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Maybe it was a bit rude, but you had to admit that you found it rather hilarious. Seeing Morpheus pout was a rare sight and maybe it was a bit mean, but you enjoyed it immensely. You had to hide your smile behind your hand and it took most of your focus not to burst out laughing.

It was a cozy Saturday evening and you were spending it with your partner Morpheus. You were sitting on the sofa in your apartment, watching television. It was a lovely evening, one that you had been looking forward to all week. But Morpheus wasn't so happy. He had been pouty and cranky all evening. It was so unlike him.

Your eyes landed on what you assumed to be the reason for his sour mood. On your lap, purring like a little motor, was a cat. His name was Simba and you had adopted him from the shelter three days ago. He was adjusting well and already loved you so much. But you probably loved him more. When you smiled down on him and gently petted the orange fur on his head, Morpheus snapped.

"Why did you get him?", he demanded to know. He looked deeply unsettled and almost accusatory. It did not really face you though; you were quite used to your partner being upset or having sudden mood swings. And given the reason for his mood, you found it more entertaining and cuter rather than annoying.

"Because he needed a home. He has been there for almost six month. And you know how much I love cats and I always wanted to adopt one", you explained calmy. "And besides. I grew up with cats, my family always had them. I just want to feel closer to them and I want to feel like I did back then". You smiled, thinking back to your childhood and teenage years. Your parents loved cats and always rescued them when they were in need. It was lovely and the cats added so much to your homelife and turned you into an animal lover with a gentle soul and a heart for strays.

Morpheus features softened at your words. He knew about your love for your family and for cats, of course he did. You dreamed about it quite often. He looked down on his knees and almost shyly fiddled with the hem of his coat. It was an adorable sight. "But you have me", he said an looked embarrassed.

You couldn't help it. A loud laugh burst out of you and you threw your head back. Simba looked up confused for a second before deciding to go back to sleep. Morpheus looked hurt and you stopped immediately as regret rushed through you. "I am sorry. I didn't mean to make fun of your feelings". You took his hand and he let you. "I am glad you told me. But you have nothing to worry about." He didn't seem to be convinced.

"Do you love him?."

"Of course I do", you said. "But I love you, too. And you two are not competing for my love. He is a cat, and you are my boyfriend". He thought about it for a second. "But if you wanted a cat we could've just gone to the Dreaming and I could turn into one", he said.

The two of you had done that before. Sometimes, especially when you needed some comfort or cheering up, he had turned into a cat and cuddled with you until you felt better. You smiled softly at him and your thumb stroked over his hand. "We can still do that sometimes. But I want to have an actual cat, too. And besides", you leaned closer to him, "I like you much better when you are just you".

That made him smile and he gently grabbed your chin before he pulled you into a sweet kiss. When you pulled away his hand stroked your cheek and then your face before he leaned back into the cushion. "I love you", you whispered, and he returned it, looking much more reassured and happier. You gently lifted Simba and placed him on Morpheus lap, who looked at you in shock and disbelief, trying not to move an inch. "Come on now. Get to know him", you encouraged the two.

Simba just meowed softly and curled up on Morpheus lap, who still looked confused. Stiffly he started petting the cat, who started to purr immediately. He tried to hide it, but you could see the small smile on his lap when the cat purred and you gently placed your head on his shoulder, your eyes never leaving the cat and your boyfriend. 

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