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Fatima stood proudly on the side of the stage watching Stefon do his thing. He told her to chill in the suite because backstage can be a little hectic, but Fatima being Fatima that didn't shy her away. She loved seeing him in his bag and did not care to be put up in the suite, she wanted to be up close cheering him on. She caught all his glances over to her leaving her with a smile while he rapped some verses. She also caught fans periodically snapping pictures and videos of her while she stood off to the side.

At this point they weren't loud about their relationship but it was no longer a big secret. Of course it is still a major topic of conversation especially with her former man and child's father being Zachary Taylor. From some of the tea pages and blogs, they saluted Fatima for moving on especially with who she moved on with. Their relationship was known but also private because Stefon was not a mixy artist in the industry, compared to Zac who basically had a permanent spot in the blogs. Everybody just had to know what was going on in Zac's world.

The music continued on loudly with the crowd enjoying the show, the energy was truly unmatched. Fatima had seen him perform before but this time was just different.

While she was trying to record a video of his performance her phone began to ring with Zac's contact. Due to him having Zyla, she knew to answer. As of recent his calls haven't been filled with bullshit or any funny business so there was not reason for hesitation.

Walking toward the back of the stage hoping to hear him, Stefon security stood close by making sure she was okay

"Hello?" She answered with her pressing in her ear so you possibly hear him as best as she could

"Yeah T me and Zyla at my parents crib because somebody thew a brick at the house" he said

"Huh?!" She says walking further from the stage, struggling to hear him

" I had to take Zyla-

"Take Zyla where?! What's wrong with Zyla?" She began to panic. Now quickly walking off stage trying to find the closest exit. As she was walking, security was behind her still. She continued back to his dressing room where the music could still be heard but not loud enough to mess with her phone call.

"Can you hear me?" He asked

"Yes. Where did you have to take Zyla? What-

"She's fine. She's sleep right now" he says trying to catch her before she started to flip out again.

"So what happened Zac. You're talking too slow for me right now" she says standing with the phone to her ear

"I don't know who or why but somebody threw a brick into Zyla's window at my crib so I'm with her at my parents" he says and her face flipped from a face of confusion from trying to hear, to confusion with irritation of what she just heard.

"What the hell you mean somebody threw a damn brick through her window Zac? Her window?!" She exclaimed

"I don't fucking no man. I got my security team looking into it.-

"What the fuck do you have going on that's putting my child at danger?!" She asked

"I ain't got shit going on. You know I don't get into no dumb shit, that aint even me. But I'm figuring the shit out don't think I'm not" he says

"You better be because that's an issue for me. A big fucking issue, I will call Shayla to come get her-

"I got her Fatima. It's no reason you got to call anybody to come get my daughter. I'm her father I got this. She good" he says

"Well tell me what the fuck is going on! Right now isn't the time to be fucking lying!" Fatima shouts

"I don't have shit going on Fatima! Why you keep this same narrative in your head that I would put Zyla in harms way. I'm just as mad as you! Im going to figure out who the fuck did it and imma handle that shit" he tells her

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