Chapter 22 The Former Boss and The Black Butterfly

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It took me only two days to recover from my episode and, true to his words, Yorimitsu was there all throughout those two days. Actually, his acting is a bit strange, like a lost puppy following me around. When I sat on the couch, he would be there either to scoop me up and make me sit on his lap or just to snuggle me. At night, no matter how big the bed, it felt clustered because he stuck to me like glue. When his switch isn't on, Yorimitsu is like a normal person who loves to cuddle. It was a cute side of him and I'm happy that I am the only one who can see this.
"Hana-chan, are you ready for dinner?" The knock on the bathroom door took me out of my reverie.
" Coming!" I arranged my yukata and opened the door. Yorimitsu was standing outside waiting for me, but what surprised me most, was the little girl next to him and my precious son were all wearing a yukata! Marie shyly came forward and offered me gerbera daisies in light pink color. I knelt down to reach her level and accept the flowers.
" Mama, I wish you happiness, please don't be sad anymore." She was having a hard time speaking in English but I felt so proud that Marie was trying her best. Hearing her call me 'mama' brought so much joy into my heart.
" Thank you so much my sweet little pumpkins, you are so adorable. You made mama very proud and happy." I gave her a kiss on her forehead and squeezed her little body into mine. She smells so nice and she looks so cute I can't help myself.
" Oni-chan teaches me everything!" She proudly speaks. I looked up to my son and felt overwhelming happiness. Seeing him treating Marie like his little sister made me appreciate life more. It was beyond my expectations of him, especially when I saw the close bond the two develop in a span of not yet a month. If other people see us, they might even think we really are a family like any other normal family. I waved my hand motioning for my son to come to me and he did. He carried Marie on his right arm like she weighed nothing while his other free hand engulfed my shoulder.
" You did great mom, I'm so happy to see you again." His words might be simple to others, but to me there are a lot of hidden meanings that only my son and I understand. My eyes caught Yorimitsu contently watching us from the side.
" At times like this, Father should join us too, don't you think so papa?" I lifted my hand, waiting for him to join us in a family hug. Hearing the words 'papa' brightened his face even more and in just a few steps he was there. His other hand held me steady on my waist while the other engulfed us in a hug.
We remained like that for a few minutes when a knock on the bedroom door brought us back to reality.
"Minamoto-sama, Boss Tsuyoshi with Lady Sachiko and First in command Kenichi-sama are waiting for you in the dining hall." It was Ritzu-san's voice outside. I felt Yorimitsu's body become stiff. His facial expression has changed to a stoic one as he leads us to the door.
" Grandfather and Grandmother, together with my uncle from Tokyo are here. Don't speak when you're not asked to speak and remain quite as much as possible, OK?" He instructed, and we all nodded.
"Is this about me?" I asked. Yorimitsu took my hand and squeezed it.
" To be honest, it may or may not. But no matter what I am with you guys, so trust me."
We all nodded our heads, which eased the line in between Yorimitsu's brows. We all headed inside the huge dining hall and there I saw a woman in her early 60's wearing a beautiful red kimono with a black butterfly pattern all over it. Her face was void of emotion and when our eyes met I could feel her observing eyes drilling a hole in me. The older man next to her has a strong aura surrounding him like a mighty Tora (tiger) ready to snap anyone who displeases him. The only thing that lightens his gloomy appearance is the light colored Haori Hakama(second class kimono for men).
His hair is white but his body is well-maintained. He stomped his cane when he glanced at us. It startled and made Marie hide behind me. When the old man saw it he frowned and then he looked away.
" Serve the food! Damn it, do you wish me to starve to death?" His loud powerful voice echoed in the dining hall. Some members of the group volunteered to help Akemi-san and Ren-kun to serve the food at each of our tables. Satisfied that the food was served, he dusted his haori jacket before sitting on the zabuton(cushion for sitting). When the old man started picking his chopsticks, everyone started to sit down and eat their meal in complete silence. Until the food was finished, no one uttered a word before the tea was served and the old man spoke again.
