Chapter 14 A Family Trip.

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At the Shinkansen Train station.

I saw my son was waiting on a bench with our two medium-sized suitcases.
He was staring at his phone when I tapped his shoulder.
" Mom, you're here." He gave me a smile. He noticed something behind me and crunched his brows.
" Mom, I think you got a little kid stuck behind you." He said, trying to see who it was. Mari tried to hide her face in my dress.
" Who is she?" My son asked, but then he saw Yorimitsu walking towards us with a suitcase.
" Her name is Mari, Yorimitsu's daughter." I stared at my son straight in the eyes, not wanting any misunderstanding to occur.
" She's sick. I will tell you everything about her when we arrive at the hotel, but for now. I'm stuck with her because she thinks I'm her mom." My son gave me a confused look, but then he changed back to his calm demure.
" He better not hide anything than this, Mom." My son warned me before he knelt on the ground and picked something out of his jacket.
" Hello Mari, My name is David, do you like some candy?" David spoke in Japanese and, surprisingly, Mari peeked at her head to glance at my son and when she saw it was the same candy I had given her yesterday. Mari reached her hand to take the sweet, but my son made it harder for her to reach it.  In the end, her lips pouted. Mari hid her face and body behind me.
"Mama, Oni-chan is mean." Mari tugged the hem of my dress and glanced at me with a teary eye and pouty lips. She looked like an abandoned puppy that I couldn't help but carry her in my arms.
" David, stop teasing her." My son stood up smiling, looking amused at Mari, who hid her face in the crook of my neck.
"Heh! Did she just call me his big brother?" David offered the candy again but with some conditions.
"Here, Mari, I'm going to give you the candy if you let me carry you." Mari steered her head and peeked at my son's offered hands. Then she glanced at me with an uncertain look, seeking help.
I gave her a smile and said, "Oni-chan likes little kids, do you want to play with him, Mari?" She nodded her head and let my son take her in his arms.
" You both seem like a pro at this. I'm a little jealous that my daughter never once called me Otosan, yet the two of you were properly addressed as her mother and older brother." Yorimitsu placed a hand on my shoulder while sighing. I laughed at him tapping his back.
" You don't look sad, rather you seem pleased," I commented.
" Why not? If this brings us all closer together, I don't mind. I'm happy to have a son and a beautiful wife." He placed a kiss on my temple, not bothered if some people looked strange at us.
" Mom, the two of you take care of our luggage. I will look after Mari."
David got on the train with Mari in his arms. I'm surprised to see Mari wasn't even afraid. She seems to enjoy my son's company. Yorimitsu and I followed suit, with each in our hands carrying baggage.
When we arrived in Kyoto, it was super hot, so we decided to head first to the hotel and take a rest. Yorimitsu and David took the twin rooms we were supposed to use. While Mari and I had a deluxe room with a Gigantic mattress.
" Will you guys be alright here?" I asked the two men standing next to me.
" We will be fine. This is a good chance for us to get to know each other, right, David?" Yorimitsu tapped my son back a few times.
" You go and take a rest with Mari, Mom." David pushed us gently inside the elevator. Our room is one floor ahead of them.
" Bye Mari, see you later." Mari smiled and waved her hand. When the elevator door shut, I asked Mari.
" You seem to like David."
" Hmm, Oni-chan daisuki desu." Mari didn't let go of the candy David gave to her, instead she kept it in her small backpack. When we arrived in our room, our suitcase was already inside. I told Mari we should shower and dress comfortably before taking a rest. She was so cooperative that not long after we took a shower together, we were already fully dressed, lying on the bed comfortably.
I lend her my iPad and place it on cartoons on Netflix. She seems to like it, so we're both relaxing in bed. My phone rang and I saw it was Yorimitsu.
" Hana-chan, are you OK with Mari?" He seemed worried.
" Yes, she's behaving well. We are both watching a cartoon now. How about you and David?"
" He's in the shower, we had a bit of a talk. I apologized to him about Mari, and David said it was not my fault nor Mari's that things happened as they are right now." Yorimitsu sighed in relief that made me smile.
" I'm glad to hear you were both fine and getting along together. Let's meet later for dinner." I clicked the end button when I heard him agree. I place my phone back on the side table and proceed to watch what Mari is watching. It's probably because we had just taken a bath, but the two of us fell asleep not long after. When I woke up, I felt a warm hand caressing my cheeks. When I opened my eyes, I was greeted by those piercing jet-black eyes. The room was dark and the only light emitting inside was from the open bathroom.
" Hm, what time is it? And where's Mari?" I sat on the bed, rubbing my eyes.
" David took Mari to the lobby, Konbanwa Hana-chan." He greeted me and captured my lips. Feeling his warm body pressed on me and his warm tingly tongue licking my lips and pressing it open makes me mind all fuzzy.  I had to use all my strength to give our bodies and lips space.
" Wait, I haven't cleaned my teeth and I need to brush my hair. How long are they waiting for us, Yorimitsu?" I asked while trying to squirm my way out of his iron grip.
" Give me a few minutes more, Hana-chan. You look like an angel when you sleep. Staring at you makes me hard like this." He placed one of my hands on his erect crotch. Damn! It's pulsating underneath my palm.
" So now, is it my fault? You're the one with sinner eyes and perverted thoughts." I grabbed a pillow, and hit him with it a few times.
" Stop it Hana-chan, allow me to hug you, I want to feel your body next to me please." Yorimitsu finally catches the pillow and throws it out of the bed. He grabbed both my hands and pinned them above my head.
" I love it when you put in a fight, Hana-chan, though the effect remains the same for me." He nuzzled the side of my ear down to my jawline.
" Seeing you peacefully asleep turns me on, your smile and your scent are driving me crazy. At least give me some strength to pass on these four hellish days that I can't fuck you." He bit the side of my neck that he marked last night. I moan in pain, yet I feel like I'm burning from the inside. He licked the spot, still hugging me tight.
" Yorimitsu." I called his name. He dipped a kiss on the side of my neck and spoke.
"One more minute, Hana-chan, please." He begged, sounding so desperate.
I sigh and stop pushing his body away. I started counting from one to sixty in my head. At a time like this, I find myself succumbing to what he wants. His possessiveness is beyond my experience. I mean, I never had someone this obsessed with me before. When a minute passed, I tapped his back.
" Times up Yorimitsu, your one minute is over." I felt his weight was lifted, and I saw him offer his hand to help me get out of bed.
" Thank you." I said, tapping his cheeks before I went inside the bathroom. He followed me but kept his distance. It made me smile because, true to his word, he didn't touch me anymore and let me do my things while he was watching. After freshening up, I walked back to the room and felt him following me.
" Are you seriously following me around like a lost puppy?" I asked, laughing. I guided his body to sit on the edge of the bed.
"Puppy or what, I just want to look at you, Hana-chan." He honestly admitted. Awe, he looks so cute right now, I can't help but tease him.
" Am I that attractive in your eyes?" I asked, interlocking my hand on his neck. I sat on his lap in a straddle position.
" When Hana-chan is around, you are the only one I can see." He confessed,  cupping both of my cheeks. I felt my heart flutter, Yorimitsu's candid words made me swoon.

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