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Zac left the studio after trying to call Alaysha again but she didn't answer. She ultimately ended up blocking that number too. He wanted to reassure her that he was going to work to make her first pregnancy better than how it started. If anything he did understand that they are bringing a child into the world and regardless of how messed up the overall situation is, he did want her to be happy in her experience with motherhood.

He made his way to Faith's home in Milton, Georgia which wasn't too far from their parents home. While driving he held his phone on his right hand while he looked at Fatima's post, along with what the blogs were saying about this so called mystery man.

He just shook his head at his own self. His own thoughts conflicted him as he pulled into his sister's gated community, being let in by the sensor on his car.

He sent a quick text letting her know he was outside while he pulled into her driveway. He seen her front door open while she stood with her phone in her hand.

"Thank you for being considerate of my time Rowen" Faith says addressing him by his middle name as Zac closed his car door. He just shook his head and walked up her stairs into the house.

"I didn't expect to be bombarded with questions when I came back here especially nothing about you and another baby." She says closing the door behind her

"I don't even know where to start like uh should I even be asking how Fatima feels about this? Like what is that whole situation because from what you told me a month ago, yall were getting back and now she's out with someone. The blogs lie to much I just never know anymore" faith says

"I was trying to get back with T, I told you that" he says

"How? Actually I feel like you're not telling me the truth for what reason? I don't know. Fatima isn't going to be out in public with another man if y'all were just working on something a month ago" Faith says

"You really don't know what Fatima will do to get under my skin." He says " I don't want to talk about Fatima right now Faith. Is that all you care about?" He ask

"No I actually care about you! But you ain't tell me shit-

"You're not letting me talk!" He retorts and she puts her hands up with a tucked lip.

"I signed the girl. We started messing around and for a minute now we been cooling. This time she's pregnant" he says plainly and Faith was not pleased whatsoever.

"Zachary. Let me explain something to you" Faith began. "I'm your sister not one of your homeboys tell me what the fuck actually happened. Talking about for a minute now we been cooling" Faith mocks while they sat in her kitchen.

"Because from what you saying, you ain't telling me shit. And what you mean this time? She was pregnant before? Like how long have you been messing with this girl?" Faith asked frustratedly as she grabbed a glass to get some ice water.

"Look I'm not proud of none of this shit but we technically been messing around for five years-

Faith accidentally dropped the glass in the sink from shock and confusion.

"What the hell you mean five years?" She ask as she turned around to look at him " Zyla is five Zac so-so what the fuck" she stuttered

"I don't get into you and Fatima's relationship but I know good and well you ain't just sit here and say five years you been with that girl" Faith expressed

"I signed her. We were spending time and shit. You know I was really in grind mode then so I was barely going home, focusing on the music and just always at the studio-

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