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Fatima tried to call Zac once more before she left Zyla's school and he did not answer. Before Fatima decided to go off, she took a deep breath and left out of the school.

"Zac you're trying me. I don't know why you want me to get out of character. You really want me t- why the fuck are you not answering my calls and you have my child" Fatima left on the audio message

She tried to call him again and got nothing, adding more fuel to her fire.

"Everything is all fun and games until I start playing" she says as she hit Shayla's contact

"Wilson" Shayla says as she answers the phone

"He took my child" Fatima says

"Who took your child?! Where-

"Zac! I just came to get her from school and they said he came to get her. He won't answer any of my fucking calls!" Fatima tells her

"Are you serious right now? Why is he doing stupid shit?"  Shayla says

"Because he wants me to show my ass and that's exactly what I'll do" Fatima says

"What the hell are you about to do Fatima. Don'-

"Dont tell me not to do anything. He lost his mind thinking he can do whatever the fuck he wants with my child" Fatima says as she reverses out of the parking spot

"Where are you now?" Shayla ask

"I'm in my car, let me call you right back" Fatima says

"T do-

Fatima ended the call and dialed 911 while she made her way to Zac's parent's home.

"911 what is your emergency?" The operator answered

" I need an officer at 801 Arden Road" Fatima says

"Ma'am what is your emergency? The operated ask

"My daughter was taken from school by my child's father without my consent and I want my child !"Fatima says

"What school does your daughter attend and what is the child's father name?" The operator ask

"William Reed Academy and his name is Zachary Taylor" Fatima says as she merged onto the expressway

"Can you spell your daughters name for me please"

"Z, y, l, a. Zyla. Zyla Taylor"  Fatima says " Is there any danger to the child" the operator ask

"Ma'am I don't know! I just know she was taken without permission from school and she's at 801 Arden Road, I want my daughter!" Fatima says

"How old is your daughter?" The operator ask me

"She's five"

" Ma'am are you driving?" The operator ask

"Yes! I'm going to get my daughter"

"Ma'am please don't, I am sending an available officer to the location-

"And I will be there waiting!" Fatima says declining a call from Shayla and then one from her mother.

"Can you give me a description of both Zachary and Zyla" the operator ask and Fatima described both as she arrived in the neighborhood of Zac's parents

When she pulled up, a police car rolled down the street pulling just behind her.

"Zyla look what Nani got you" Zac says as his mother walked toward them  holding a souvenir from her trip to Egypt.

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