided to fulfill my dream and that's teaching. I work as an English teacher in Thailand, where we live most of our lives while gaining experience. I acquired a TEFL certificate and  applied as an ESL (English as Second Language) teacher in Japan. Surprisingly, I was accepted. They even provided us with an apartment to stay in. My son has a dependent visa so we didn't have to be apart for a long time. It was only two years ago. Everything was going well but it's all ruined now.
Urg! Sometimes I hate myself. Whenever I want to loosen up and enjoy my life, I always end up with trouble. Furthermore, that yakuza boss Mr. Minamoto has a complicated personality. I can't read him and that's scary. He was all smiling, very formal, yet in bed he was brutal. If I didn't maintain my regular exercise, I think I would be dead before I exhausted him.
And then down to the Mistress thing. How am I supposed to deal with it? Do I have to seek help from my fellow teachers or just go straight to the police? If I do either of those things, then I will be exposed to the fact that I slept with a gangster. The teacher here is highly respected and I might lose my job. I don't want to go back to Thailand or to my home country.
Thinking of a solution just made my headache even more. I decided to take my pills so I could sleep.
Tomorrow is another day. I'm sure I can find a solution to this problem. Slowly the effect of the sleeping pill kicked in and I started to fall asleep.

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