You should apologize

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It was just another ordinary day in the dreaming. You were wandering though the Dreaming, talking to yours and Dream's subjects. After all that was your job as his queen. Morpheus had returned not too long ago, but already successfully reclaimed his tools and had started to repair the Dreaming, that had decayed in his absence.

But now that he was back and his subjects returned, you had a job again and responsibilities. You did not minded it though. It was boring when your husband was gone and it broke your heart to see the dreaming slowly dying. Sure you had Cain and Abel, but that just was not enough. So having duties again was quite nice and a welcome change.

You were on your way back from a visit to Cain and Abel to meet Goldie and a smile was plastered across your face because the little creature was just adorable and already had a special place in your heart. Though seeing Cain murdering Abel for the millionth time was something you could have lived without. They promised not to do that when you were around and you got some blood on your new gown, which Morpheus gifted to you just yesterday.

He had changed over his century of imprisonment in Burgesses basement. You did not know what has happened to him exactly, he did not like to speak about it, but something made him different. He was not cruel or mean to you before and he never hurt you, but he was distant and showing love or affection to you was something he rarely did.

But now that he was back he tried harder. He hugged you more often, his hands brushed your back every time he walked past you, he took you on a date in the Dreaming and has started to call you "love" or "my little dream", which made your heart flutter and your cheeks heat up. You could not quite describe it, but a huge weight has been lifted of your shoulders and your life seemed to be so much better.

You had reached his palace and made your way over to the library. In Dream's absence you and Lucienne grew even closer and she became your best friend. The library was your favorite spot and at least once a day you would go there to have a little chat with Lucienne and Matthew, who you simply adored, and to help her work.

When you entered the library Lucienne was nowhere to be seen and neither was your husband, who you assumed was here as well. Then you heard a harsh voice somewhere in the back, Dream unmistakably, and walked closer. Before you could reach them, Dream appeared in front of you, a stern and harsh look on his face, and walked past you without saying a word.

You rolled your eyes in annoyment, but could not help to feel a little sting in your heart. There he was again. The person he used to be, before he was captured. You rounded the corner and found Lucienne behind a bookshelf. An outsider would not have noticed, but you could tell she was upset.

"What did he do?", you asked. Lucienne forced a smile on her face and started to sort books into the shelves. "He just reminded me that now he was back, I am no longer in charge and that I can just return to the library". You let out an annoyed grunt. That sounded like Dream. Instead of thanking Lucienne for her help, he dismissed it, and got upset because she had handled things differently.

"I'm sorry. He does appreciate you. But you know how he is sometimes. I will talk to him", you offered and Lucienne gave you soft smile.

You left the library and searched for your husband, finding him in the throne room. He was reading a book, still looking upset. "Dream?", you made your presence known and he looked up. "What is it, my love?", he did not smile at you, but he looked less upset. His face changed rather quickly though, when you started talking.

"How dare you treat Lucienne that way? After all she did while you were gone. After all we did". He got up and looked at you like a kitten that was just caught jumping on the counter. "Darling...", he started, but you cut him off.

"I am talking now. Lucienne is the reason, why the Dreaming did not decay completely and she took care of everything. Without her all of this would have been impossible. She has been nothing but a great friend and help for us and you cannot even say thank you to her". With every spoken word your voice got louder and Dream's form seemed to get smaller. He looked like a wet cat.

After he was sure you would not burst out again, he made his way over to you, slowly testing the waters. You did not pull away, when he grabbed your hand and pulled you in a soft hug. "Who would have though my wife could be so feisty", he sounded amused and you playfully hit his shoulder.

For a while he did not speak. "You are right", he mumbled softly and you were almost certain you had imagined it. He has never said those words to you or anyone ever. "I was wrong. She did do a good job. And so did you".

He gently placed a kiss on the top of your head and pulled you closer. "You should go apologize", you demanded softly and he nodded. "I will talk to her". He let go of you and started walking away, but turned around before he reached the door.

"I apologize for just walking past you in thelibrary. It will not happen again, my love", with those words he left. Youlooked after him an amazed and surprised look on your face. He really hadchanged and he was trying.

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