Chapter- 11 Kiss and Tell

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It was around nine in the evening when the dinner was over. Mari looked tired and I suggested that she should go to sleep. But when Ms. Akemi took her hands to give her a bath. Mari started to cry again. Yorimitsu tried to take her away but she called to me "Mama!". The terrified look in her eyes tugged at my heart. I don't know why but Mari kept on reminding me of my son. I remember whenever I visited him on the weekend and it was about time to leave. He had the same look as Mari in front of me.  On impulse, my body moved and took Mari in my arms.
" Shush... It's OK, I won't leave you." Mari buried her face on my chest still sobbing. I gently pat her back hoping it will ease the trembling of her body.
"I'll help her take a bath and bring her to sleep. Will that be OK, Yorimitsu?" I asked, glancing at him who was standing behind me.
He was just staring at me unfazed. I waved my hand in front of him, it was only then that he responded in surprise.
"Can I tag along with you, Hana-chan?" He sounded a bit shy for some reason. But I didn't put too much thought into it and grabbed his hand, tugging him with me. I followed Ms. Akemi and she took us to a traditional Ofuro (bath) . It has a cloakroom space made to remove your clothes with a bathroom sink, mirror, clothes storage and stool to sit on. There's a waterproof curtain separating the bathtub and yubune.
Ms. Akemi bowed her head and shut the sliding door when we stepped inside, leaving the 3 of us alone in the bathroom.
" Mari, let's get you a shower." I pointed to the yubune. She seemed to understand what I said because she nodded her head, so I placed her down and started to undress her. I know Japanese people soak their bodies in the bathtub, but for washing or cleaning themselves, they usually sit on a stool. Glancing around, I found that they had showers, so I took them and tested the water.
When I felt like it was warm enough for Mari, I glanced at her father who was just staring at us in awe.
" Would you mind holding the shower head so I can wash Mari's body?" I handed him the shower head even though he hadn't even answered.
" Yes, of course, Thank you Hana-chan. It's embarrassing that I have to put you in this kind of situation. You're not even Mari's biological mom, but still. You're helping us." I put some soap in my hand and gently spread it on Mari's body.
" She's your daughter and soon we're going to be married. I have to accept not only the good but the bad in you. You didn't know you had a child until recently and Mari shouldn't be affected by this marriage. Believe it or not, my son and I understand Mari's situation more than anybody else." When I'm done washing and scrubbing gently her arms, back and legs. I started to rinse Mari's body. When she was all clean, Yorimitsu held his daughter and placed her in the tub.
" I'd like to know more about you Hana-chan." He took Mari out of the tub and I dried her body with a towel. Ms. Akemi knocked on the door and handed me a yukata. Then she converse to Yorimitsu.
" Hana-chan, Akemi-san informed me that you have to switch on this." He placed his hand on top of the Yukata I was holding. I glanced at my clothes and I saw they were a bit wet from the water that plastered on me. I smiled at Ms. Akemi and thanked her.
"You can change your clothes here, I will wait for you outside Hana-chan." Yorimitsu talked to Mari and then they both went outside. Seeing that Mari is just covered with towels. I quickly undressed the dress I wore this afternoon and wore the comfortable Yukata. I fold my clothes and open the door. The father and daughter duo were both waiting for me outside. Ms. Akemi took my clothes and Yorimitsu led me and Mari to a pathway.
" Akemi-san will wash your clothes, for now please bear with the yukata." Yorimitsu placed his hand on my shoulder while the 3 of us were walking back to Mari's room. When we reached her room, Yorimitsu pointed out the drawer where his daughter's clothes were.
" I don't know what kind of clothes Mari-chan has to wear, so can you please help me choose Hana-chan." He grabs the side of his neck and massaged it. I notice when he is embarrassed or conflicted he often does this like mannerism. He looks vulnerable and I like to see this side of him. When I opened the first drawer on top, it was full of sweaters and socks.The next drawer had a blouse and pajamas and the third had undies and a small towel. They are all mixed up. It is still August and the weather is hot, so I picked a plain white shirt and light pajamas. Then I blow dried her hair and brushed it while Yorimitsu was just watching us. When I tucked her into bed, we closed the big light and the only light coming into the room was the light post from outside.
I lay next to Mari on the futon bed. I Hum a song that my son really liked when he was still small. Surprisingly, not long after I finished the song I felt Mari fall asleep. Slowly, I moved out of her bed and was a bit startled when I accidentally bumped into Yorimitsu. He was quick to grab my hand and waist.
" You should be more careful in the dark, Hana-chan." I completely forgot that he was still there. It was so quiet that I thought he had already slipped out of the room.
" Thank you for catching me. Have you noticed where my bag is?" I asked, squinting my eyes in the dark.
" Let's go to my room, Akemi-san will probably place it there." He suggested, but I felt alarmed.
" Are you sure it's in there?" He took my hand and led me outside the room.
" If it's not,  then we can ask Akemi-san later." He interlaced his hand with mine and I just followed him until we entered another room.
Inside his room was spacious with minimal decoration. On top of a drawer is a display of samurai swords. The wall paper around the room is in monochrome design.
" Please take a seat, Hana-chan." I sat in a zabuton next to a chabudai or a short-legged table. Yorimitsu opened a sliding door inside his room and I saw that it was where he slept. When he came out, he was already holding my bag. He placed it on the table and sat opposite.
" Can I call my son? He's probably waiting for me," I asked.
" Please go ahead. If you want, I can still bring you back home." He offered. I glanced at my wristwatch and saw it was past eleven in the evening. Going home would take an hour and then I'm still worried about Mari's condition. So I decided.
" Can I sleep here tonight?" Yorimitsu didn't hide the surprised look on his face.
" Yes, If that's ok with you, Hana-chan, I will be delighted. Please sleep next to me." He said, grabbing my hand. He looked somewhat excited and happy, his eyes almost sparkling.
" I didn't say I would literally sleep in your bed, Yorimitsu." I teased him and he blushed. He looked so confused and flustered.
" Well, we have an available room to sleep in but I will be sleeping there too if you don't want to sleep here." He looked very serious and that made me laugh.
" I'm sorry, you look so cute right now, Yorimitsu." In a swift move he was next to me. He scooped me up and placed me on his bed. 
" Was it fun joking with me, Hana-chan?" He asked, climbing on top of me. He grabbed both my hands and placed them above my head. He nuzzled the side of my cheeks  and he bit my ear, which made me moan. I didn't struggle to be free. In fact, I'm still smiling even though I know I'm poking his inner beast.
" How many women have you slept in this bed?" I asked out of the blue.
" None. A house is where you sleep Hana-chan. If I want to fuck a woman I'll go to a hotel." He looks so serious and honest, it's admirable.
" Good answer, now kiss me Yorimitsu." I commanded.
Not a second decreed after I said those words and I felt his warm lips linked with mine. His kiss was rough, it's the same as his punishing me. He bit my lower lips and slipped his tongue into mine. Our tongues met and tasted each other. He only let me go when we were almost out of breath.
" Huh, gosh that was sexy." I muttered, still catching my breath. Yorimitsu buried his face in my neck and bit my shoulder, which made me cry in pain.
" Ouch! That hurts." I complained.
" You're very naughty Hana-chan, I almost couldn't hold myself." He said before licking the bite mark on my shoulder. His tongue tickles my skin and his warm breath makes me shudder.
" Now, before I devour you, let's not forget your son." He then released my hand and helped me out of bed.
" I haven't forgotten it, but thank you for remembering."My palm lingered for a bit on his cheeks before I walked back to his table and picked up my phone.

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