Getting off on the wrong foot

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It was the middle of the night and your phone rang. At first you just decided to ignore it and pretend you didn't wake up later. A quick glance at your alarm clock showed you that it was only four in the morning and you came back home really late yesterday, well technically it was today. But when you read who the caller was, you knew you had to answer. It was Johanna Constantine. She was what you would probably call a friend, even though you did not see her often. So a call from here was a rare occurrence. So something must have happened.

You cleared your throat before you picked up and forced your voice to sound higher and clearer than it actually was. "Jo, is everything alright?". You could hear a sigh at the other end of the line. "I'm sorry for calling so late. You must be so tired". You were, but you wouldn't admit that now. She sounded drained and tired, unlike her usual self. And she called you, she rarely did. And not at four in the morning. So you brushed you own feelings aside.

"Nonsense. Talk to me. I always have time for you. What happened?". Your voice was cheerful and encouraging. She sighed again. "I had a fucked up night. Still can't believe it. Jesus fuck, it was utterly crazy". That caught your attention and you sat up in bed and turned on you tiny lamp on your bedside table. Jo always swore, but it was usually a sign of something bad when she did it that much. You felt it was going to be a long night and the light kept you awake.

"I just met a fucking Endless". "A what?". "One of the Endless. Morpheus, Lord of the Dreams to be more precise. He needed my help with getting one of his tools back". You were silent for a few slow heartbeats. That was a lot to take in. You knew something about magic and beings that were not mundane from Jo, but your knowledge and interest was limited. "Jesus. Is he some kind of god?", you wanted to know.

Jo laughed, it sounded pressed. "Not really. As the name says, he is endless. Gods aren't. They only exist if you believe in them", she tried to explain and you nodded, even though she could not see you. Jo went on and talked about how he talked to her in front if the church and tried to command her to help him. And how he later found her through her dreams and that he needed her help to get his sand from Rachel. She also told you about his imprisonment. "Jesus", you breathed out. "That's insane. Also seeing Rachel must have been tough. I'm really sorry. How did it go?".

Jo was quiet for too long. So it was that bad. "Jo?", you asked gentle. She cleared her throat and swallowed hard, like she tried not to cry. That was really concerning. "She is dead". You had to hold yourself back from asking if she meant Rachel. She obviously did, but it was the first question that wanted to slip out of you. You took a deep breath. "Oh god. I am so sorry, Jo. Do you want me to come over?".

It would be a hassle. Jo lived on the other side of town and you didn't own a car. But you would make it work somehow. "It's alright. I think I just want to sleep. I spend the last hours on the phone with her dad. I had to make up a story about how she died".

Right. You didn't even know exactly how she died. Just that it had something to do with some fucking sand and an endless being. When she mentioned sleeping you thought about him again. Couldn't he help her with that? "Alright, Jo. If you have another nightmare you can call me again". You could here a small smile when she answered. "Thank you, love. I held you up long enough. Besides. Morpheus told me he got rid of that nightmare. Goodnight".

She hung up and left you confused. You knew which nightmare she meant of course. And he helped her with it. Something that you had tried countless times and never really succeeded. You knew deep down that that was kind and probably his way of paying her back for her help. But another, irrational and emotional part of you really did not like him, even though you had never met. He pulled her into this and it made her unhappy. Seeing Rachel die must have been really traumatic. But at least she got to say goodbye.

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