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You have always loved to crochet. When you were young you used to watch your sister crochet blankets, tops and other stuff and for your fourth birthday he had made you a little stuffed animal. A bee, that you still owned even though you were probably considered too old to own a stuffy by most people. So after that, you begged your sister to teach you how to crochet and she did.

It was your birthday a few weeks ago and you remembered the bee she had made you and how happy it made you. So you decided to make someone else something, to make them as happy as you were that day. Choosing who to crochet something for was an obvious choice. You had been with Morpheus for almost a year now and you really wanted to give him something self-made. Something that actually meant something.

So for the next few weeks you used the evenings, before you visited Morpheus in his realm, on your couch with a crochet hook and lots of yarn. You decided to make the blanket midnight blue, since he obviously preferred dark colors, but you did not wanted to make a black blanket. That seemed to depressing for something so comforting and sweet, so midnight blue it was.

Crocheting a blanket took some time, but you enjoyed it. It was a simple, comforting work and you could watch your favorite show while doing it. Once Morpheus almost caught you, when he decided to just appear unannounced in your living room, but luckily you were able to hide the blanket behind your back.

So after a few weeks of work you were done. The blanket had turned out great, soft material, that made you feel comforted and safe and you could already see Morpheus and you cuddled up under it. You had invited him over this evening, to give him the blanket in person, but as time moved forwards, your nerves kicked in.

What were you thinking? A stupid blanket. Would he even like that or would he think it was silly? He probably did not even needed a blanket, you did not think he even got cold, ever. At this moment you were pacing around your living room, your heart beating nervous in your chest, your hands sweaty. What if he did not like it?

A soft knock on the door interrupted the stream of thoughts in your head and you were almost thankful for it. Now you just had to give it to him and hope for the best. With a small smile you opened the door, glad that he did not just appear in your living room to see you pacing around.

Morpheus looked gorgeous as always and you asked yourself once again how you managed to get a boyfriend like him. He wore his usual black coat and his hair was even messier than usual. You were almost sure he did it on purpose.

You pulled him in your apartment and greeted him with a sweet kiss. When you reluctantly pulled away you noticed some flowers in his hand. Sunflowers. He handed them to you, with a shy smile, which was absolutely adorable. "I hope you like them. Matthew told me you would like to receive flowers". Your smile got brighter and you nodded happily. "Thank you so much".

The you remembered the blanket. "Actually... I also have something for you", your voice sounded a little unsure, but now it was too late. He looked surprise. "A gift, my love? This would not have been necessary? Is it our anniversary or another important day? Did I miss something?".

Now he seemed to be the worried one and the expression on his face almost made you laugh. "No, not at all", you calmed him down. "I just wanted to give you something. I thought you deserved a small gift", you added softly.

Morpheus's features turned softer and his smile brighter. You walked over to the chair in the corner and returned with the blanket. You handed it over to him, a little awkwardly, and now you were nervous again. "It's ... it's a blanket. I crocheted it for you". Your fingers nervously played with the hem of your shirt.

He was silent for a few seconds, just looking at the blanket, his expression unreadable. You started babbling. "I know it's nothing special and not a lot, but". You were interrupted by his arms, who pulled you closer to him and into the warmest hug you had ever received.

"Thank you so much, love. This is the greatest gift I ever received". He kissed your temple and stroked our spine. You pulled away slightly to look at him and to your surprise you were almost certain that you could see tears in his eyes. "You don't have to say this, just to spare my feelings".

Now he seemed confused. "I am not, my love. This is such a thoughtful gift and you made it yourself. I do not think anyone ever gave me something so normal and cute and thoughtful. I absolutely adore it. And I adore you". He pulled you close again, his lips finding yours in a soft, sweet kiss.

You relaxed under his touch and felt relieved that he liked it. You understood it now, you thought. Someone in his position probably rarely got gifts, usually people wanted something from him. And when someone got him something it was probably to bribe him or to win his favor, not to surprise him with something special or to make him happy. He probably had never gotten something so normal, yet so meaningful.

You could feel his love and adoration for you in every kiss, hug and look. And it made you feel, warm and safe and at home. Just like he made you feel. The rest of the evening Morpheus and you spend cuddled up under the blanket, just talking and enjoying each other's company. 

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