Chapter 2 I'm Doomed (matured content)

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He looked serious, his eyes fixed on my face.
" You got the nerve to invite me like it's nothing, but I'm not stupid. State what you want or I will call the police." I stared back at him with the same intensity of gaze he was giving me.
" ha ha, you are a very interesting woman Ms. Hana, your refusal just turns me on. Let's go inside." With a smile on his face, he offered his hand but I slapped it away.
" You damn bitch! How dare you lay a hand on Minamoto-sama." One from the crowd of men in black suits was about to grab my hair but my body moved in reflex and kicked him hard on his stomach. He grunted and groaned in pain, hugging the spot I kicked.
" Just because I'm a woman doesn't mean I can't fight back, though I must admit fighting you all will leave me battered and bruised." I said with a steady voice. I'm a black belt in taekwondo and I can fight. Being calm in this kind of situation is the best that I could do. I took my purse and laptop bag and placed it on the floor. My things will just weigh me down and they can use them to restrict my movement.
" That's enough! Ms. Hana, I want to have a word with you. Please come with me inside. I promise no harm will come to you." Mr. Minamoto said before he motioned for his men to retreat. They take a few steps back, leaving me and Mr. Minamoto standing in the middle of the hallway.
" What if I refuse?"
" Ah, that will be hard for me, Ms. Hana," he said with a composed look, placing his left hand on the side of his neck, massaging it.
" What's your son's name again? Was it David? I heard he was with his girlfriend, right?" My body shivered when I heard him mention my son's name. God, what kind of mess am I in now? I can't involve my son, so I have to give in. There's no other way! I turned my back around and picked up my things on the floor. When our eyes met, he smiled from ear to ear and then he offered his hand again towards me. Even with hesitation, I had no other choice. I placed my hand on his and was welcomed by its warmth.
" You have a pretty small hand." He gently squeezed it. Those electric currents I felt before spark again and it made my stomach feel butterflies swirling around. We both walked inside. Two of his men came in.
" Please hand over your bag and laptop to them. They will just check it for bugs." He said before sitting on the edge of the bed. The two men took my bag and laptop. The other guy who had my handbag just literally turned it upside down and everything inside my bag lay on the floor.
I gasped, utterly speechless!
" I will replace anything that is broken, Ms. Hana, so don't worry about it." Mr. Minamoto seemed like he just read my mind and spoke coolly. I shot laser gaze at him but I didn't respond verbally.
" Boss, it's clear. The laptop has nothing on it but some lesson plans and test questionnaires."
" You may leave her things on the small table." The two men  bowed their heads to Mr. Minamoto and left. Now it was only the two of us in the room. The silence is quite unnerving. He was just staring at me with an amused look, but I couldn't read what was going on in his mind.
" Now, Ms. Hana, the only thing that was not checked is your clothes. Please undress in the bathroom and hand it over to me." He finally spoke. He stood up and walked to the bathroom. When he came back, he handed over a folded robe to me. I wanted to ask if i really had to do this, but knowing my situation, my gut feeling was telling me to just follow what he said. So I went to the bathroom, undressed myself, and folded my clothes. I place my bra on top and my panties underneath it. Then I went outside. I wanted to hug myself when I was greeted by the cold breeze of the aircon, but I managed to remain still. I can't show any weakness in front of this guy. His alpha vibes are too dominant, but I can't be intimidated now.
" Hmn, Let's see. A soft lace bra with no padding or wire inside of it—." He was still about to say something but I cut him off.
" Urg! Will you just focus on checking my things rather than elaborately describing them?" Shit! I lose control and snap at him. I internally screamed, I'm doomed! But I can't help it. Mr. Minamoto touched my bra in slow and seductive motion like he was actually feeling it while I was wearing it! He's such a weirdo!
" Oh, my bad. I was imagining how it would look for you, Ms. Hana and what it would be like if I unhook your bra and saw your naked breast." He laughs like we are just talking about the weather but my cheeks are burning red! The way he spoke with that deep husky voice made me visualize what he had just said.
God, I don't know how to deal with him.
He then continued on with my black lace undies.
It was a pair of Victoria's secret lingerie. To my utter shock, he brought it to his nose, smelling it!
" What the hell are you doing?" I asked and tried to snatch my clothes from his hand, but he was quick to dodge me. I don't know what happened next but I felt my body being pushed on the bed. My robe moved slightly, showing off my cleavage and my inner thigh. I tried to rearrange it but Mr.Minamoto caught both of my hands and pinned them on top of my head. I gasped, feeling hopeless. My heart kept hammering. I don't know if he could hear it, but it felt too loud not to be noticed.
" There is still one place I haven't checked." He trails off, then I feel his warm finger trace the valley of my breast down to my belly. It brushes my private part, which makes me squirm my legs together.
" Ah, not so fast, Ms. Hana, let me feel you please." Mr. Minamoto placed his knee in between and separated my legs.
" Are you trying to force yourself on me, Mr. Minamoto?" I struggled to free my hand. I kicked him with my legs but he wont even bulge.
" Rape is forbidden in our clan, so I'm gonna make sure to give you pleasure, Ms. Hana." He replied back before damping a kiss on the valley of my breast. His lips left a warm tingling feeling. Then his hand came back to my private part, gently caressing it. I tried to hold back my moan and focused my mind on my current situation, but Mr. Minamoto inserted one finger inside of me that made me cry in pleasure. "Ah!" That sound escaped my lips  which made the damn beast on top of me smile devilishly.
" Do you like that? Let me hear more of your cries, Ms. Hana."
" No. Stop. I can't! Ah!" My hips arch when he places two fingers inside while his thumbs massage the tip of my clit.
" Yes, that's what I desire to hear. Give me more, Ms. Hana." He urges while his slick finger goes in and out of my private part. The pleasurable feeling was building up and suddenly my mind went blank. I couldn't think anymore and my body was on fire.
" Fuck! I'm cumming... Ah!" I screamed and then I felt warm fluid squirting out of me.
" You look so adorable Ms. Hana that I can't hold back anymore." He lifted my chin up and pressed my cheeks with his finger. Then he captured my lips and kissed me senselessly. His tongue was inviting mine to play with him and I was too caught up in the moment that I responded. The fire he started ignited and he wasn't forcing me with anything. My body moved, responding to his touch. I helped him undo his suit, then his long white sleeve shirt.
  I gasped when his upper body came into my view. His chest and arms are filled with black and red tattoos. It was an approximately 3-inch wide vertical line down the torso tattooed in a bodysuit fashion.
" You're a Yakuza?" I blurted out.
" Why? Are you scared?" His smiling face changed to stoic for a brief moment.
" Just asking, can I touch it?" I was curious. He tucked some loose strands of hair behind my ear before answering me.
" Yes, please do." He smiled again. While his eyes thoroughly observed my facial reaction. I lifted my hand and gently traced the tiger tattoo on his left arm.
" They are beautiful." I whispered, which made him laugh.
" You're a strange woman, Ms. Hana, And you're making my dick this hard and aching." He took my hand tracing his tattoo and placed it on his crotch. My eyes went big when I felt how huge and long it was. I suddenly felt afraid. Can I even  take on such a big thing? He bent down and whispered in my ear.
" Don't give me that kind of look, Ms. Hana, it's doing the opposite. You're just turning me further on and I won't let you run away."

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