Chapter-17 Miscalculation

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After we left the Minamoto residence, Ritsu-san drove us home. It was already past eleven in the evening when we arrived at the apartment.
" Mom, want some tea or milk before bed?" David asked while I unpacked our things from the suitcase.
" That would be lovely. Do you need some cash?"
" Nah, I can use my money." I smiled at him.
" Thank you, David." He nodded his head and went outside. I had already sent Yorimitsu a message that we had arrived safely home, so my main task now is to place our used clothes in the laundry and put the toiletries back in our bathroom. Not long after I was done unloading our things, I heard the door open. I stood up and closed the suitcase.
" Do you want some small snack with your tea, David?" I walked to the kitchen without looking, filling up the kettle with water when I felt something nauseous cover my nose and made my eyes teary. I tried to elbow the person behind me, but a sudden sharp pain erupted in my stomach. Furthermore, I huffed to breathe some air, but before I knew it, clouds of black dots appeared in my sight and I lost consciousness.

I felt a discomfort continuously stinging on my cheeks. When I opened my eyes, I groaned in pain, my head was throbbing, and it felt so heavy that I could only lift my head for a bit before I felt my energy depleted.
" Is she awake?" Someone asked.
" Half awake, boss." Someone slapped my cheeks again, so I tried to open my eyes and glance at my surroundings.
" Where am I?" I asked in a weak voice. My body still feels numb.
" What the fuck? Is she a damn Gaijin?(foreigner)."
" No way? We got something big, Aniki (older brother/senior)." Someone grabbed my cheeks and lifted my dangling head up. I saw a man in his mid-forties smiling at me. His eyes were bloodshot, he had a big scar on his left cheek, making his appearance look hideous at first glance.
" Say, were you the rumored woman of the head of Kura Hebi Gumi?" He turned my head from side to side, scanning my face.
" Not bad for a gaijin." My eyes started to shut again, but he shouted at me when I lost my focus.
"Hey! Snap out of it and answer my question." He squeezed my cheeks and made me painfully scream.
" I don't know what you were talking about!" I yelled.
The pain is helping me not to doze off. They must have used a high dose of chloroform, my throat felt so dry and even breathing was a bit painful.
"Heh! This one has a tight lip. Did you send her a photo?" The man in front of me asked.
" Done already, aniki, just waiting for their response." Someone from the crowd of thugs answered back.
" Boss, are you sure we can handle them?" A thin, scaredy man asked. The person holding my cheeks tosses my head and faces the one who questioned him.
" Who the fuck brought this person here? I don't need pussy in my group. If you were scared, you better leave now before I put a bullet in your head." He took a gun under his shirt and pointed it to the thin man.
" Boss! I'm sorry, but the Kura  Association is widely spread in and out of the Fukuoka prefecture. We're just starting, but we already poke the main head of their group."
" Just shut the fuck up! Osoroshi Inago Kai has our back. If we manage to strike a deal with the Kumicho of Kura Hebi Gumi, just think of the comfort it would bring to us."
" Selling drugs in this area will be uncomplicated, and our group will finally be a part of Osoroshi Inago Kai. Our future will be promising!"
" We believe in you, Boss! I'm sick and tired of scurrying away when members of Kura make their rounds on Itoda street or Fukuchi." Everyone is lamenting their dislike of the Kura Association when the person they're calling their boss takes his smartphone out.
" Speaking of the devil, here it comes, boys!" He fixed his hair and shirt like he was going to meet somebody, but he was just accepting a phone call.
" Konbanwa Minamoto-san, I guess you received our message?" He hinted. They motioned for someone to watch over me while the rest of them walked out of the warehouse.
" You've got a lot of nerves to touch what's mine." Yorimitsu's hand is starting to turn white while gripping his phone.
"Well, we made sure the goods were intact." The person on the other side proudly says.
" What do you want?" Yorimitsu asked in a cold-blooded voice.
" I don't need much. You must have heard from us. We are the Hono Sasori Ikka, I want you to give up Itoda and Fukuchi to us." The person with a scarce face casually demanded.
" Was that all you wanted?" The boss of Hono felt disappointed to hear Yorimitsu reply. He thought he would hear curse words and more threats, but the Kumicho of Kura Hebi Gumi( Black Serpent Association) seemed more calm and collected than he thought.

