Chapter- 16 Calm Before The Storm.

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After we came back from Kyoto, Yorimitsu asked us to come over to his house. I was worried that my son would uncover Yorimitsu's real identity, so I was against it, but David looked delighted and I couldn't stop him from visiting some other time. 
" It will be fine, I already gave them some instructions." Yorimitsu placed his arm around my shoulder and whispered in my ear while we were waiting for all our luggage to be placed in the compartment of the car.
" I can't help it," I uttered. My eyes remain on the silver, seven-seater 2022 Honda Odyssey. Mari and David hop in the third seater.
" Mom, Yorimitsu lets go!" My son called upon us while Mari was waving her hand, motioning for us to come over.
" Coming!" Yorimitsu tugged me at him and we eventually hopped in the car.
" How many cars do you own in Yorimitsu?" David enthusiastically asked. My eyes shifted to him with a meaningful look.
" You will see when we reach home." Yorimitsu casually answered, which made me more nervous. My son has been obsessed with cars ever since high school and somehow I can't openly scold him. For me, it wasn't polite to ask that kind of personal question. Though Yorimitsu doesn't seem to mind it at all. Still, I don't like that he sounds materialistic.
When we arrived at Yorimitsu house, a few of those I remember the previous time I came here greeted us.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           
" Welcome back Boss!" They greeted them in unison while bowing their heads. David looked fascinated when he saw it.
" Wow, your house is huge and very traditional Yorimitsu." He complimented him while helping Mari to step out of the car.
"This is owned by my grandfather. I'm glad you like it." Akemi-san and the rest helped with our luggage.
When we reached the banquet hall, there was food already served.
" Please have a seat. My apologies. We don't have foreign chairs in this house." Yorimitsu sat next to the table in the center of the room.
" That's fine, my mom and I like the Japanese tradition. Experiencing it is a great privilege, Yorimitsu."
" Since we're going to become a family, I hope you can address me as Yorimitsu-san, but when it's only us around, you can call me  as you wish, David-kun." My son nodded his head.
" Yes, please, my apologies. I am looking forward to learning more things from you, Yorimitsu-san." David bowed his head in respect and sat on the zabuton.
" Someone please put a table next to me for Hana-chan," Yorimitsu instructed nobody in particular, but a male of a similar age as my son came in from the side shoji(sliding door).
He re-arranged the chabudai (short-legged chair) and zabuton. While Akemi-san places back the food.
"Thank you Ren-kun. After we're done eating, gather everyone here."
" Yes, Boss."He bowed his head to each of us before leaving the banquet hall.
An hour later, Yorimitsu excused himself to pick up the bag where we had placed the sweet souvenir and Omamori charm. When he came back, the rest of the people residing in the house came in. They are all wearing a suit so their tattoo is hidden. David, who sat next to me, whispered.
" Mom, are they all working here?" He seemed fascinated further.
" Yes, I don't know all of them but they are nice people," I replied.
Yorimitsu handed the bag to me.
" Everyone falls in line, we got some charms and sweets from Kyoto." He announced. The room became livelier.
" Thank you, Boss, and Mistress Hana."All of them bowed in unison.
" By the way, meet Hana-chan's son. David-kun. I want you all to treat him just like Mari-chan." Yorimitsu declared, patting my son's hair.
" I'm pleased to meet you all." David bowed his head too.
" Now, Hana-chan and Mari-chan will handle the distribution. I'm going to tour David-kun here in the garage and around the house." I nodded my head to both of them. When they exited the room, I asked Mari to hand each one of them a charm while I handed a  small set of Wagashi sweets Hananoyoi bought from the store named Takanoya Sadahiro. We also have some Yatsuhashi, a snack representing Kyoto. It's made from rice flour and cinnamon. It has a filling of cocoa and red beans and the most popular one is chocolate.
Everyone is delighted while carrying in their arms the things we gave to them.
" I love this Hananoyoi sweetness and the protective charm. I will put it in my wallet. Thank you, Mistress Hana and Mari-san." Itsuki said.
" You're welcome, there's also a packet of roasted chestnuts for all of you. Please help yourselves." I handed a bag full of roasted chestnuts.
" Wow, it's like we're having an advanced New Year party! Roasted chestnuts from Kyoto are one of my favourite snacks. Please let me help you, Mistress Hana."A man in his mid-fifties offered to help.
