Chapter 18 Punishment

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Everything felt unreal, yet the shaking of my body was telling me it did happen. I was abducted and used as a tool to blackmail Yorimitsu.
I didn't look when he carried me out of that dark suffocating place, but the stench of blood made my stomach churn. I couldn't help it anymore after the people were done inspecting me. I moved Yorimitsu's arm, which was wrapped around my waist, and opened the passenger seat door.
"Blerg!" I wretch quite a few times until I feel like nothing will come out of my stomach. I sat on the asphalt ground not minding the dirt underneath me.
" Have a sip of water, Hana-chan." Yorimitsu handed me a bottle of water and I gulped a few. I sigh, feeling much better. Yorimitsu squatted next to me and dried the beads of sweat on my face. When I glance to meet up with his intense gaze I can see regret and range on it. I know he was blaming himself for what just happened to me. I don't want to see his sorry face. I chose him and I know this thing is a part of his world. It was scary shit like thoughts of different torture inflicted on me made my heart beat out of my chest. It's frightening to think that I might not be able to hug my son again, but I choose to be with a yakuza. I need to be ten times stronger mentally than when I was still an ordinary civilian.
" Let's go home, Yorimitsu." I cup his cheeks and smile at him.
"Damn it! Don't act so tough in front of me Hana-chan, You're breaking my heart a million times. I should always be the one stronger, yet you're beating me out of this game." He gibbers, pressing my body into his.
" Yorimitsu," I called on his name.
"Yes, Hana-chan." He stared back at me waiting for my response.
" I'm tired. Please help me up." In a sweeping movement, he scooped me off the ground and we went back in the car. I sat on his lap while my body was covered with his black suit.
"Back to the residence Aou-san."
"Roger that Boss."
Yorimitsu was still saying something but I felt too weak to open my eyes and focus my mind to understand anything. All I wanted now was to feel his warmth and the comforting hint of tobacco mixed with his refreshing minty cologne. I snuggled closer to his chest. Yorimitsu tightens his arms around my body while occasionally damping kisses on my head. It might be his way of comforting me and I feel content. I didn't know when I fell asleep, but the second time I opened my eyes. I was lying on the bed when I glanced around. I saw him sitting on the chair next to the bed, watching me in the dark. I tried to sit and he helped me up.
"What time is it?" I asked, wincing in pain. My throat hurt a lot.
"Around five-thirty in the morning," He answered, glancing at his wristwatch.
"Here have some honey lemon water, It will soothe your throat, Hana-chan."
"Thank you, how long have you been sitting there?" I asked when he sat on the bed.
" Since I placed you on the bed."He shrugged his shoulders like it was nothing, but I could see the dark rim under his eyes through the bedside lamp he just clicked on. I cup his left cheek and he naturally leans on it.
" Come lay next to me." I patted the space next to the king-sized bed that I'd never seen before. The room is decorated in a modern style, so it looks unfamiliar to me.
" I haven't showered. Could I take off all my clothes, Hana-chan?" I felt my cheeks blushing but I swatted away the green thoughts that appeared in my head. He looks so serious when he asks permission, so how can I think about something lewd?
" Do what you think is best." I watched as he stood up and unbuttoned his long-sleeved shirt. When he's done undoing his clothes, he places them on the chair and starts unbuckling his belt down to his pants, leaving only his boxer briefs. I flipped the comforter and invited him in. He snuggled close to me, sighing after sniffing my neck.
" Why do you always sniff my neck or my chest? How do I smell Yorimitsu?" I ask while my hand goes brushing his sleek mid-length hair.
" You smell like home, Hana-chan. It's extremely comforting." I watched as he slowly closed his eyes. He often speaks of it, but I still don't know what home smells like for him.
" I still don't get it, but it sounds good to my ear. Now sleep. This time I'll be the one watching over you." I whispered to him.
" Thank you," I uttered, kissing his forehead.
"I'd like it more if it's on my lips, Hana-chan." He smiled and seemed like he appreciated my gesture.
" Stop mumbling and sleep now. I'll give you a thousand kisses when you wake up." I continued brushing his hair while I felt his body inches closer to me. He shifted his head from my neck down to my bosom.
" Sounds like a great deal to me, Hana-chan. Please don't leave my side until I wake up." He sounded like a needy child but I complied easily.
" Yes, yes, I promised." I compromised. That made him smile. He hugged my body tight reassuring himself that I'd be there the moment he opened his eyes.
Time went by after an hour of thinking random thoughts and this and that. My mind became tired and I started to fall asleep. It was around 11 in the morning when I heard some whispering words. When I opened my eyes, Yorimitsu was still sleeping like a log. I spotted Mari-chan at the slightly open door with my son's head popping out of it.
" Hi, Mom, sorry to wake you up but Mari is too persistent." David scratches the back of his head. I smiled at them.
" I'll be out in a moment," I told them in a low voice while my hand was shooing them away.
"Got it Mom, Let's go Mari." David whispered something to Mari and the little girl nodded her head, waving goodbye to me. When the door closes, I glance back at Yorimitsu. I count on my head the hours that he already sleeps in and it's about six hours. I know it's not enough yet, but I had to pee and I don't want to break my first promise to him. So I started damping feather light kisses on his cheeks, nose, eyes and his chin. His stubble was growing, which kind of made my skin itch, but seeing him awake made it worth it.
" Ohayo Hana-chan." A smile formed on his lips cupping my face.
" Good morning, sorry to wake you up but we have got some visitors." I informed him. I was about to leave bed when he pulled my arm and I landed back to his firm body.
" Hey! I need to pee." I slapped his chest but he rolled his body, trapping me underneath him.
" You said you'd give me a thousand kisses, Hana-chan, and I'm the type that never misses a claim." He starts attacking me with small kisses that tickle me.
" You have to shave Yorimitsu, your stubble will give me rashes. Ah! stop that tickling." I squirm underneath him when he starts kissing my neck. It was the most ticklish, apart from my belly side. He didn't stop attacking me until the door opened wide and I was huffing and catching my breath.
Mari jumps to the bed and manages to find her way in between us. She probably thought we were playing and wanted to tag along.
" Ohayo Mari-chan, David-kun."Yorimitsu kissed his daughter's forehead, which made the little girl squirm away to my side.
" See, even Mari doesn't like your stubble, let's go take a shower and shave it off." I suggested, which he gladly accepted.
" Will be seeing you both in the dining hall at lunch." Yorimitsu informs the two. When they left, Yorimitsu pulled me into the ensuite bathroom.
" Hana-chan, can we have a quickie?" His eyes were filled with raw desire and I had already noticed his hardness underneath the blanket the moment I woke him up.
" Just once, I haven't eaten anything—hmp!" I was still saying something when the beast grabbed the back of my head. His arm pulled my hips towards his body and his lips claimed mine. He tries to open my mouth, nibbling and licking my lips. While his other hand slipped inside my t-shirt, gently massaging my breast. I don't know where my clothes from yesterday went but when I woke up this morning, I was already wearing an oversize shirt and boxer shorts. It was a bit loose so he managed to pull it out of my legs and lift my shirt, leaving me naked in his eyes.
" What a sight to behold. I wish my morning was like this all the time. Stick  your tongue out Hana-chan." I did what I was told and I felt his tongue tangle with mine.

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