" Heh, if I knew you would agree this easily if I could have handled your woman in a much more meticulous way. I expect a handwritten pledge within a few hours from now. I will send the location where we will exchange goods." Yorimitsu heard the beeping sound when the call ended. He was about to visit their bakuto parlor (gambling establishment) when he received a message from an unknown number. When he viewed it, Yorimitsu felt like his blood pulsating in his veins. Hana-chan's face was in the photo. She looks pale, eyes shut, while someone grabs a fistful of her hair, so her face is at the right angle to the camera. After the conversation ended, he immediately dialed a number.
"Ah Yorimitsu-sama, what can I do for you?" A laid-back voice answered.
" Izumi-kun, track this number promptly." Yorimitsu forwarded the message he received.
" Got it. I'm working on it now."
" Keep me posted." It took about ten minutes before Izumi called him back.
"Location in an abandoned factory around Fukuchi Street. I'm sending it now, Yorimitsu-san."
"Well done." He clicked the end button and instructed Aou-san to drive to the address Izumi sent to him.
" Boss, Ritsu-san is on the way now." Itsuki informed me.
" Have some of our men inspect the surroundings where Hana-chan lives. Make sure David-kun is safe."
" Haruto has already arrived in the area, Boss."
"Good now, let's break some bones," he said menacingly.
When they arrived in the area, it was past 1:30 in the morning. It was in the downtown area of Fukuchi. The place is known as a drug den for the Hano Ikka. It's a newly formed group that focuses on illegal drugs. Yorimitsu was planning to deal with them, but his daughter's unexpected arrival ruined his schedule. Now he felt regret that he didn't give much more attention to this growing group. But this doesn't change the fact that he's going to wipe them all away.
" Boss, we scout and surround the area. Based on my assessment, there's about 30 people inside." Itsuki informed, handing him an infrared binocular.
Yorimitsu gathered fifty people from his group, and each one of them was armed with a silencer gun and night-vision goggles. He also placed two snipers in front and at the back of the factory.
" Your main priority is not to harm Hana-chan. I'm going in too." He said, unlocking his FNX-45 Tactical Caliber. They cut off the power outages of the factory. They didn't kill most of the members of the gang, but they made sure they were unable to fight back or call for backup. When Yorimitsu reached the deepest area of the factory, he saw a door and inside of it were two people. One is in a sitting position while the other one is standing. He twisted the door knob and quickly stepped inside. He shot the person standing thrice until it fell on the ground lifeless. Hana's voice was whimpering, but she didn't utter a word nor did she scream in fright.
When he walked closer and touched her shoulder, Yorimitsu felt Hana-chan's body was shivering. She yelped, trying to distance her body from his touch.
" Shush... It's me Hana-chan, It's OK. Everything is alright now." He spoke, untying the rope around her body. When she was finally free, she hugged Yorimitsu tightly.
" I-k-now you w-ill com-e. Plea-se hold me t-tight." She spoke with a trembling voice. Yorimitsu kisses her cold, shivering lips and scoops her body out of the wooden chair.
" Boss, all is clear. What should we do to their leader?" Auo-san asked, following him behind.
" Bring him with us and wait for my further instructions."
" Yes, Boss!" Auo-san gave more instructions to Kumi-in (enlisted men or soldiers) while Yorimitsu walked to his car.
He placed Hana-chan's shivering body on the back seat. There was already a medic waiting for them inside the car. When they were done checking for any injuries, they vacated the car and left the two of them inside.

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