Bring me a dream

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It was a starry night and you and your boyfriend Morpheus were sitting on the fire escape of your small apartment, stargazing. You were sitting on blankets and your back was against the wall, while you were still leaning against him. His hand was in your lap and you played with his fingers.

The air was cold and refreshing, but you were not freezing. His body kept you warm and his company made you feel all fuzzy and happy. It was a calm night. The wind gently blew and carried some quiet voices up to you. You heard the distant sound of engines and a few birds were still chirping and in the distant you could see the lights of the billboards and neon signs of the city below.

You felt at peace, centered. Like everything was alright and all the pieces just fell right into place. It had not always been like that. You still remembered quite vividly how your life was a few years ago. How lonely you had been and how pointless everything seemed.

Morpheus turned towards you and noticed the distant look on your face. His fingers were taken out of your lap and he grabbed your chin gently turning his head so you were looking into his eyes. "What is it?", his voice was gentle, but laced with concern.

You smiled softly and took his hand again. "I was just thinking about something". It was vague, but he waited silently until you spoke again. "About how lonely I was before I met you. I used to sit on this fire escape every damn night and looked at the stars and felt so lost. I was just barely hanging on and I don't know. It was just really bad".

His eyes never left yours and he had pulled you closer at your words. He wanted to say something, but your expression told him not to. You were not finished yet. "But then one night I was out here. And I looked at the sky and I saw this really bright star. Could have been a comet or a wishing star, I don't know. But it looked like a magic beam. And I made a wish.

Morpheus spoke now, for the first time in the last hour. He sounded gentle, but his eyes were sad. "What did you wish for?", he wanted to know. "I asked for someone to bring me my dream. For my lonely nights to be over. For someone who thought I was pretty, and smart and wonderful. For someone I could call my own, someone who I could call my own".

A single tear rolled down your cheek and his gentle fingers whipped it away. He looked a bit amazed, his eyes were slightly widened. He let out a low chuckle. "What is it?", you repeated his words from earlier.

"This sounds unbelievable, but I promise to you, I did almost the exact thing". One look at him told you he was not lying. "I was in the Dreaming one night. Looking at the stars and wishing for someone to share it with". He swallowed heavily. "I know I do not like to admit it, but I was alone. I needed someone to steady me, to make me better".

He smiled when his gaze found your face. His finger traced your lips and he looked at you like you were the most precious thing in the world. "And then the next day I found you. You were the cutest person I have ever laid eyes on. And for the record I think you are smart, pretty and wonderful. And so much more".

Morpheus lips found yours and he kissed you, gently and full of love. His hands found your hair and gently played with a strand. After he pulled away he pulled you into his chest. "Well", you said, "it seems like the sandman really did bring me a dream".

AN: inspired by the song from SYML

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