" Sure, thank you, What's your name sir?" I asked, smiling at the older men. In a blink, he looked shy and blushing. I was supposed to offer my hand but was reminded of the incident with their lieutenant and didn't want to repeat that kind of scenario.
" Ah, my name is Aou. Nice to meet you, Mistress Hana." He bowed his head before receiving the bag.
" Nice to meet you Auo-san." I smiled and bowed to him. Seeing my friendliness, everyone seemed so eager to tell me their name. Luckily, Ritsu-san came in.
" Everyone, don't be too clingy. The Boss won't like it. After receiving your charm and souvenir, go back to your post." He reminded me.
" Ritsu-san here is yours and to your Mom, Akemi-san." I handed over his and his mother's portion.
" Thank you, Mistress, My mother loves these maple leaves, wagashi and chestnuts, while this chocolate Yatsuhashi is one of my favourites." He gave me a gentle smile.
" I'm glad the one we picked was to everyone's liking." I glanced into the room and spotted a boy a similar age to my son wiping the small-legged table.
" Ren-san, am I right? Come here." He looked surprised, glancing at Ritsu-san. He seemed hesitant to come over.
" What are you waiting for? The Mistress is calling you." Ritsu-san barks and the boy hurriedly walks to me. I wanted to say he doesn't need to intimidate the boy, but I reminded myself that the way they handle things is completely different from what I'm accustomed to. I handed him each sweet and a charm. His eyes became huge and teary. It made my heart hurt. He seemed like a boy forced to become an adult at such a young age. He appears happy for a bit, but it changes quickly when he hands back the Hananoyoi box.
" You can have it, no problem." I pushed it back, not understanding the sudden change in Ren-san's attitude.
Ritsu took the box from his hand and handed it back to me.
" Mistress Hana, you can't give him special treatment. Everyone here should be treated the same. No less, no more. This is how the Boss manages the house full of thugs." He patted Ren-san's head and notified him to leave.
" If you treat one of them specially, they will become arrogant and will cause conflict. I hope you understand." I nodded my head.
" I get it. Thank you for your advice, Ritsu-san. I am grateful for learning something new."
" It's nothing. I'm glad I could be of any help to Mistress Hana."
Mari yawned and caught our attention.
"You must be tired, Mari." I brushed her hair. She rubbed her eyes and nodded.
" We're back! Is everything distributed in Hana-chan?"
Yorimitsu and David went back to the room.
" Akemi-san please bring Mari-chan back to her room." Akemi-san walks in and talks to Mari.
Mari refused to go but her eyes seemed like they were about to drop at any moment.
" Mari, will you be nice and follow Akemi-san?" I asked her in a way I used to kids at school to make them follow my instructions on their own accord.
"Yes." She nodded and reached for Akemi-san's hand.
" That's my girl, thank you, Mari." I kissed her head and hugged her. She gave me a smile before walking with Akemi-san.
" Hah! So what are you guys planning to do now?" Yorimitsu wrapped his arm around my waist. I wanted to scold him for being clingy in front of other people but I managed to hold it in. I know I have to give him a face in front of his Lieutenant.
" We should head home first," I said, without hesitation lingering in my voice.
" Sigh, you seem okay for us to be parted, Hana-chan?" He complained, wrapping his arms around me.
" Stop it Yorimitsu, we're outside," I whispered to him.
" Hmn, they have already left." He said, kissing the side of my neck. When I glanced around, I saw two silhouettes exiting the room. I heaved a sigh of relief.
" You should conduct yourselves properly when there are people around Yorimitsu," I reminded him.
" Yes ma'am." He answered back and that made me laugh.
" You sound weird when you act like a good student."
" So you want me to be the delinquent one?" He asked, biting my ears.
" Ouch! you sadist!" I tried to push his face away from me, but he was much stronger than I was. He sucks the spot he bit and then licks it. Yorimitsu made me all tingly and warm, but I couldn't let him distract me further.
" It's already late, Yorimitsu." I tried to unlock myself from his embrace but he pulled me even closer to his body. I could feel every muscle that flexed in his body, especially that protruding thing that started to form in his pants.
" Just a little bit more, Hana-chan, Let me have my fill before you guys leave." He sounded desperate and sad that I let him do what he desired. A few moments later, Yorimitsu finally released me and led me to the front door where my son and Ritsu-san were waiting.

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