" I heard we lost half a million dollars and you are getting a wife, Yori."It was not a question but more of a statement.
" Yes O-ji'i-chan, I wish to marry this woman sitting next to me."Yorimitsu took my hand and with ease he spoke with conviction in his voice. The old man nodded his head and glanced at his wife.
" What do you think of Sachiko-chan? Will she pass as the Kumicho wife?" Lady Sachiko stares straight at me and glances back at her husband.
" Not a chance, she will just be a hindrance." She frankly said. That stung my heart. But Yorimitsu's warm hand squeezing mine and David and Marie's bright look while staring at me make me feel like I can face anything in the world.
" Now, now, Old man, Chiko-chan, don't be so cruel, we might end up repeating the past if you guys continued like this." The man who was sitting at the far end of the dining hall stood up and winked at me. He seems like the casanova type of man. With his suave look and western clothing.
" I'm Kenichi Reizei of the Reizei gumi in Tokyo, half-brother of Yori's father." He bowed his head and offered his hand. Without thinking, I reached out my hand but a gun was pointed at me in return. Yorimitsu instantly pulled me behind him.
" Tsk! This is why civilians do not fit in our world, Yori. They trust people easily." He said before gazing at his left side.
" Oi! You. Yes you, the newbie, come here." He pointed with his gun to Ren-kun's direction and motioned for him to come to him. Even with fear in his eyes, Ren-kun walked to him and bowed his head.
" Yes, Kenichi-sama, what can I do for you?" He politely asked, but he was surprised when Kenichi handed over the gun to him. It was his first time holding it and it felt so heavy his heart was about to beat out of his chest.
" Ren-kun, I heard you became buddies with the son of the future Komicho's wife. Was it fun to be treated like a normal person?" Kenichi whispered in his ears, which brought chills throughout his body. He couldn't deny it. He knows Kenichi-sama knows everything that's going on inside the organization. All he could do now was to admit his fault.
" I'm sorry Kenichi-sama!" He bowed at an absolute 90 degree angle, his face formed a bead of sweat and it started to drop on the ground.
" Ah, it's not a big deal, just don't forget where you came from and don't live in a dream. Now this is how you hold a gun." He made Ren-kun hold the gun properly and in one swift move it was pointed to David.
"No! not my son!" I shouted as I tried to break free from Yorimitsu's tight embrace.
"Bang!" The loud sound of the gun echoed so much it made me feel numb all over my body. I watched as Ren-kun's face was soaked with tears and snot. His body is shivering like any moment he will collapse.
In slow motion, I saw my son's body fall on the ground, Marie, who was sitting next to him, fell unconscious from shock. I felt all the rationality in me was thrown out of the window. I managed to snatch Yorimitsu titanium chopsticks and lunge at Kinichi. Some of his guards came to stop me even though Yorimitsu was there trying to hold me down, but all I could see was red. One lethal kick to the jaw and one from the gang fell. I jab and kick those places that can knock out someone instantly until I come face-to-face with  Kenichi.
" You fucking bastard!" I shouted, trying to stab him with the chopstick a couple of times, but he was too quick to evade it, so I used a trick and let myself fall down on my knees like I finally gave up. He took the bait and was about to kneel down in front of me, but I tripped him with my foot, which caused him to stumble on the ground. Without waiting for him to recover, I hovered on top of him aiming for his eyes. It was so close, like an inch away and his blind, but then I felt a forceful hand stop me and I was engulfed in a familiar warm embrace.
Then tears started to form in my eyes.
" Yorimitsu, my son," I uttered with a shivering body.
"He's not dead. He had just been shot with a tranquiliser; there was not even blood on his shirt. Little Ganji (foreigner)" It was Lady Sachiko who spoke from behind us.
"Bring my granddaughter back to her room and also the boy with her." The former Kumicho Tsuyoshi-sama instructed, seeing Marie's hand was tightly clutching the hem of David's yukata and nobody had the guts to touch the Kumicho's daughter. Akemi-san carried Marie while two from the kumi-in (enlisted soldiers) carried David out of the dining hall.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23 ⏰

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