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"Stay the fuck out of my head." 

To say that Yasmin and the rest of the witches were shocked would be an understatement. But even more than that, they all looked terrified. Every single one of them. They stared at Stiles not only in wonder and fear but also utter amazement. Because nobody had ever broken out of one of Yasmin's spells. 

No one. 

It was the first time for them to see something like this ever happening and they were left completely stunned, frozen in place as they stared speechlessly at the brunette still kneeling on the ground, glaring so fiercely back at their leader. 

Not only were they stunned to silence but so was the pack. 

However, their reason differed quite widely from those of the witches. 

Because, they had all been forced to watch as Stiles fell helplessly under Yasmin's spell. They were unable to do anything. Not that they hadn't tried. Derek had been the one trying to break free and help his mate the most but, in vain, the pain was too great for him to push through it more than a few seconds. But watching his mate like this pained him even more. But then, after what felt like hours but was in reality a handful of minutes, Stiles' eyes rolled back in place and with the deepest most threatening voice they had ever heard on the brunette, Stiles spoke. 

But his voice was different. 

He was different. 

Because they had all felt the growl accompanying his words rumbling in their chests, shaking their bodies to the core with the sheer power it held and Derek shivered, his eyes wide in shock as he looked at his mate. To be honest, he really didn't need to look up to know, the powerful aura oozing out of the brunette was enough for him to understand but he couldn't hold back from looking up for confirmation on what was most likely a once in a lifetime experience. 

Stiles had shifted. 

His fangs were out, sharp and dangerously shining under the natural light surrounding them. 

His fingers adorned with long and murderous claws were twitching with envy to slash some fresh flesh. 

And his eyes were glowing, bright and threatening. 

They glowed a bright and threatening blood red. 

An alpha red. 

As Derek saw them, he released a small breath, his expression switching from shell-shocked to admiration. Because he knew exactly what had happened. Stiles wasn't just an alpha. 

He was a true alpha. 

But yet again, he wasn’t just a true alpha. He was the rarest kind of true alphas. Those who didn't have to prove themselves to become one, unlike Scott. No, because these ones were destined to become powerful true alphas from birth. Fated to get the bite and accomplish great things and create the best of packs. 

Looking to the side, Derek saw that Peter was in the same state as him, staring in awe at Stiles. Derek knew barely anyone knew about those true alphas anymore because of how rare they were, but he was glad that at least someone else realised how incredible of a moment in history of the supernatural they had just experienced. 

The birth of a legend. 

Right before their eyes. 

Such an honour will be cherished for the rest of their lives without a doubt. 

"H-how did you...?" Yasmin finally broke the silence as she still stared at the brunette. "What are you?" she asked, a slight tremor in her voice which she had been unable to conceal as she watched Stiles get back up on his feet. 

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