Is that blood?

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It was just an ordinary Thursday. You were walking though the Dreaming, talking to some of Dream's subjects and making social calls. Every Thursday afternoon you would visit Cain, Abel and Goldie in their houses to have some tea and cake and to play some cards or simply gossip about the recent ongoings in the Dreaming.

You always enjoyed your little visits there. You loved Morpheus, of course you did, and Lucienne was a close friend, but every once in a while you needed to get away to do your own thing and see something outside of the library or your quarters.

So you loved Thursdays. Mostly because of Goldie, who was simply the cutest most adorable creature you had ever seen. But you also enjoyed Abel's presence and his grumpy, violent brother Cain also had his moments.

Plus, you had a rule. No murdering on Thursdays. Or at least not when you were around. Most of the time that worked out fine and Cain killed his brother after you were already gone, or at least outside of the house. Not today though.

You sighed exhausted as you made your way back to the castle, thinking about what had just happened. They got into an argument, a stupid one in your opinion, because Cain accused Abel of cheating, because he won most of the games.

You had tried to break up the fight and to change the topic, which made Cain even madder and before you could blink again the fork, that you had used mere seconds ago to eat some cake, was now sticking out of Abel's neck.

Goldie had shrieked softly and hid behind your back, seeking comfort in you. Some blood had splattered on your dress in the process, which made you really upset. It was not just any dress, it was your favorite. Morpheus gifted it to you a few month ago on a beautiful date night you were still thinking about regularly.

You knew it was silly and he could make the blood stain disappear in seconds, but still, it was ruined for the moment and Cain broke your rules. You were not very keen on seeing Abel bleed out in front of you, head leaning on the dining table, coloring the cloth red with his blood.

Soon after you had left, after saying goodbye to Goldie of course. Cain did apologize to you, which was unusual for him, so your mood was lifted a bit. Some dreams and nightmares gave you strange looks as you walked by, but no one approached you. You must have gotten more blood on you than you had thought.

You entered Dream's castle and made your way over to the library. A panicked voice shouting your name made you stop. Dream was a few feet away from you on the first steps leading up to his throne. He must have sat there and read, because there where books on the floor, but seeing the blood on your gown made him leap up, causing the book to fall from his lap. He did not seem to care.

Instead he made his way over to you, moving too fast for your human eye to see, a worried expression on his face. He cupped your face, hands gentle and cold, and his eyes scanned your body worriedly. "My love, what happened? Is that blood? Are you injured?".

He was full on panicking, looking you up and done for injuries, gently tracing his hand up and down your arms and rips. You were only human after all and even though Death had made you immortal a long time ago, you could still get injured. And Dream was always worried about that happening to you.

Gently you take his hands in yours and stop him from inspecting you further. He looks at you, questioning, but you can still see the worry in his starry eyes. "I am fine, darling", you comfort him. "Nothing happened to me. It's Thursday. I always visit Cain and Abel, remember. And Cain just murdered Abel. But nothing happened to me. If you want to worry, worry about Abel".

His expression did not change immediately. He needed a few seconds to process your words before his face relaxed and his body was not as tense as before. "Are you sure?", he still made sure. You just nodded and he pulled you in a tight hug.

You buried your face into the crook of his neck and felt the material of his black coat against your cheek. You inhaled his scent, which reminded you of a cozy evening cuddled up under blankets, watching the stars. You loved the comfort he gave you and knew that he needed it too. And you were more than happy to grant it to him. Always. Every day.

Since his imprisonment he was always worried about you. He was afraid of loosing you, of something happening to you. That the two of you would be separated again. Even though he did not say it to you, ever, you knew he could not endure that again. And neither could you.

"I am alright, love. I am right here", you whispered softly, when he pulled you even closer. He gently stroked your hair and kissed your head. "I know, my little dream". He was silent for a heartbeat. "But can I hold you a little longer?". You did not answer, just pulled him a little tighter. 

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