Dream Weaver

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It was a warm summer evening and you scurried around in the kitchen preparing dinner for yourself. Soft, gold light filled your kitchen and the light tiles glowed in the light and you held in a second to look at the sunset, which was always one of your favorite times of the day. You loved how the sky turned gold, orange, pink or a combination of all of those. It brought you peace and it washed away the exertion of the day.

You returned to making dinner and softly hummed a song, while you cut some vegetables. A certain tune was stuck in your mind, a song you had heard on the radio on the drive back from work today. Dream Weaver from Gary Wright. You hadn't heard this song for ages, but remembered it from your parents, who used to listen to it.

Back then you did not really paid any attention to it. It wasn't your type of music. But today in the car it was on and now it meant something to you. It reminded you of him.

Morpheus or Dream, that's what you mostly called him. But you also knew that one of his titles was Dream Weaver as he told you and you thought it was a beautiful one. The song had reminded you of him. Of the countless nights he held you before you fell asleep and the many dreams you spend with him.

I've just closed my eyes again 

Climbed aboard the dream weaver train 

 Driver take away my worries of today 

 And leave tomorrow behind

The words fell from your lips easily and it surprised you that you remembered them so well after not hearing the song for ages. It was like Gary Wright knew Morpheus and what he was for you and poured all of it in this song. The words just fit too amazing. You would always willingly follow where he strayed and accepted sleep with open arms, knowing you would meet him in your dreams. It didn't matter how bad your day was, he always managed to make you feel at peace and happy. Like tomorrow didn't matter.

Ooh, dream weaver 

 I believe you can get me through the night 

 Ooh, dream weaver 

 I believe we can reach the morning light

You sang the words softly as you went along with your task. You weren't a very good singer, but you never minded that. And it was just you here anyway. The lyrics really fit Morpheus perfectly. You used to dread sleep and had struggle to fall asleep, before you met him. But he helped you and got you through the night. And he was almost always there when you woke up and the morning light filled your bedroom. You continued singing and gently swayed your hips to the rhythm.

"That's a lovely performance, little dreamer", a soft voice startled you and you let out a soft scream. Morpheus was leaning in the doorframe that lead to your kitchen, clothed in his usual black coat, a sweet smile on his face. You blushed and rushed over to greet him. "You scared me", you accused him in a more serious tone than what would have been necessary, embarrassed because he heard you sing. He apologized before he pulled you in for a kiss that took your breath away and increased the rose blush on your face.

He carefully cupped your face and his starry eyes looked at you. "I did not mean to startle you nor did I mock you. It was a cute sight. And it was certainly an interesting song choice", he added after a short pause with a teasing grin on his face.

Morpheus was surprisingly cheerful and happy today, but then again he always was brighter when he was with you. You embraced him again and hid your face in the nape of his neck, so he couldn't see your face. He hummed softly and stroked your hair.

"I heard it on the radio today. It made me think of you", you suddenly admitted, not knowing when exactly you decided to tell him that. But now the words were out. "The lyrics just kinda fit you so well, you know? I hope you don't find that weird".

He was quiet for a second and you listened to his slow heartbeat. "Quite the opposite, dreamer. I feel very honored and I think it is really sweet". Your heart beat a little faster and you felt a familiar warmth spread out in your body.

Morpheusheld you like this for a little while longer and you both basked in thesilence. He finally let go. "I'll help you with your dinner", he said beforewalking to your kitchen counter and picking up the knife. You joined him. "Willyou sing it to me again?", he suddenly requested and for a moment you wereunsure. But then you relaxed. It was just Morpheus, your boyfriend, he wouldnot judge you. Soon your soft voice filled the kitchen again, while youprepared dinner together.


This was ispired by the song dream weaver from Gary Wright. The cursive lyrics belong to him.

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