Energy Blast

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You thought you had it under control. You really did. But you underestimated how much energy your power took from you, if you used them to much.

Your powers were relatively new to you. You were not born with this gift and certainly never suspected something like telekinesis was even a possibility for you or anyone. But meeting Morpheus and his siblings introduced you to a whole new world, multiple realms really, and so many possibilities and mysteries.

Because your powers were new and you did not had them under control completely, you practiced every day. Sometimes alone, sometimes with one of your friends from the Dreaming or other entities, who could help you.

Today was no difference. You practiced longer than you usually would, you were quite ambitious, but did not realized at first how draining it really was for your mind and body and that joining Morpheus on his quest to catch a rogue nightmare was probably not the best idea.

But you loved those little adventures with him and were proud that he let you come with him and di not tell you to stay behind. It made you feel important, strong and powerful. So you and your partner, the king of dreams, made your way to the Waking World and soon found the nightmare you were looking for.

They were a very nasty one, they had disappeared before, but normally came back willingly to avoid an unpleasant punishment. Not today though. Before you or Morpheus could even say something or really take in the situation, they moved again, fast and dangerous and you could see a shimmering object in their hands, aimed at your partner.

It happened so fast and you did not even identify what exactly the nightmare was holding. Your mind and body just reacted on their own. Logically you knew that he could probably not harm Morpheus, but logic did not apply here. You just saw your partner in potential danger and reacted automatically.

An energy blast, bright and dangerous, releases itself and hits the nightmare right in the chest. Their body was thrown backward and it hit the brick wall behind them, before it started to dissolve. For a moment you watched the scene, horror in your eyes. Morpheus also seemed surprised and his gaze met yours, a mix of pride and worry.

His expression changed quickly, when he saw your trembling hands and your eyes rolled backwards. You had used too much of your strength, you had never released an energy blast like this. Your head went dizzy and your vision blacked out partially and white spots danced in front of your eyes. You swayed, trying to lean against the brick wall to prevent your fall.

But you do not have the strength to keep your body upright. The last thing you hear is Morpheus calling out your name, his voice full of panic and agony, before the world around faded away and your head hit the pavement.

You awoke in yours and Morpheus's shared quarters, your head rested against soft pillows and your body neatly wrapped under a warm blanket. There was a pounding in your head and even though the room was only dimly lit, it hurt your eyes. You tried to sit up and groaned, when a piercing pain shot through your left shoulder.

Immediately a gentle hand was placed on your chest and carefully pushed you back down. "Easy there, sweetheart. Don't hurt yourself further. Just lie down, please". Your partners form was bent over you, his eyes gentle and caring mixed with worry and exhaustion.

"What happened?", you asked, your voice barely a hoarse whisper. He sat down next to you on the bed and gently rested his cold hand on your forehead, which made you relax. "You passed out, my love. Trying to protect me. In which you certainly succeeded, might I add. But it was too much". He let out a pained sigh.

You nodded, remembering what had happened. "I am sorry", you tried to apologize, but he cut you off, with a small gesture. "You do not have to apologize. It was not your fault. I should not have taken you with you after you had already trained". He seemed angry, mostly with himself, but you could not help but to feel guilty.

"It was not your fault, dear. I wanted to help and to protect you. And I a fine", you slightly grimaced at the last part, knowing it was not entirely true. So did he. "Don't lie to me. You have a concussion and your shoulder is bruised from the fall, because I could not catch you fast enough". You see the pain in his eyes and there it was, the reason for his anger.

You sat up, ignoring his protests, and grabbed his hands. "My love", you whispered, "what happened today is not your fault. I overdid it and that is on me. I just wanted to help you and I would do it again in a heartbeat". He glared at you and you reached out to stroke his cheek. "Dream, I love you and I want to be there for you. You don't always have to be the strong protector. I am sorry for worrying you, but I will be okay. I promise".

You pull him in a tight hug and he made sure to not touch your bruised shoulder. In your embrace you could feel his hard exterior crumble, as he melted into your body and allowed himself to find comfort in your closeness and warmth.

"I was just so worried about you. I can't lose you, love", he breathed out, almost inaudibly. You pulled him closer, resting you chin on his head, his head buried in your neck, as you rubbed gentle circles on his back. "I know, darling. I am still here. We will be fine", you promised and it was a promise you intended to keep until the end of time.

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