Chapter 20 Comfort Zone

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I felt like I was not myself. When my emotions settled down, I just let Yorimitsu dry my body with a bunch of towels that he could grab. Then he wraps himself in a robe and does the same as me. He carried me out of the bathroom and placed me on the bed. Immediately, I lay down and crawled into a ball position.
" Hana-chan, we have to dry your hair or you will catch a cold."Yorimitsu hugged my crawling body and kissed my nape.
" Let it be, I'll be fine. I just want my comfort zone." I responded in a monotone voice. I felt like all of my energy was drained. For now, I don't want to deal with anything and I just want to close my eyes. I miss my bed, my comfort zone.
" Comfort zone? What is that Hana-chan?" Yorimitsu asked, while he was tucking some of the hair that covered my face when I glanced back at him.
"Did I utter that out loud?" I mumbled.
" Yes, how can I get this comfort zone, Hana-chan? Just please tell me? I know i fuck up and I feel like shit right for not knowing how to comfort you. Please help me, please." He hugged me tight and I could feel his fast beating heart. His body felt stiff yet he was trying his best to cradle me without causing any discomfort.
" Tell David I need my comfort zone. He will know what to do." He kisses my forehead and places the blanket on top of my body, but I kick it away.
" Just go please." I uttered in a lifeless voice. Though I could see he was hurt by my action, Yorimitsu's body moved and shut the door gently. Finally, having the silence of the room, I felt more relaxed.
In the hall while Yorimitsu was roaming around, when he spotted  David-kun in a small pond outside the dining hall.
"Hey, where's mom?"He asks casually while throwing a ball to Mari.
"David-kun, It's your mom, she said she needed her comfort zone." When David heard this his face switched from a cheerful teenager to a serious man.
" What trigger her? Was it from last night's incident?" I wanted to lie but I couldn't.
" No.Thats not right." David's hand interrupted what I was about to say.
"Mom is OK this morning. This means something happened between the two of you. Fuck I need to hurry home and pick up what she needs asap." He mumbled in distress.
"Oni-chan are you OK?" Mari looked worried, pulling gently the hem of David's shirt.
"All is well Mari, Can I leave for a bit to pick up mom's things?"
" Hm! OK, please come back quickly." David brushed Mari's hair, which made her run and hide in Akemi-san's back.
" I instructed  Aou-san to drive you there. Please make it quick and I'm sorry, I will explain everything later." Yorimitsu bowed his head even though he's the head of Minamoto's house. A Kumicho who's humbling himself to a civilian. Akemi-san gasped but didn't say a word. She only looked around, hoping she wouldn't spot any members in the vicinity.
David leaves in a hurry and even though Aou-san doesn't know what the problem is, he drives as fast as he could and within forty-five minutes they are now standing outside of the apartment.
"Want to drink something while waiting for me, Aou-san?" David, who was walking up the stairs followed by Aou, asked. David was about to place the key in the keyhole when the electronic door went open. Surprisingly, he saw a teenager similar in age to him.
" Yo, David-sama, Aou-san, I heard some noise outside and was about to see what it was." He opened the door wider and motioned with his hand for them to come in.
" Ritsu-san asked me to take care of your house while you guys are not around. I hope I'm not a nuisance." He shyly scratched the back of his head. When David glanced around the apartment, nothing seemed to change. He just noticed an old futon neatly folded at the end of their sofa and one pillow on top of it.
When Ren followed David's view, he quickly moved and took the futon and pillow, placing them behind the sofa.
"Sorry man, I didn't know you would come, so I haven't cleaned the house." David did not say anything but he walked to the sofa and picked up the things Ren-san left on the floor. Then he walked to his room and placed it inside his cabinet.
" There's no one sleeping on the bed, so why are you sleeping on the floor?" He asked, but  his body continued to move while waiting for Ren-san's reply.
" I didn't know if I was allowed to do that and I didn't mean any disrespect to you, David-sama or to Mistress Hana." He apologized at an absolute ninety-degree angle that gave David a headache.
" I know what you guys are doing." He blurted out. That made Aou-san, who was leisurely sipping water, stand abruptly.
" Sigh, It's too obvious although I really appreciate you guys trying to act like normal civilians. Thanks for granting my mother's wish." He gave them a warm smile and the two felt like he was so shiny it was blinding.
" Here, Ren-kun, I'm sure you know how to use a play station. I attach them all so you just need the remote from the t.v and the joy stick if you want to kill some time while you're here. You can also use the bathroom and my room. You have my permission, so please don't act like a homeless person." He ranted.
" Thank you for your kindness, David-sama!" Again he repeated the 90 degree bow that made David sigh. Furthermore, just because his mother is going to be their boss's wife doesn't mean they have to treat him like a high-maintenance person.
Remembering the things he needed, he went to the next room and pulled out his mother's small gray case. He placed a few of her oversized shirts and pajamas inside. Then he tried to squeeze in the pink U-shaped full body pregnancy pillow inside the biggest suitcase they had. This is what his mom means as her comfort zone. He didn't forget to slip some of her silk sleeping masks inside the black mini-travel pouch and place them all in the gray suitcase.
When he finally sorted out the things his mother might be needing, David closed all the suitcases and went to her drawer. Inside of it lay a few bottles of xanax, valdoxan and fluoxetine.
His mother was diagnosed with Adjustment disorder and hers was chronic.
When she has an episode mixed with anxiety, depression and a stressor, something or someone that stimulates her to fall into a shutdown), her mother will want to be in a place without no light emitting on it and she will stay there for a few days until she can get over what's stressing her or making her depressed. This time, David didn't know what triggered it but seeing Yorimitsu's guilty expression. He will wait until the latter opens up with him. Although it wasn't long after David met his mother's fiance, he could feel his sincerity and love in his eyes whenever his mother's name was mentioned or she became their topic.
He remembers when Yorimitsu toured him at his house and offered him to pick one of those collectible cars as a gift  for accepting their marriage. David quickly refuses it. A car he can buy when he has a stable job one day, but his mother is his one and only. All he ever wanted was to see his mom happy again and he was hoping all would go well between the couple. David knows his mother more than anybody else and she wouldn't put up with shit if that person wasn't important to her. Respecting her decision, David will remain standing on the corner and will be there to pick her up before she falls. He prayed it wouldn't happen and he expected Yorimitsu to uphold his words.
After packing the things his mother needed before David left, he conveyed some words to Ren-san.
" The house looked the same before some shit happened here and I appreciate that you maintain the cleanliness of the house. I know you're always going to the public bathhouse but you should stop doing that, Ren-san." He patted his shoulder a few times while the latter scratched his head.
As expected of  Mistress Hana's son, David-sama is sharp; he saw the tools for the shower and the soap with the name of the public bathhouse. He thought he hid it very well, but he's still an amateur.
" Feel free to use anything in the place, you can even cook, just don't burn the house." David jokes aside, which made Aou-san and Ren-san laugh.
" Think of this as your second home. I know mom will say the same. Ok! Lets go Aou-san." They all went down the apartment, and before he left, Ren-san made a pledge.
" David-sama, if you ever join us, I will follow you. I will protect you and your mother with my life. Thank you for showing some kindness to someone like me. I will carry this gratitude until my last breath." Ren-san was about to bow again but David stopped him. Instead, he gave him a comradely hug.
" Thank you and let's see what the future will bring. Bye for now, Ren-san."

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