Chapter 15 Hiking and Souvenir

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We all decided to eat at KIHARU Brasserie, a popular restaurant near the Cross Hotel. The place has a spacious and cozy dining area. They offer Western and seasonally inspired food menus with local sources of ingredients. It was a great experience eating Western food combined with locally produced ingredients. We enjoyed our meal and happily came back to the hotel after dinner.
David invited us to their room and, since the night was still long and we were on holiday, we didn't mind the time and just hung out together. Yorimitsu ordered a Reveilo Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon and, while watching a movie together, the three of us sipped some red wine. In the middle of watching a movie, Mari started to fall asleep. David offered to bring her back to our room and told us to enjoy the night.
" I'll come back to the room after the movie ends." My son nodded his head and exited the room. I waited until he was inside the elevator before I shut the door. Yorimitsu watches as I stride towards the couch where he sits.  When I sat next to him, he pulled my body closer to him. Then he took my empty glass and poured some wine on it. He passed it on to me and we continued watching.
Now that we were left alone and because of the effect of the wine, I mustered enough courage and asked.
" Yorimitsu, Were you born in a yakuza house?" I watched as he sipped his wine without a switch in emotion.
" That's a sudden question, Hana-chan. Are you tipsy?" He asks, staring deeply into my face.
" I'm still sober, if it's hard to answer, you don't have to." I gave him a gentle smile. He lifted his hand and caressed my cheek. It felt warm and comforting.
" I was raised as a civilian until I was eight years old. When my mother died, an old man came to pick me up saying he was my grandfather." I nodded my head and took his empty glass and poured him another one. He thanked me before gulping half of its contents. His face still looks calm but I can sense something has shifted in the atmosphere inside the room.
" Akemi-san lives with me, together with her son Ritsu-kun, in an apartment while I finish high school. I graduated with a master's degree in MBA (Master of Business Administration). When I turned 27, I started managing most of our legal company. When I was 17, I started to join my grandfather's association." He emptied his wine and stared back at me with a serious look on his face.
" I won't come clean and say I haven't beaten nor killed a bunch of people. I had a fair share of blood in my hand, Hana-chan." He took my hand and kissed my knuckle.
" Would you like to see the different side of me?" I felt a chill crawling out of my skin but Yorimitsu held my gaze, sizing it up if I felt threatened or scared.
" Will it be alright to witness that side of you?" I replied in an unwavering tone. His eyes twinkled before he grabbed my cheeks and kissed my forehead.
" You constantly fascinated me, Hana-chan. Your answer is always beyond my expectations." Yorimistu had a satisfied look on his face and it made my fast-beating heart calm down.
" When I agreed to marry you, I set my mind not to have any expectations. Anything can change and I don't want to be a burden to anybody. I'm aware that I need to adjust to my new environment. I just hope that my son won't be in harm or be involved in the organization." I honestly said.
" You don't have to worry about that Hana-chan. Things have changed rapidly for us, Yakuza. If we don't evolve by the trend. We will probably cease to exist." He patted my head and emptied the bottle of wine.
" Wait, I think I drank more than enough." I contemplated whether I could finish all of it.
" Then, we can share it. I'll drink half." Yorimitsu took my glass of wine and sipped it. He placed his arm over my shoulder and kissed my temple.
" Thank you for accommodating me, Hana-chan." He said meaningfully. I wrap my arms around his waist and lean my head on his sturdy chest. His cologne mixed with the wine gave off an intoxicating scent. I inhaled deeply and sighed.
" I seem a lot more docile than I expected when it comes to you, Mr. Minamoto," I admitted. Yorimitsu's chest rumbled as his laughter filled the room. He tilted my chin up and captured my lips. His tongue entwined with mine. He tastes bitter-sweet mixed with nicotine. Our kiss lasted until we were almost out of breath.
The next day, we decided to visit the nearest tourist spot in the area and went to the Samurai and Ninja Museum. They gave a English History tour, so my son enjoyed it a lot. They also offer a samurai show and you can wear a costume just like in the Edo period. Yorimitsu and David went to a lesson called Tameshigiri, or sword lesson, where they could use a real samurai sword. After that, we had our late lunch around the area. It took us an hour of hiking before we arrived at the famous Fushimi Inari Shrine 10,000 gates. It didn't feel like an hour for me because there were a lot of shops around in the hidden bamboo forest. Mari did not look tired since her father carried her on his shoulder while Yorimitsu held my hand the entire time. I pat his forehead, which accumulated a lot of sweat. He gave me a gentle smile and thanked me.
David was more attentive; he bought a few bottles of mineral water, some biscuits and candy for Mari. Some old couple passed us by when my son handed us water and I was wiping Yorimitsu's sweat.
" What a lovely family you have there." The older lady complimented, while the man next to her nodded his head to Yorimitsu.
" Indeed it is, thank you." He replied politely in his own language while I smiled at the couple. We continued walking until we reached the place where we could purify ourselves. It's a basic rule and proper manners to purify first when you visit a shrine. We went to Chozuya, a water pavilion that can be found in the shrine, to cleanse our mouths and hands.
Yorimitsu offered his handkerchief to me while I assisted and taught Mari what to do. Before we knew it, we were already in Saisen-bako. David distributed each of us a five yen coin and tossed it in the offering box. We shake the rope to ring the bell and bow deeply twice before clapping our hands twice and praying. After that, we bowed again and started to walk to a place where we could write down our wishes on (Ema) a small wooden plate and offer a picture of a horse painted in wooden pieces. The last place we go is a stall selling Omamori, a lucky charm some people get for protection and some for making their wish come true. Some took it, wishing for good health or romantic relationships.
" Since we are here, how many people do you have in your house, Yorimitsu?" I asked, staring at him.
" Good idea, Hana-chan, I should buy them some charm." Damn, He seems to have guessed my intention but I want to purchase them myself. So I stopped his hand before he could reach for his wallet.
" Tell me how many there are. I want to do it myself. You can buy them some souvenirs later."
" You shouldn't spend your money on Hana-chan as their boss. I should be the one buying it for them." Yorimitsu tried to reason with me. Then my son spoke.
" You should let Mom buy it herself. I'm telling you Yorimitsu, when she looks so determined. Mom won't back down." I smiled at David while nodding my head, agreeing to what he said. As always, my son knows me best!
" Erh" Yorimitsu massaged the side of his neck, still thinking, so I tugged at the hem of his long-sleeved shirt and pleaded.
" Please." He sighs, staring at my face.
"OK, you win. If this will make you happy, Hana-chan. There are currently thirty-five people in the house." He said, overpowered by my smile.
" Yes! Let's go, Mari, help me choose from all of this." Mari looked excited as I took her hand and led her to the stall of charm.
" Your Mom is undefeatable when she sets her mind to something," Yorimitsu commented, which made my son laugh.
" Most of the time, Mom always goes with the flow unless her mind is fully resolved." They talk more while me and Mari choose some charm.
After buying lots of it, Yorimitsu asked if we also wanted to get some Omikuji, a paper slip that tells your fortune and about your future prognosis, but I decided not to go.
" Let's not depend on that. What happens in the future will remain there. The best we can do is to cherish every day of our life like it's our last one." The three nodded their heads, agreeing with what I said. My heart felt like it was bursting with contentment and happiness. We seem like a perfect portrait of a happy family.

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