Chapter 6 Research and Miss Calls.

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When I glanced at my phone, I saw one missed call around 2 a.m. and a few notifications on Instagram and FB. Other than that, there was nothing more. It's Monday, so my first class will start at eight-thirty in the morning. During my break time, I tried to think of a solution, but I lacked knowledge about yakuza and I had to research it at home.
My whole day passes by in a breeze. It was already 5:30 pm and my last class had just ended. Before six in the evening, I arrived home and started preparing dinner. My son will be back around seven. He's a third-year college student. In his spare time, my son does a part-time job in a convenience store two blocks away from our home.
When I was done, I took a shower and prepared the table. The beeping sound of the door made me smile.
" Mom, I'm home." The rustling sound of footsteps just reminds me that I am not alone.
" Welcome back, the food is ready. Go wash your hands." I greeted him.
" I'll just change my clothes, mom." I nodded my head and sat on the table.
When he came back, he was already wearing comfortable clothes. We ate our dinner. He washed the dishes and I went back to my room. I saw my phone was blinking but when I was about to reach for it, the ringing had ended. When I looked at the logbook, it was the same number as the one who called this morning. Thinking it might not be a coincidence, I pressed the callback button, and it rang quite a few times before a service operator said that the number I dialed was busy. I placed my phone back on the table and sat on the chair. I opened my laptop and started my research into the yakuza. It is said that the Yakuza originated from the Edo 1603-1868 period, and they are the lowest class of society.  They are composed of Tekiya or peddlers and Bakuto or gamblers. Most of all, the yakuza have traditional tattoo ink on their bodies, and they call it Erezumi. Munewari Sōshinbori is like bodysuit fashion. The extremities are left blank so that the person can conceal their tattoos with a long-sleeved shirt and trousers. It says that the vertical gap down the torso is done, so they can unbutton their shirts without exposing any ink. It's a representation of their honor and bravery. Some articles even said that they are a group of chivalrous men that help in times of big calamity occurrence in some city or place around Japan.  Now that I think about it, Mr. Minamoto has the same style of tattoo. When in a black suit, no one would ever think that he has a tattoo on his body. It's interesting the more I find out about them. It's just too bad that I forgot the name of their group. But when I searched for the name of the company on the business card that Mr. Watanabe gave to me. I found out that it was a legit company that dated from 1873. That's quite long.
My eyes started to hurt, so I turned off my laptop and grabbed a bottle of mineral water. It was 11:40 in the evening, I took my sleeping pills and went to the bathroom. I often do this, so I don't have to wake up in the middle of the night just to pee. There are so many things I need to consider because of my problem with sleeping. I can't or try not to drink tea after 5 p.m. I only drink one coffee per day and no carbonated, sugary drinks. Typically, when I am too nervous, or I feel like I can't handle being around many people, I also take fluoxetine. It's an anti-depression pill. I tried to overcome this issue, but it has been so many years, and it's like a habit that I can't let go of. I'm just glad that I have my son with me all the time. He's the one who pulls me out of the darkness and puts color into my life.
The next morning, I woke up at 6 o'clock. It has always been like this. Even though it was still a bit early, my mind automatically started working, and I couldn't sleep anymore. I usually walk around this time because I learnt that doing a walk first thing in the morning burns body fat more than doing exercise when you eat already. When I came back home, my son was already awake, making some breakfast.
" Morning Mom, your bath is ready. I made some tuna sandwiches and coffee for you."
" Morning, thanks, David." I went back to my room to pick up my towel and undies. I took a quick shower and ate my breakfast. When I was about to prepare the things I needed for school, I remembered I hadn't checked my phone, so I picked it up on my desk table and saw 1 missed call appear on the screen. It was the same number that was called last night. It felt strange, but I just disregarded it. I need to be at school thirty minutes before the class starts.
Fast-forward to the evening.
I was preparing to go to sleep when my phone rang. It was the same number that tried to contact me quite a few times so I picked it up.
" Hello?" I said.
" Hana-chan, I'm here in front of your apartment. Can you please come down." That deep husky voice on the other line spoke. Instantly my heart beats erratically and goosebumps form on my skin.
There was a moment of silence before I could answer.
" Give me a minute, I'm heading down right now." I informed him.
I didn't care anymore about how I looked. I just took my cardigan and wore my slippers and whoosh! I'm out of the house. Just like he said, he was leaning on a black Acura NSX car. He's wearing a black suit, looking so damn attractive. He was about to light a cigarette when he spotted me walking towards him. He flicked it away and greeted me.
" Yo, Hana-chan, let's talk inside." He opened the door for me and, even with hesitation in my heart, I went along and got inside. When we are both in. Mr Watanabe, who was sitting in the driver's seat, bowed his head and got out of the car.
I don't know how to start the conversation so that it won't feel awkward, but to hell with formalities.
" You left, leaving a master card and keys." I spoke without looking at him. I felt tense being alone with him.
"Why are you sitting so far away? Come here." Before I knew it, he grabbed my hand and I ended up in a straddle position on his lap.
" Wait! Mr. Minamoto, what are you doing?" I tried to break free from his grasp but he was way too buff for me.
" Easy now, I've been trying to contact you but it was always at the wrong time so I came instead." He explains. I stared straight into his eyes and spoke about what was bothering me.
" What will I become now, Mr. Minamoto? A mistress, a sex partner?" I didn't mention the word wife because I find it a bit absurd for him to do that to a person he just met and shared a bed with.
" You will be my wife Hana-chan, whether you like it or not." He gave me his signature smile. His hand grabs the back of my head and kisses me. Surprised, I wanted to protest, but the moment his warm lips touched mine my mind became blank. His scent mixed with cigarettes felt comforting and his tongue forced its way to open my mouth, sending a tingling sensation in my core. When one of his free hands slipped inside my T-shirt, he was groping at my breast. My mouth automatically opened and he took the chance to play with my tongue. Sucking and licking until I'm about to run out of breath.
When he finally stopped kissing me, he buried his face in my chest and inhaled deeply." You smell like home Hana-chan." he sighed in bliss. I remembered he spoke  the same words  last time but I didn't understand the meaning of them.
" Mr. Minamoto, we have to talk." I reminded him but he only hummed in response.
" Can I rest for a few minutes?" he said after. Then his hand took mine and placed it on his head.
" Will you brush my hair, Hana-chan?" There it goes again. The way he demands things in a very polite way. I didn't respond but my finger moved, brushing his silky soft hair. A few moments later, I felt his body relax, like he had fallen asleep. I continued brushing his hair until my hand felt tired. I don't know how long I can sit in this position but I endure it until half an hour passes by and I can't take it anymore.
" Mr. Minamoto, please wake up." I shiver his shoulders lightly and thank goodness he is finally awake.
" Konbanwa Hana-chan, he greeted me with an innocent smile before kissing my lips again." This time the kiss did not last long. His hand supported my hips and, finally, I could sit properly in the car.

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