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An ambush.

A fucking ambush. 

Things weren't supposed to turn out this way for the pack. They had prepared a plan for a few days now, one that was unbreakably strong. It was the perfect plan and everything was supposed to go as per discussed prior. 

But they were ambushed. 

How was that even possible? Nobody knew of their plan except for the pack. Stiles refused to believe they had a traitor in their ranks. Absolutely not. It was impossible. 

But then what happened? 

Because now, they were all standing in the middle of the woods completely surrounded by the witches who held looks of satisfaction on their faces as they stared back at them. Satisfaction of ruining their plan, satisfaction at seeing the shock and confusion on their enemies' faces. 

They were smug. 

Stiles hated the sight of it. 

"What..?" Stiles heard the soft whisper of confusion from Mason from where he stood and he held back his emotions from showing on his face. He didn't want those witches to feel any prouder than they already were by showing how angry he felt. 

"Did we interrupt something?" 

It was the Head witch who had spoken, Yasmin Thornheart was her name. She was a 37 year-old woman who's eyes shone a bright violet. Her features were stern and it was obvious she held the power amongst every woman present. It was in the way she held herself. If she had been a wolf instead of a witch, she would've oozed the aura of an alpha without a doubt. 

Stiles took a look at the pack and with that look alone, he could see that none of them knew how to react. Even Derek seemed puzzled. The brunette felt restless, he felt as though he was about to lose a fight when it hadn't even begun yet. This feeling, he had only felt it a handful of times before and the last time was during the hale fire. Flashbacks kept clouding his mind as he tried to focus on what Yasmin was saying but it was difficult. 

"A little birdy told me this was gonna happen." Yasmin cackled, visibly delighted with the turn of events and she took a step closer to them. Noticing how they all tensed up, ready to attack if need be, Yasmin barked out a laugh, soon followed by the horde of witches accompanying her. "Scared little kittens." She cooed as if she was talking to children. "I'm not gonna hurt you....yet." she told them but when she noticed that none of them were talking she frowned with an innocent look to her face. “Aren't you going to ask who the little birdy is? Aren’t you the least bit curious?”

“It’s Jeremiah, right?” Peter was the one to reply and Yasmin smiled in delight. 

“Correct!” she cheered. “How did you know?”

“He’s the only bastard that we’ve angered recently and who’s capable of doing something like this.” Peter grumbled bitterly under his breath even though it was silent enough for everyone to hear him quite clearly and Yasmin laughed at that. 

“Well, well, what a smart little wolf.” she praised with her wide grin never faltering. 

"What do you want then?" Stiles spoke when he noticed that neither Derek nor Scott seemed ready to speak. They had this look on their faces. The one they had whenever they were thinking about a potential plan b. But they were taking too long to come up with anything good enough and it was starting to get on the brunette's nerves the more they were wasting time. 

"Oh?" Yasmin let out softly as she turned her gaze towards him. "You're still talking? I thought I had scared you to silence the last time we spoke." she said with a shit eating grin stretching the corner of her lips in the most irritating of ways. Stiles' hands twitched as he felt the yearning to punch the living hell out of that woman. "Oh, Oh, Oh. I think this one's about to hit me." she taunted which earned laughter from her fellow witches. "Don't you have any shame? Do you hit women? Such a naughty boy." she said, shaking her head in disapproval. 

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