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"I just knew you wouldn't have anything to say. I knew it" Alaysha says walking away from the door and back into the living room.

"I'm just thinking, just let me think" he says eventually following behind her

"The first time you lucked up-

"Don't say no shit like that" Zac snapped

"You did, didn't you?" She says not caring about his small snap, it was nothing compared to any emotion she had been feeling for years.

"Doctor says everything looks good so far so I don't know if your get out of jail free card will work this time" she says nonchalantly

"Can you just be quiet for two minutes" Zac says

"I've been quiet for four years! FOUR FUCKING YEARS!! I've been quiet. Not saying shit, minding my damn business trying to sit back and watch you chase after your baby mom as if you're not over here feeding me fairytales and all the shit that you do. I'm tired of it!" Alaysha went off

"I'm not fucking chasing her, I have to co parent with her for Zyla. You know that"

"It's more than co parenting with y'all  and if that's the case it's no point of you being here." She says

"I haven't met your daughter and once again it's been four years, what is she five now? What the fuck are saving face for? I've been patient with you, too damn patient." She says

"And you know the blogs have y'all out shopping earlier. More narratives of this family getting back but the girl who is consistently holding you down, washing your clothes, making sure all of your shit is straight... here I am getting the short end of the fucking stick again!" She hollered while the tears started to cloud her eyes. She used her hand to catch the tear before it fell and Zac grabbed her hand to pull her into him.

"You know I appreciate you. I tell you that all the time! I'm just trying to figure all this shit out" he says

"Figure what out? That you cheated on her, she didn't know and left your ass anyway? You're single! Why do I have to be some type of secret?! I'm not doing this shit anymore." She says pulling away from him.

"I've been respectful, I've been quiet. I've been all the things you've asked me to be-

"I know-

"Do you know?! Do you really?!! Because somebody came up to me yesterday laying it all down to me about us and how there's a story that's about to come out about us. People been putting the pieces together, digging up old shi-

"What do you want me to do lay? I don't know what you want me to do" Zac says

"It's fine Zac. When all this shit comes out don't say anything to me. I swear" Alaysha says leaving out of the room


And the door slammed. Zac threw his head back and exhaled deeply. He didn't know what he was doing with his life, he didn't know what he wanted at all.

He got up from the couch and walked back to the bedroom. When he opened the door, she was sitting on the bed looking at her phone.

He grabbed the phone and lifted her from the bed, pulling her on him. She sat silently and as her emotions took over, she began to cry again.

"Stop crying. I got it. We're good" Zac says

"We aren't good. I'm not happy with any of this and if you think I want you to love me for the blogs to see then you don't know me." Alaysha said

"But that's contradicting. You just said you don't want to be a secret, so the other side of that would be us out for everyone to see" Zac says

"But it's not for the blogs! I don't care about social media Zac! That's your lifestyle, they follow you everywhere you go! Everything you do! I just want to live without being scared of being the next fucking headline or somebody calling me a whore" she says

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