Chapter-4 He Was Hired

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He gently helps me stand up, not answering my question. Puzzled, I watched Mr. Minamoto picked up my laptop bag.
" Hana-chan, can I borrow your laptop? I want to show you something." He said, but he took it anyway without waiting for my response. He sat on the double-seater couch and placed a USB on my laptop.
" Come here, sit with me Hana-chan." He waved his hand towards me like I'm a child he wanted to lure. I sat next to him, still puzzled. When he clicks a folder, a video appears and when he plays it, my eyes turn to saucers. I held my mouth with both of my hands to hold my scream. I was horrified beyond belief when I saw myself in a video having sex. It was recorded six months ago. That was the last time I visited this part of the town.
" You see, Hana-chan, I was hired to look for you. That person is an affiliate of our group. He said you ran away and he couldn't find you." He whispered in my ears, which sent chills all over my body. I shudder, biting my lower lips to maintain my composure.
" Excuse me, I need to go to the bathroom." I didn't wait for his answer. My foot moves on its own accord but he grabs my arm before I can even reach the bathroom.
" We're not done talking Hana-chan." He reminds me.
" I know, I need to rearrange my thoughts. Could you give me a moment?" I pulled my hand back and walked straight to the bathroom. I lock it and open the shower. Then I screamed and cursed with all my might.  I heard a knock on the door asking if I was OK.
" Fuck! Just leave me alone!" I yelled back and the door went flying open. Although it took me by surprise, my range did not go down so I smacked him, aiming for his face, but he caught my hand before it landed.
" Easy now, I don't want you to get hurt."
" To hell with you! Don't touch me!" I tried to punch him again but he dodged it once more and restrained both of my hands. He carries me like a sack of rice on his shoulder and tosses me on the bed.
" Quit the swearing Hana-chan, let's talk this through."  Still angry, I throw a pillow at him but he catches it easily. Damn bastard! I sat on the bed and asked.
" So what will happen to me now? Am I going to be handed back to that guy?" I know I'm in a big mess and I couldn't help but blame myself.
" You see, Hana-chan, I wasn't done talking and you quickly walked away. As I am saying, that guy hired us, but that doesn't mean i will hand you to him. So you better listen." Mr. Minamoto sat on the bed and tried to touch my face, but I slapped it away. He looked amused by what I did, but he didn't touch me again.
" Before I slept with that guy, we made an agreement that there was no string attached and I would lead the sex. He was blindfolded and his hand was tied on the headboard. But he broke the deal in the middle of our sex, so I ran away the moment he loosened his guard." I clarified. I grabbed a pillow and buried my face in it. I am so embarrassed to talk about my sex life to others. I heard him sigh.
" He was obsessed with you and I know now why.
You're amazing in bed, even I wouldn't let you free if I were him." He confessed, which made me look up at his face. I still couldn't read what he was thinking and it annoyed me.
" So what's the deal?"
" The deal? It's forfeited now." He casually said.
" That's it?" I clarified. Not believing that I could get out of this situation uncatch.
" Yup, but since I renounced the agreement. Hana-chan belongs to me now." He gave me a devilish smile.
Urg! I wanted to punch that smile away.
" So what are you planning to do with me then?" I asked, mentally prepared for any unreasonable deal he would offer me.
" I want to get to know you better and I want you to meet me whenever I desire to see you." He said casually, like it's not a big deal.
" How about the video?"
" I will delete it in front of you if you want. It's the only copy he got and I confiscated and searched his place for anything he could use against you, Hna-chan. It's all clear." I was surprised by what I heard. Why would someone like him go to such lengths for an ordinary person like me?
" How do I know if I can trust you?" I said frankly.
" Well, I don't know how I can prove it, but you have to trust me. You have no other choice than that Hana-chan." He shrugged his shoulders casually, which made me heave a heavy sigh. I guess for now I need to go with the flow.
" Such a long sigh, Are you hungry Hana-chan? I ordered food for us."  Speaking of food, my stomach made a loud grumble and Mr. Minamoto laughed. After we ate, he gave me morning-after pills.
" Last night was unexpected. My apologies for not using any protection, Hana-chan." He bowed his head and apologized. I was taken aback but also felt grateful that he was considerate enough to think of my well being.
It was around midnight when we decided to go to sleep.
" What time do you wish to go home tomorrow?" He asked when he lay in bed next to me.
" Before afternoon, I still need to make a lesson plan.''I casually replied. He placed his arm on my waist and I felt him kiss my hair.
" I will send you home then." I turned around wanting to refuse, but his lips captured mine. His kiss felt different tonight, it's slow and sensual not like yesterday. He was like a beast devouring his prey.
I huff, catching my breath when he finally releases me.
" I'm sorry Hana-chan, but can I lay to rest my face on your chest?" I wanted to ask why' but I chose to remain silent because I noticed from the first time we met. He's the type of guy who mixes formal and informal speech when he's talking. I gently guided his head towards my chest and I felt for once he smiled genuinely.
" Sigh, you smell like home Hana-chan." I brushed his sleek mid-length hair until I felt his breathing become even. He had fallen asleep just like that.
What a strange person. I had a lot of things to think over, stuff I wanted to ask him, but for now. Feeling his warmth made me relax and fall asleep too.

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