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Since you could remember you always loved braiding your hair. Now matter how long or short it was or which color you had died it, you always loved how it looked in braids. Sometimes you just had one braid, sometimes two or many small ones.

That obviously didn't got unnoticed by your partner Morpheus, the king of dreams. He thought your braided hair was really cute and it made your hair special. It was like a signature, something you always did and something he got so used to. Because even though it was always some sort of braid, you always switched it up and had a different kind of braid or a different style and he found himself exited for what hairstyle you chose this night all the time.

Today was no different. It was already evening, when he saw you for the first time that day. He got up while you were still sleeping because he had lots of work to do, which occupied him the entire day. So when he walked into your shared bedroom and found you sitting on the edge of the bed with a book on your lap, he couldn't help but smile as the exhaustion of the day fell off him.

To his surprise your hair wasn't braided when he walked in. You probably opened the braids to get ready for bed, but got distracted by your book. He sat down besides you and greeted you with a kiss on your cheek. You looked up from your book and gave him your brightest smile and his heart melted.

"How was your day, my love?", he asked quietly and you told him about your lunch with Cain and Abel and your walk with Matthew. He was attentive towards you. Always had been, so he softly nodded along and laughed at a funny part of your story.

A few minutes later you had gone back to reading and Morpheus hand started to rub your back softly. You leaned in his touch, while you still were still reading. Morpheus placed a kiss on the top of your head and moved around slightly, so he was sitting behind you.

His fingers started to gently comb your hair and he untangled the knots he found carefully. You hummed, happy about his gentle touch and how his nails gently scraped against your scalp. You were surprised when Morpheus stopped combing your hair and instead started to divide your hair into three big strands, before he tried to braid them.

Morpheus saw you doing it many times and he quickly picked up how to do it. So he didn't struggle much, as he tried to braid your hair. Sure, it was a little messy and uneven, but he did really well. When he was finished your book has long been forgotten and was laying beside you on the cover. You had just focused on his gentle touch and how nice it felt when he did your hair.

When he was finished he gently turned your face towards him and kissed you softly. "How do I look?", you asked with a sweet smile in between kisses. He looked at you ones more, carefully taking you in like you were the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. "Gorgeous, my love. But it's not because of the hair, you always look so pretty". You giggled and blushed at his words and he was rewarded by another kiss.

An idea popped into your head. "Can I try braiding your hair?". You weren't sure what answer you expected. He was very protective of his hair and nobody besides you was allowed to touch it. Even though it didn't looked like it, he spend a long time doing his hair every morning. So when he answered "yes" without hesitation, you were a little surprised, but mostly exited.

The two of you switched places and you gently combed though hid hair for a few minutes and petted his head. His eyes closed almost immediately and a small, carefree smile spread on his lips as he leaned into you touch. Sometimes he let out a content sigh, almost like a purring cat.

You started making small braids in his hair and because it wasn't very long at the moment they were really short and were sticking out to all sides. It looked a bit silly, but mostly adorable. When you were finished Morpheus almost looked sad and disappointed. But when you handed him a mirror he let out a hearty laugh. He smiled a lot around you, sometimes chuckled, but until now you had never heard him laughing like this.

A smile spread out on your face as you playfully tucked on one of his braids. "I look a bit silly", he chuckled and you fake pouted. "So you don't like it?". He pulled you on his lap and cupped your face. "I love it", he whispered before pulling you in a soft kiss. From this day on you both regularly did each other's hair, much to Matthew's and Lucienne's amusement and delight. 

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